October 12, 2023
- Clickable PDF to Key Resources in Langley
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email dzurbuchenjonker@sd35.bc.ca
- District Learning Commons is a lending library of classroom and teaching resources available to all school staff in the Langley School District. All of our items are available to view and book online through the Insignia Library system. Find instructions, an area to check out new resources, request new resources and report lost or damages kits here: https://sway.office.com/qbfcZW739otNIwLe?ref=Link
We deliver and pick up all the items you request through district mail twice per week (check with your admin assistant to see which days your deliveries are on).
Centering Indigenous Pedagogies in Mathematics Education | Register
Join this webinar series where educators will explore Indigenous pedagogies as they relate to the study of math and math assessment. Gain transformative insights and strengthen your commitment to inclusive, culturally responsive mathematics education. Sessions will focus on teacher sharing ideas for various Indigenous pedagogies such as Indigenous Storywork, culturally responsive education & assessment, and learning with/from place & land.
NEW! Connecting the Pieces: The Early Years Conference | Oct 20 | Register
Connecting the Pieces: The Early Years Conference is our annual conference dedicated to professional development for kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2 teachers and early childhood educators.
Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners.
Ukeru Certification | Oct 20 I Register
This training discusses trauma and how trauma impacts the brain and its development. Participants will learn about trauma-informed approaches in working with all students. Part of the training also includes Physical Protection Skills. Participants will receive Ukeru Certification.
FASD: Seeing, Understanding, and Supporting Students Differently | Oct 20 I Register
POPFASD, in collaboration with renowned motivational speaker, Myles Himmelreich, provide a foundational understanding of FASD and share insights into how educators can best support our students’ complex and unique needs. (online portion 9-11:30). In this part online, part in-person presentation, you will learn about the symptoms of FASD and how students experience these symptoms. We will provide a deeper understanding of FASD-informed strategies.
During the second part of our day, we will facilitate conversations about district-specific approaches to FASD. Come ready to ask questions, walk and talk with colleagues, share stories, and leave with some useful resources.
Educational Assistants are invited to attend this presentation and use some time in the afternoon for collaboration.
Conversations around Artificial Intelligence | Ignite and EdCamp | October 20, 2023 | More info
Interested in learning more and in engaging in conservations about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the practical applications it has for education? Join other educators at Handsworth Secondary on Friday October 20 for an Ignite/EDCamp style event.
PD Workshops – Art/Culinary/Media & Design | Oct 20, 2023 | Register
Educators are invited to LaSalle College Vancouver on October 20, 2023, for customized workshops in the areas of Art, Media, Design and Culinary Arts. At LCV, we understand the critical role that educators and counsellors play in shaping the future of our students. They have curated a series of workshops designed for Educators to share what is currently being taught at the post-secondary level based on industry needs and trends. Some examples are Stage and Set Design, Story Telling and Gaming, and Chocolate Making.
All workshops are complimentary and offered on Friday from 9-1pm at the Renfrew campus. Some workshops have limited seats so you are encouraged to RSVP before October 16.
Provincial Outreach Program for Early Years Workshops | Oct 20, 2023 | Registration closes Oct 16, 2023 | More info
- Session 1: 9am to 11am (PST)
A Comprehensive Framework for High Impact Reading & Writing Instruction| Register
Join POPEY for an engaging two-hour online workshop, as we simulate a dynamic and interactive primary literacy block that includes interconnected language, reading, and writing experiences and Mini-lessons within a workshop format that provides scaffolded supports for small group work and independent practice. - Session 2: 12:30pm to 2:30pm (PST)
We Are All Writers! Building K-3 Students’ Identity as Growing Writers | Register
Join POPEY for an interactive two-hour online workshop, as we explore evidence-based instructional practices, strategies, and routines to support young writers in building their writing identity, confidence, and skillset and developing writing for authentic purposes and audiences within classroom communities of storytellers
Aboriginal Education Association Provincial Specialist Association | October 20, 2023 | More info
Join the AEA PSA at Langley Fine Arts School for their annual conference – Truth in Action, featuring Keynotes Reuben George and Jesse Wente. This is a great Pro-D opportunity for our Special Education Assistants.
Education Assistants of BC Society 2023 Online Conference | Oct 20, 2023 | Register
The Education Assistants of BC Society is offering an incredible conference on October 20, 2023 as part of the Provincial Pro-D. This event is being hosted online with the support of the New Westminster and Abbotsford School Districts. Join Len Pierre as the conference keynote as he speaks about Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility. Sarah Lynes, the Inclusive Education Facilitator from SD40, will speak on Supporting Social Skill Development and Personal Awareness. Emily Larkman, a Speech-Language Pathologist will present on Supporting Students in the Development of Foundational Literacy Skills.
BC Association of Math Teachers (BCAMT) Fall Conference | Friday October 20, 2023
The BC Association of Math Teachers (BCAMT) is holding their annual Fall Conference at Guilford Park Secondary in Surrey on the Provincial Pro-D Day – Friday October 20. Please see the flyer at the link below for more details: BCAMT Fall Conference Poster 2023 earlybird.pdf
Provincial Intermediate and Middle Years Teachers Association myPITA Fall Conference 2023 | Friday October 20, 2023
This year’s Provincial Intermediate and Middle Years Teachers Association my PITA Fall Conference featuring Dr. Jody Carrington will be held at North Delta Secondary on the Provincial Pro-D Day – Friday October 20. Please see flyer for more details or go to their website below to register: https://www.mypitaconference.ca/
Physical and Health Education (PHE) PSA Conference | Friday October 20, 2023 | More info
The October 20 Provincial Pro-D Day is a provincial pro-d day where individual Provincial Specialist Associations host their own, provincial conferences and events. The provincial PHE Association has organized a fantastic conference for October 20th in New Westminster. There are several workshops to choose from! Follow the link above for more info.
Crosscurrents Conference – Provincial Pro-D Day – Friday October 20, 2023 | More info
The October 20 Provincial Pro-D Day is a provincial pro-d day where individual Provincial Specialist Associations host their own, provincial conferences and events. The Teachers of Inclusive Education will be hosting their annual Crosscurrents Conference on that day. If you are interested and would like to learn more, please see the link above under more info.
2023 Leadership Superconference | Friday October 20, 2023 | More info | Register
This conference is being held at the Langley Events Centre and is featuring guest speaker J.P. Nerbun who is a world-renowned leadership coach and sports consultant. Carleton University Women’s Basketball Head Coach Dani Sinclair will also be part of this incredible conference. Check out all the details at the link above.
Tom Schimmer – Reaffirming, Rethinking and Reworking Student Assessment | Friday October 20, 2023 | More info
Please join assessment expert, Tom Schimmer, on Friday October 20, for a full day, Professional Development workshop that focusses on the practices and processes which will modernize grading and reporting systems to be more aligned with our current standards-based instructional paradigm. This pro-d opportunity will take place at the Chandos Pattison Auditorium on the Pacific Academy Campus.
NEW! Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1 Course Info – with Valley First Aid | Oct 20 I Register
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.
NEW! Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1 Course Info with St. John Ambulance | Oct 20 | Register
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.
Museums as Places of Learning | Museum of Vancouver | More info
This session will highlight how museums are places of learning and a community resource for the classroom! During the day attendees will explore the MOV’s curriculum-based school programs, access the entire educational offering through hands-on workshops that will support lesson plans around different topics and take guided tours of the MOV’s current exhibitions and collection!
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit www.thinklangley.com
Supporting Students Through Challenging Behaviour | On-Demand Learning Feature
By reframing the behaviour and finding ways to meet students needs while supporting them with their lagging skills, we can build in the strategies to work through challenging behaviours.
NEW! Reggio Inspired Mathematics – Patterns of Practice | Oct.25 I Register
Come meet with other educators to discuss how the Reggio Emilia approach is a perfect fit for teaching numeracy and how it is represented in the BC Early Learning Framework. This session will include information from the BC Reggio Emilia Inspired Group of educators, examine ties to the BC Early Learning Framework, provide practical examples of materials and activities, as well as give you the opportunity to visit classrooms. GIVE AWAYS: Practical Samples and Examples of Materials.
ATTENTION DATE CHANGE/ADDED! myBlueprint: Making the Transition from All About Me to Spaces EDU | Oct 12 & Nov 9 | Register
With All About Me being decommissioned as of September 2023, K to grade 7 teachers are invited to come and learn about how to use the new myBlueprint platform: Spaces EDU. Participants will learn how to create individual spaces, document student learning, label artifacts with curriculum tags and how to easily meet the new Ministry reporting order in Core Competency Reflections and Goal Setting. Participants should bring a charged laptop. Both dates will have the same session content. Only sign up for one.
NEW! Secondary Teachers (8-12) Using Spaces as a Tool to Support Students for Core Competency Reflections| Nov 15 I Register
This session is for Secondary 8-12 teachers who want a better understanding about how to support their students to use Spaces for Core Competency Reflection. Participants will be shown a demo student account and will be walked through the steps of how students can upload content and store evidence of learning and thinking.
Engaging All Learners in the Middle Years – Interactive Webinar Series | Register
The Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre at UBC ios inviting all Middle School educators to participate in a four-part, interactive webinar series exploring the engagement of middle years learners in multi-grade classrooms. The four webinars will be recorded. Register once and attend any or all of the sessions or watch the recordings if you are unable to attend live. The series will be led by Dr. Leyton Schnellert and Tammy Renyard and will feature special guests every session – see lineup below:
- Tuesday, October 17 — Brittani Hislop, Lynda Lee, Joanne Calder
- Thursday, Nov 23 — Shelley Moore, Belinda Chi, Bryan Gidinski, Marna Macmillan, Kiran Abraham
- Tuesday, Jan 30 — Angela Stott, Jennifer Eddie, Rebecca Labonville
- Tuesday, Apr 23 — Nikki Lineham, Kendra Jacobs
Centering Indigenous Pedagogies in Math Education Webinar Series | Nov 9, 2023, Jan 23, Feb 27 & Apr 9, 2024 | Register
A 4-part free webinar series with leading scholars and classroom educators to explore Indigenous pedagogies in math education including: Indigenous Storywork, teaching math with/from place and land, and culturally responsive math education and classroom assessment practices.
IT4K12 Conference | Nov 14 & 15, 2023 | Register
This year’s IT4K12 will be held at the Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre. What to Expect at IT4K12 is an Exploration of AI: opportunities and implications for teaching and learning, what’s new in Teams and Paths for Privacy Impact Assessments: new tools and resources. Digital Resource Highlights: NFB Campus and Media School; Live it Earth; French Resources; Book Creator will be covered as well as Building Cybersecurity Awareness. Putting the ‘A’ in ‘STEM’ will be discussed and some Indigenous Storytelling and Resources.
UBC Master of Education in Early Childhood Education | Applications Open | More info
This popular UBC Master of Education in Early Childhood program is being offered again starting September 2024. It is tailored for educators, early childhood professionals, and those interested in exploring issues in early childhood education research, theory, and practice. To learn more about this fully-online, part-time graduate program and the application process, we welcome you to join our upcoming online information session. You’ll have the opportunity to meet the Program Advisor, Senior Program Assistant, and alumni from the program.
UBC Master of Education in Modern Languages: French | More info
This graduate program allows teachers to explore their classroom practices from a research-informed perspective by placing the focus on their specific interests related to French language teaching. The format is online and face-to-face in Montreal and starts in July 2024. The duration is two and a half years, part-time. Upcoming information sessions are:
- October 24, 2023, 3:30 pm PT | Register
- November 29, 2023, 3:30 pm PT | Register
- January 11, 2024, 3:30 pm PT | Register
UBC Master of Education in Teaching English as a Second Language | More info
(TESL) is tailored for K-12 ESL and EFL educators, teachers with multilingual classrooms, program administrators, and those interested in gaining theoretical and practical knowledge in teaching english as a second language. The format is 100% online and starts in September 2024. The duration is two and a half years, part-time. Upcoming information sessions are:
- November 7, 2023, 4 pm | Register
- December 11, 2023, 4 pm | Register
- February 8, 2024, 4 pm | Register
Mini Food grant applications for the 2023/2024 school year are now open | Due date Oct 27, 2023
All BC teachers who plan to teach Food Explorers, Food For Us, Passport to Healthy Living transition lesson plans, or BC at the Table during the 2023/2024 school year are eligible to apply for a Mini Food Grant. Teachers are eligible for up to $125 to provide tasting experiences that align with the teacher guide for your chosen program. Funds for the 2023/2024 school year will be awarded in November.
Apply for the grant by following this link and creating or logging into your online portal account. The grant application can also be found under the “form” tab in our online portal. Be sure to apply by October 27th to receive a grant for your classroom! For any support reach out to the registered Dietitians at nutrition@bcdairy.ca.
National Data Collection Pilot | Bike Walk Roll Week Oct 16-20, 2023 | More info
There is an upcoming initiative called Bike Walk Roll Week (BWRW), taking place October 16-20, 2023. With funding from Infrastructure Canada’s National Active Transportation Fund, Green Communities Canada (GCC) is conducting the first-ever National School Travel Data Collection pilot, being tested in British Columbia and Ontario.
This pilot aims to collect important school travel data by encouraging elementary and middle schools to conduct hands-up surveys using BikeWalkRoll.org, a quick and easy-to-use surveying tool. Participating classrooms will be entered into a prize draw for a number of $50 e-gift cards.
You can get involved by:
- Exploring BikeWalkRoll.org and creating an account (see attached Hands-Up Survey Info Sheet)
- Visiting SchoolTravel.ca for information and promotional materials
Duty Counsel Day in the Classroom is Oct 27, 2023 | Register
On behalf of the 13 national members of the Association of Legal Aid Plans of Canada, you are invited to participate in the celebrations for Canada’s Duty Counsel Day on October 27, 2023. Initiated by Canada’s legal aid associations, this is a day to create awareness of Duty Counsel — legal aid lawyers who give free, on-the-spot legal advice in family, criminal and immigration cases for people living in Canada. Deliver informative, curriculum-based lessons based on the role of duty counsel in the Canadian justice system. The free lesson library is full of ideas that can be downloaded and used for classrooms or virtual classroom. Register now for your free teaching kit.
Veterans Week | Free bilingual materials for ages 5-18 | More info
Resources to help students learn more about Canada’s military history and those who have served in the cause of peace and freedom over the years.
Empowering Students in Challenging Times | Planet Protector Academy | More info
Are you looking to give your students hope and inspiration in the face of the unprecedented challenges we are all facing? Thanks to the Township of Langley, the FREE Planet Protector Academy teaching resource infuses kindness, joy, fun, and comedy to equip students to build the world they want to live in.
- Meet BC standards for grades 3-6 in Science & Tech, Arts Education, Language, Social Studies, and Career Education – bonus: align with Sustainable Development Goals!
- Incorporate Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into classroom learning
- Use it at your own pace and easily fit around your lesson plans!
Learn more/sign up for programs on zero waste, climate action and water conservation
Want to know more? Check out the 2-min video: Zero Heroes, Keep Cool and H2Whoa!
Teaching in French? Inscrivez-vous ici ou visionnez la vidéo de 2 minutes!