In the Loop – June 1, 2023

June 1, 2023



National Indigenous History Month | Indigenous History is Canada’s History
June is National Indigenous History Month. It is a time for all Canadians to reflect on the history of this nation, and the first peoples who helped to shape it. This is an important month for Canadians to honour and celebrate the heritage and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Curio continues to be a fabulous resource for educators to find videos and resources to support this learning in classrooms and is free to access for all educators in our district. Check out two of their latest video resources below:
Treaties with Indigenous peoples in Canada, explained | Elementary Ages 8-11 | Log in to Curio to view
The practice of making treaties between Indigenous peoples stretches back before European settlers even arrived in North America. CBC Kids News explains.

How to Talk About Indigenous People | Elementary Ages 8-11 and Secondary | Log in to Curio to view
Ever wonder how to use the proper terms when referring to Indigenous peoples? Inuk journalist Ossie Michelin leads us through this friendly how-to guide.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series: Liselle Sambury – Blood Like Magic | On-Demand Learning Feature
How do we access the best parts of ourselves? How do we access the best parts of others? In this fourth and final session with the incomparable Jody, we are taken on a journey where we are challenged to be introspective. When we access the best parts of ourselves, we can give our best to ourselves, and those around us. We can bring out the best in others.


YMHC School Phobia Certificate Training Course | Jun 21-Jul 26, 2023 | More info
Youth Mental Health Canada (YMHC) proudly presents the School Phobia Training Course, a thorough 12-hour program specifically designed to equip educators and mental health professionals with the essential knowledge and skills required to support students struggling with school phobia, avoidance, and absence. School phobia is a mental health disability that affects numerous young individuals in schools across Canada. This course emphasizes the vital need to establish mental wellness protective factors, tailor educational models to suit individual needs, and implement proactive and preventative measures to assist young people with school phobia disabilities.

BC Summer Institute 2023 | Partnership for Inclusive Learning | Register
Please join us at the highly anticipated BC Summer Institute 2023 from August 21st to 23rd, 2023. Partnerships for Inclusive Learning is a summer hybrid conference to provide a robust learning environment.  Come together to hear and learn from our faculty, who have extensive experience in Inclusive Learning, and who champion diverse and innovative approaches to facilitating inclusive school environments.

English First Peoples 10-12 Virtual Session | Aug 25, 2023 | Register
English First Peoples (EFP) Grades 10-12 courses offer BC students of all backgrounds the opportunity to explore, and learn from, dynamic written, visual, oral, and digital First Peoples literature. The FNESC/FNSA EFP 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide supports educators to bring quality, authentic First Peoples resources into BC EFP 10-12 classrooms.
In this full-day VIRTUAL workshop, participants explore the FNESC/FNSA EFP 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide through a combination of large group presentation and small group activities in interactive break-out rooms to collaboratively explore units, discuss implementation of lessons, and network with other educators. English First Peoples 10-12 courses are also one of the options for the Indigenous-focused course graduation requirement in BC.

Learning First Peoples Summer Institute |Aug 28-30, 2023 | Richmond
The Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel | More info
The Learning First Peoples Summer Institute, coordinated by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association, is designed to support educators to bring quality, authentic First Peoples teaching and learning into BC classrooms. The sessions will introduce resources that focus on themes, issues, and topics of importance to First Peoples learning and informed by the First Peoples Principles of Learning. These sessions will also support implementation of the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement, which is coming into effect September 2023.
At each session, participants will receive a printed copy of the teacher resource guide, collaboratively explore its units, discuss implementation of the lessons/activities, and participate in collegial discussions with other educators. Sessions can be selected individually. Event flyer is attached for sharing.

Walking Together – Two-Eyed Seeing | Register
Join this free webinar hosted by our friends at the Outdoor Learning Store. You’ll hear from Elder Albert D. Marshall, from the Moose Clan of the Mi’kmaw nation, Eskasoni First Nation in Unama’ki-Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, along with professor and researcher Louise Zimanyi, who co-wrote the picture book “Walking Together.” This powerful story introduces the concept of Two-Eyed Seeing, honoring the strengths of both Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge and ways of knowing for the benefit of all.


DigiCamp: Summer 2023 | Online Coding Camps for Girls | Ages 8-13 | More info
Have a daughter, niece or sister who is curious about coding? As part of DigiBC’s ongoing commitment to education for youth, we have partnered with UTG Academy and IUGO Mobile Entertainment again to create an online video game development focused coding camp for girls that will be held over the summer. This incredible opportunity is open to 8-13 year olds and is suitable for a wide range of novice and beginner coders (no previous experience is necessary). Additionally, a unique and new curriculum is implemented each summer to build a camp experience that accommodates the skills and creative goals for every participant’s project ideas. Offered various dates for one week sessions: Jul 10-14, Jul 24-28, Aug 14-18, Aug 28-Sep 1.

DigiBC: Summer 2023 | Bootcamp for High School Students | Ages 15-18 | More info 
Are you looking for a unique and creative technology-focused summer camp for your teenager? The Centre for Digital Media’s Summer Bootcamps are two-week intensive camps designed for high school students (15-18 years old) with artistic or technical interests who want to explore educational and career opportunities in video game design or immersive technologies. Jul 31-Aug 11 with three options 1. Game Design Bootcamp 2. 3D Asset Creation Bootcamp 3. Extended Reality (XR) Bootcamp.

VARC School Presentation: Amazing Adaptations | Grade K – 4 | Register
In this interactive session with the Vancouver Avian Research Centre Society students will unravel the mysteries behind the incredible adaptations that birds possess. Students will discover the wondrous secrets of their beaks and feet, and delve into the fascinating stories they reveal about these marvellous creatures’ habitats and feeding habits. Length: 1 hour ($50) over Zoom.

Music for Critters | More info
The non-profit Open Strum is doing a project with schools across Canada to help animals and the environment. Three schools will win $500 for musical instruments from Long & McQuade. Schools can participate at any time from September 2023 until April 30, 2024.
Students participate by bringing donations to help animal rescues, animal shelters, animal sanctuaries or environmental non-profits. Students choose which non-profit they want to support. Any teacher, from kindergarten to grade 12, can start this project with their class. It can be one class or several classes that participate. The school will then be entered to win one of the $500 prizes.
There is no cost to participate. Please contact Michel at to get a participation form. Deadline is May 3, 2024.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891