Questions about Intermediate/Middle?
Grade 4 to 8
Jiwan (Jay) Malcolm
Welcome to the Intermediate/Middle Years!
There is a ton of information on curriculum support, resources and more!
To begin, be sure to refer to the B.C. Curriculum which can be found on the Ministry of Education Curriculum website
You can also access additional teaching resources including videos and previously recorded webinars through our District On-Demand Library available through ThinkLangley.com
Questions about ADST in the Intermediate/Middle Years?
ADST/Digital Literacy K-12
Sandra Averill
saverill@sd35.bc.caResources to support ADST and its components can be found at: https://k12adst.weebly.com
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project
New Entrepreneurship and Innovation ProjectOur District’s new Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project that leads to student participation in our annual IDEA Summit has launched and the Teacher Guide and Student Booklet should have been shared with teachers through your school admin. Below you will find a link to a folder that contains PDF versions of the Teacher Guide and Student Booklet as well as some other teacher resources that go with the project including a couple videos and a power point for the Logo and Slogan Business Plan activity. We are in the process of having hard copies printed in the SBO Print Shop and every Grade 4 to 7 teacher in the District will be soon receiving a copy of the teacher guide as well as one copy of the student booklet. Student booklets for classes can either be printed at the school level, or schools can order student booklets for their classes directly through the SBO Print Shop. Costs for these student booklets will be covered by Instructional Services. Please reach out to Jennifer Fernandes directly at jfernandes@sd35.bc.ca if you have any questions about the EI Project or need any support with the program.Careers
Health & Wellbeing
For Students
Health and Well-being for students is explicitly taught in the PHE curriculum and embedded in all other subject areas through the personal and social core competencies.
The BC Physical and Health Education curriculum contributes to students’ development as educated citizens through the achievement of the following goals.
Students are expected to:
- Develop an understanding of the many aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, and social
- Develop the movement knowledge, skills, and understandings needed for lifelong participation in a range of physical activities
- Develop knowledge, skills, and strategies for building respectful relationships, positive self-identity, self-determination, and mental well-being
- Demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to make informed decisions that support personal and community health and safety
Classroom teachers in Langley have access the PHE One Note Binder which has a curriculum overview, resources, lesson plans and suggested speakers and special guests for the PHE curriculum. You can access the binder at the link below:
Indigenous Education
Ministry Resources
Core French Curriculum: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/languages/6/core-french
ShareEd BC: There are many complete units, resources, and lessons on the site. Search by subject and grade level. https://www.shareedbc.ca
Professional Associations
Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers (CASLT): There are many articles, useful tools, and resources for language teachers. https://www.caslt.org/en/
British Columbia Association of Teachers of Modern Languages (BCATML): There are many resources for language teachers, including Pro-D opportunities. https://www.bcatml.org
BCTF Teach BC: There are many complete units, resources, and lessons on the site. Search by subject and grade level. https://www.bctf.ca/classroom-resources
Aboriginal Content
First Peoples’ Principles of Learning in French poster https://www.bcatml.org/news/first-peoples-principles-of-learning-en-francais
SFU BAFF: SFU provides Core French workshops to teachers with varying levels of French presented throughout the year as well as an excellent summer program. https://www.sfu.ca/baff-offa/fr/programmes/personnel-enseignant/developpement_professionnel.html
Music (Please remember to preview songs and videos)
Manie Musicale: A wonderful tool to expose students to Francophone music from around the world. This competition takes place in February and March, with students around the world crowning the winner. https://www.maniemusicale.info
Musique Mercredi: A collaborative Facebook group to share and request songs around different themes.
Contact Alex Spence to join the Core French Teams page for current information on fieldtrips, workshops, and resources.
Balanced Literacy Guide
The Langley School District has developed a Balanced Literacy Guide which outlines all of the key, foundational aspects of a rich, comprehensive literacy program for all students from grades K to 8. You can access the Balanced Literacy Guide through the link below:
Middle School Read Aloud
As part of our Middle School Literacy program, a group of teachers from all of our middle schools have developed two comprehensive Middle School Read Aloud opportunities that are used by all Middle School teachers in our District. You can access each of these two rich learning opportunities through the links below:
Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus
The website focuses on Number and Number Operations and outlines key concepts for each grade. Within each key concept, there are learning stories, foundations, progressions, a sample week at a glance, as well as assessment and resource suggestions. The website also includes math games, Indigenous connections, assessment tools, instructional routines and children’s literature.
Take a look!
Balanced Numeracy Guide
The Langley School District has developed a Balanced Numeracy Guide which outlines all of the key, foundational aspects of a rich, comprehensive numeracy program for all students from grades K to 8. You can access the Balanced Numeracy Guide through the link below: