April 24, 2020
There are many district-vetted resources being added to the Channels within the TCS Teams. The TCS Teams are collaborative spaces where you can find resources, share resources and ask questions regarding resources and tech platforms. All educators have been added to these Teams. We have the following 3 Teams: StrongStart – Grade 3, Grade 4-8 and Secondary. You can also participate in more than one team.
Nelson Education – Culturally Responsive Math Webinar Series
We are excited to announce the addition of four NEW webinars to our popular open-access Culturally Responsive Math series. This series is hosted by Dr. Ruth Beatty, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education at Lakehead University and Danielle Blair. They bring both Indigenous and non-Indigenous educators together to work with participants to explore the mathematics inherent in First Nation and Métis cultural practices.
This series extension provides educators with the opportunity to stay connected to a community during this time of isolation and discover new skills that place Indigenous culture at the heart of mathematics teaching and learning. The series will help develop new skills, including Metis Finger Weaving and Coding while learning about Indigenous culture.
The new Webinars offered:
- Session Six: Finger Weaving and Mathematics – Junior/Intermediate (Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST)
- Session Seven: Coding and Patterns, Part 1 (Wednesday, May 13, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST)
- Session Eight: Coding and Patterns, Part 2 (Wednesday, May 27, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST)
- Session Nine: Integrating Learning and Experiences (Wednesday, June 3, 2020 at 6:30 PM EST)
Click here to Register now.
WE DAY Resources from Maureen Dockendorf: To support learning in new spaces: WE SCHOOLS@home. WE School HERE
In partnership with the BC Ministry of Education, the WE Organization has launched WE Schools @ home, free resources, to complement and support learning at-home for both educators and families. Highlights include:
1. WE SCHOOLS LIVE: finding community connections and promoting well-being, live daily online with the show hosted by Spencer West
2. Covid-19 activities and lessons
3. Issue-based discussion cards
4. Social and emotional learning toolkit
5. Daily virtual lessons: Grade specific and integrated into curriculum
6. Free educational resources and daily interactive programming to support well-being. It provides parents and caregivers with virtual lessons led by certified teachers, simple activities, and youth-friendly family learning resources. All WE Schools @ Home lessons and resources place a special emphasis on well-being, social and emotional learning and service-learning.
7. SIGN UP: educators and parents/caregivers are invited to open the attachment and click on the SIGN UP link to receive ongoing updated lessons, activities, program updates
EdCAN Network Resources
Well at Home: Resources for Staff Working at Home
SOGI Supports for LGBTQ2S+ Students SOGIeducation.org
To ensure that social distancing does not result in social isolation for LGBTQ2S+ who may be vulnerable, the ARC team is available to support educators considering virtual GSA’s as a way to support LGBTQ2S+ students, collaborating with community partners and working to launch additional resources for SOGI-inclusive learning in a virtual environment. Contact the ARC Foundation to book Scout for online training sessions for staff.
- This list from TransCareBC of peer support groups. Review the Pro-D page on SOGIeducation.org
- Translifeline.org – Online trans-led organization that connects trans people to resources, including a call-in line
- Qchat.ca – Call, text, or online peer-support organization run through UBC
Workbooks for Youth from the Canadian Mental Health Association
DBT Workbook
Stress Management Workbook
Bounce Back
Cancelled, Rescheduled, and Digital Events
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, all of our upcoming events have been cancelled, rescheduled, or moved to an online platform. If you’ve registered for an event through ThinkLangley, we’ll be reaching out to you through email soon.
Going Online
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? We can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.
Announcing: The VSO Virtual Learning Hub!
The VSO Education Department is very excited to announce and share with you the contents of the VSO Virtual Learning Hub.
As we explore creative ways to interact with one another and consider alternative teaching strategies, our VSO musicians have created specialized new content, from their homes, for schools and families. These resources provide easy access to musical learning for all ages, while providing a unique opportunity to learn directly from members of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra as they share personal insights and musical gems.
Intended for classroom teachers AND music teachers, this easy-to-use, ready-made content helps keep students making, enjoying, and learning about music. The videos and supplemental materials provided on the Virtual Learning Hub are designed to educate, inspire, and offer a joyful way of connecting during this time of isolation.
How does it work? Visit the Virtual Learning Hub here.
The Memory Project
This program of Historica Canada, is a volunteer speakers bureau that arranges for veterans and active Canadian Forces members to share their stories of military service, free of charge to students and Canadians across the country. Speakers are available year-round and bring history to life by providing a human perspective on Canada’s military engagements. For more information, please click here.
Our speakers are eager and prepared to speak to your group via video-call on multiple platforms (Zoom, Skype, Google Meets, etc.) Book a speaker here.