We have explored and vetted several districts’ reading progressions and their interventions plan. We are currently working on finalizing a scope and sequence for reading skills that have growth indicators for students K-5.
This is based on the Ministry curriculum, our current research, and the Reaching and Teaching Every Reader Resource. We are also compiling a list of both assessments and resources to support the scope and sequence.
The goal is to create a one stop website with clickable links that allow teachers to access the assessments and resources associated with each skill easily. Our hope is to provide elaborations with examples for teachers. Long term, we would like to create a plan for professional learning that will help teachers with the instruction and assessment of reading skills.

(Click graphic to expand)
Reading is a complex process that involves the acquisition of many intertwined skills. Learning these skills is not accidental and requires direct instruction, guided and independent practice, and feedback on development. Our intention is to support both the teaching and implementation of a comprehensive literacy program with resources and professional learning. While we have identified skills to be taught, they are not meant to be done in isolation. This scope and sequence, with literacy growth markers has been based on Reaching and Teaching Every Reader.
- The Scope and Sequence is ONE part of a rich classroom literacy
- ALL students should continue to have access to and read, (and be read) quality books EVERY DAY – daily reading of texts supports rich vocabulary learning, passion for literature and fluency and comprehension.
- Reading, Writing and Oral Language are all intertwined and pieces of literacy How are you creating rich literacy environments in your classroom.
- Students continue to need voice and choice in their reading materials (what are they reading with and engaging with both in and out of small group instruction). Classroom libraries and student book bins should reflect this – What makes kids love reading 🙂
- Like all teaching, we meet students where they are at and make the next step in their learning based on where they are (not all students will access learning in the same way) We should be mindful of not relying solely on “programs” for our literacy instruction.
- F&P is the measure we are using for end of year data (and can be used throughout the year in addition to other assessments) – it provides a measure of fluency and comprehension alongside decoding – assessing reading involves hearing students read from texts (the whole package).
Opportunities in a Print and Literacy Rich Environment Vocabulary,
Content Knowledge, Read Louds, Stories, Conversations, Shared Reading