In the Loop November 23, 2023

November 23, 2023



National Film Board Webinar Series: Indigenous-focused – digital storytelling | Focused Education Resources | Register
Join our PLT and Ross Johnstone of NFB at these upcoming webinars showcasing NFB films, lessons and instructional supports. All sessions are 3:30pm- 4:30pm PT. Unable to attend any of these sessions? Ask to arrange a webinar for your district (

  • Nov. 30th – Indigenous-created films and teacher resources
  • Dec. 6th – Digital Storytelling Inspires Everyone, Everywhere, All at Once! Introducing Media School from NFB

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

More than Just Speech to Text and AAC: Technology for Digital Equity, Engagement, and Opportunity | On-Demand Learning Feature
Learn how to enhance your use of technology to plan and program for ALL students. This session looks at the technology competencies from BC’s Digital Literacy Framework and introduces two models for designing, implementing, and evaluating learning experiences. It is through creative and mindful integration of technology into our practice that we can support, equip, and inspire today’s and tomorrow’s students.

The Path to Reconciliation: Embedding Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility into Our Schools with Len Pierre | On-Demand Learning Feature
The Path to Reconciliation: Embedding Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility into Our Schools. Join Len Pierre as we embark on this year’s Ensouling Our Schools Series. In this session, Len talks to us about what Colonial Socialization means, and how it has created anti-Indigenous sentiments that go right to the heart of “Canadian Values.” How do we recognize our biases, and how to address the anti-Indigenous learning we were indoctrinated into as Canadians? How do we create school systems and classrooms that are safe places for our Indigenous Learners?

Odyssey 2024 – February 16, 2024 – Call for presenters | Workshop Submission Form
The Langley School District’s Odyssey Conference will be held in-person on Friday February 16, 2024.  The day will open with an Indigenous-focused presentation and keynote at the Langley Events Centre followed by breakout sessions at RE Mountain and Peter Ewart. We are in the process of building the program for the breakout sessions and are seeking Langley staff who would be interested and willing to offer breakout sessions on any topics relevant to both teaching and support staff. While there will be an emphasis on breakout sessions focused on Indigenous learning and pedagogy in keeping with our Odyssey theme, this is not a requirement for breakout sessions as we are also hoping to offer many different learning sessions that meet the need of staff across the district. If you would be interested in submitting a proposal to present at this year’s Odyssey Conference, please use the link above.


July 2024 Institut de français, UBC à Québec  | Now accepting applications | More info
Join this popular three-week immersion program, held in the heart of Quebec City, for all French second language teachers. The Institut 2024 will be offered in two sessions:

  • Institut A: July 8-25, 2024
  • Institut B: July 30-August 16, 2024

Successful applicants will be offered a place in one or both of the institutes based on language competency. BC teachers and BC teacher candidates who speak French as an additional language are eligible for a Canadian Heritage bursary.


Student Leadership Opportunities from the Rotary Club of Central Langley:

  • Honouring Indigenous People (HIP) – BC Youth-to-Youth (Y2Y) Youth to Youth – 2024 National Youth-to-Youth Experience () Event date is March 24-30 at the Zajac Ranch near Mission British Columbia. The Rotary Club of Langley Central is sponsoring student attendees and the coordinator for this is Linda Mross who is a member of the Club who can answer additional questions, cell # 604-328-4305. Looking for one Indigenous and one other person ages 15-17. Deadline says Dec. 1 but will accept up to Dec. 31.
  • Adventures in Leadership (AIL) Club-brochure-2024-EN.pdf ( in Ottawa May 26-29 for ages 16-18. The Rotary Club of Langley Central is looking to send one student and a second if possible. All expenses are fully paid for this amazing experience. Contact Rick Davis,, 604-250-6586 if interested in applying. Deadline is Dec. 31 for applications.
  • Youth Adventures in Leadership (YAIL) About YAIL | Rotary District 5050 ( at Alexandra Neighborhood House in Surrey March 1 – 3, 2024 for ages 15-17. The Rotary Club of Langley Central looking to send at least two students to this great event and is fully paid. Contact Rick Davis,, 604-250-6586 if interested in applying.

French Summer School Opportunity for Students between ages 15-17 | More info
French Version
« Que faire cet été ? ». Telle est la question qui commence à tarauder jeunes et parents. Alors que les parents sont à la recherche d’un cadre sécuritaire et d’expériences enrichissantes pour leurs enfants, les jeunes aspirent à découvrir le monde et explorer de nouveaux centres d’intérêt. En réponse à leurs aspirations, l’École d’été de l’Université de Montréal propose une expérience d’exception sur l’un des campus universitaires les plus enchanteurs en Amérique du Nord.

English Version
“What to do this summer?” That is the question beginning to occupy the minds of teenagers and parents. While parents seek a secure environment and enriching experiences for their children, teenagers yearn to explore the world and discover new interests. In response to their aspirations, the University of Montreal’s Summer School offers an exceptional experience on one of the most enchanting university campuses in North America.


Tips for Bringing Comprehensible Input into the Classroom | More info
Comprehensible Input is important to reach our ELL learners and all learners. See the attached poster on how to incorporate tips into your classrooms.

PHE Canada – School-Based Physical Activity Experiences for Students of All Abilities | More info
The PHE Canada website is an excellent resource for classroom teachers looking to find new and innovative ways to teach PHE and/or to incorporate physical literacy activities in their classroom on a regular basis.  Additionally, PHE Canada also provides excellent resources and supports to help teachers create inclusive, school-based physical activities for students of all abilities.  To learn more and access some of these resources, please check out their website to learn more about how to support your students with physical disabilities.

Mental Health Literacy Resources | More info is an outstanding website available free to all educators to assist with learning more about mental health as well as a place to find a wealth of free and easy to use resources for educators related to the Mental Health Literacy component of the BC Curriculum.  The website contains access to resources from K to 12 including their Mental Health Literacy toolbox page.

Free Resources for teaching human rights, marginalized veterans and Indigenous Peoples | 

  • How can I bring the stories of marginalized veterans into my classroom? Video
  • How can I bring human rights education into my classroom? Video
  • How can I bring Indigenous voices and Indigenous-created resources into my classroom to teach about Indigenous histories, futures, cultures, knowledges, and perspectives? Video
  • How can I contribute to your projects? Video

The AI-Powered School: A Hands-On Guide to Integrating ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in Schools | Purchase
A hands-on guide on how to implement ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence applications in schools. Concrete examples by age level and subject matters, case studies and an extensive list of education specific prompts. Includes recent updates and new AI applications, advanced data analysis, ChatGPT plugins and new features. Available on Kindle and paperback.

Historica Canada | Canada History Week 2023 | More info
Canada History Week 2023 explores stories of the history of Black achievement in Canada.

  • Dr. Clement Ligoure: The first Black doctor in Nova Scotia, and an unsung hero of the Halifax Explosion: Video
  • Violet King: the first Black woman to become a lawyer in Canada, and first Black person to obtain a law degree in Alberta: Video
  • Joe Trouillot: The Patriarch of Haitian music, whose career spanned six decades and over 300 compositions: Video

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891