December 7, 2023
- Clickable PDF to Key Resources in Langley
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email
- District Learning Commons is a lending library of classroom and teaching resources available to all school staff in the Langley School District. All of our items are available to view and book online through the Insignia Library system. Find instructions, an area to check out new resources, request new resources and report lost or damages kits here:
We deliver and pick up all the items you request through district mail twice per week (check with your admin assistant to see which days your deliveries are on)
Odyssey – Final call for workshop submissions | Register
Thanks to all of you who have already submitted workshop proposals for our Odyssey 2024 Conference to be held on Friday February 16, 2024! We are excited about the breadth of topics and workshop sessions that we have received so far and are hoping to expand that even further so please keep the great ideas and submissions coming! This is just a reminder that the deadline to submit a workshop proposal is coming up quickly next Monday December 11! Please use the link at the bottom of this message to access the form to complete a workshop proposal. Just a couple of important notes in the event that you have been considering offering a workshop session for Odyssey:
- There will be two breakout sessions at Odyssey – each one will be 75-minutes long. Presenters can choose to offer a session during both sessions, or just once. Or you can offer two different sessions if you would like!
- Breakout sessions can be on any topic that is relevant to educators in our district – while we will have a number of sessions that will have a specific Indigenous focus, the day is open to a wide variety of topics and subject areas.
- Workshop sessions do not require a formal presentation – it could be as simple as facilitating a collaborative session with a group of colleagues from a specific grade group or subject area which is less daunting and less work then preparing a full workshop presentation. You could choose to offer to facilitate a session and educators from around the district can attend that session and share ideas on best practices or strategies in that area or topic.
The Path to Reconciliation: Embedding Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility into Our Schools with Len Pierre | On-Demand Learning Feature
The Path to Reconciliation: Embedding Indigenous Cultural Safety and Humility into Our Schools. Join Len Pierre as we embark on this year’s Ensouling Our Schools Series. In this session, Len talks to us about what Colonial Socialization means, and how it has created anti-Indigenous sentiments that go right to the heart of “Canadian Values.” How do we recognize our biases, and how to address the anti-Indigenous learning we were indoctrinated into as Canadians? How do we create school systems and classrooms that are safe places for our Indigenous Learners?
Centering Indigenous Pedagogies in Math Education Webinar Series | More info | Register
The Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre through UBC is offering a four part webinar series for teachers where leading scholars and educators explore strategies for centering Indigenous pedagogies in mathematics education. Sessions will focus on classroom teachers sharing examples, ideas, and questions on various Indigenous pedagogies such as Indigenous Storywork, teaching mathematics with/from place and land, and culturally responsive mathematics education and assessment practices. The series is free to educators and while the first session was held this past Tuesday November 7 you can still access the recoding by signing up now. Future sessions are January 23, February 27 and April 9, and even if you are unable to attend the after school sessions, registered participants will receive the recording.
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit
Career Spotlight – Business and Community Leadership | On-Demand Learning Feature
Learn about the different careers in the Business & Community Leadership industries! Presenters include both Township of Langley and City of Langley Mayors, as well as a President & CEO of a major company. Listen to these speakers as they talk about their occupation/role as well as their career journeys.
Come join Jane Felling from Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks for a fun-filled workshop using DICE. This will be a virtual workshop using ZOOM. Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks math games are hands-on, easy to use for whole class learning, small groups, or in differentiated learning centres. Come see how dice can be an effective tool in inspiring real engagement, resulting in long-lasting learning.
NEW! Reggio Inspired Mathematics | Jan 31, 2024 I Register
Come meet with other educators to discuss how the Reggio Emilia approach is a perfect fit for teaching numeracy and how it is represented in the BC Early Learning Framework. This session will include information from the BC Reggio Emilia Inspired Group of educators, examine ties to the BC Early Learning Framework, provide practical examples of materials and activities, as well as give you the opportunity to visit classrooms.
Historical Thinking Community of Practice – starting January 2024 | Register
Are you an educator interested in designing engaging, educational history learning activities for your students? Then you should register for the Historical Thinking Community of Practice offered through The Historical Thinking Community of Practice (HTCP) aims to support a network of educators interested in designing historical thinking learning activities, museum exhibits, lessons, projects, units, or courses focused on teaching, learning, and assessing historical thinking. They will be hosting seven English and French sessions between January 2024 and April 2024. Each session will focus on a key aspect of designing historical thinking learning activities, and participants will be invited to generate new ideas, give and receive feedback, and share experiences teaching and assessing historical thinking.
Indigo Love of Reading Foundation Grant Available | More info | Apply Today
The Indigo Love of Reading Foundation’s Literacy Fund Grant is available for high-needs elementary schools that could benefit from additional literacy support and funding. Each year, the Foundation awards approximately 30 high-needs elementary schools with a Literacy Fund Grant. Through this grant, schools can invest in new books, literacy resources, educator training, or all of the above! Check out the link above for more info and to apply.
Recharge Advisor Conference | Canadian Student Leadership Association | Apr 12-14, 2023 | More info
The second annual Recharge Leadership Conference (National version) is happening in Toronto from April 12-14th, 2024. Registration for Recharge is open and the cost is $375 per person. The fee includes a jam-packed conference program featuring a new, 2-hour workshop from Drew Dudley, Jeff A.D. Martin, Abbey Gingerich, new CSLA Resources, SWAG, Friday social (food & beverages), Saturday breakfast, lunch & snacks + an evening social, and Sunday breakfast. More programming will be announced shortly! The first 15 registrants who are paid in full will receive the new CSLA embroidered hoodie! The Hotel is the Four Points by Sheraton, Toronto Airport and is $179/night. For reservations click here.
YOU dance Livestream on Friday May 3, 2024 | Ideal for Grades 4, 5 & 6 | Registration
The National Ballet of Canada is pleased to offer students the opportunity to join us for a livestream direct from our residency at York University in Toronto on Friday, May 3, 2024 from 12:00PM – 1:00PM. All grades, with a focus on grades four, five and six, from school boards across Canada are invited to sign up for the hour-long livestreamed performance featuring specially selected pieces danced by the National Ballet’s RBC Apprentices. Included in the livestream are pre and post-performance discussions as well as a chance for the entire class to get moving.
SD #35 District Learning Commons (DLC) | More info
The DLC is a lending library of classroom and teaching resources available to all school staff in the Langley School District. All of the items are available to view and book online through the Insignia Library system. We also deliver and pick up all the items you request through district mail twice per week (Tuesdays & Thursdays). To learn more, including how to sign out resources, check out the link above under “More info”.
These are some of our new resources just waiting to be used:
- Kits to support the new Indigenous Graduation Requirement:
- Mystery Lit Kit | Image
The Myth of the “Quick Learner” | More info
In this must read for all educators, Jill Barshay shares the findings of a scientific research study that challenges the notion that some children learn faster than others. Instead, the research points out that the key factor in students being at different places in the learning journey is related to their prior knowledge and that the biggest factor in the difference between students is that they are starting and ending in different places. The study also tracked learning progressions between students and affirmed that with well-designed practice exercises, continuous feedback, exposure to other students ideas and a little bit of effort, all students can, and will learn at essentially the same rate. Well-worth the read!
Eight Podcast Recommendations for Winter Break | Podcasts
Regardless of your plans for the winter break, be sure to check out the link above for eight podcast recommendations from the people at Screenagers which are great for our own learning, but many of them are also very applicable to children and youth and would be great to listen to along with family members.