Edition 2021/01/21 In the Loop

January 21, 2021


SD35 teachers have free, unlimited access to ShareEdBC which is an invitation-only online platform that provides Educators and Educational Contributors across the province access to curated content aligned with BC’s new curriculum. ShareEdBC aims to help users across the province share and find a collection of resources designed to support the goals of the BC curriculum. ShareEdBC is a place for BC Educators to engage, inspire and spark the imaginations of our learners.

Click HERE for an FAQ about ShareEdBC.

There are now 2100 resources that have been posted from around the province. You should have received an email from ShareEdBC back in the Fall – and if that access has expired, you will receive an email very soon to invite you to the platform!

Show & Share: SS10 District Developed Resource
January 27, 2021 [Register]
In the summer of 2020, a group of Langley educators worked to create a resource for the benefit of all Social Studies 10 teachers. This workshop’s purpose is to bring teachers together who have been engaging with the resource as well as teachers who haven’t used it yet, and are interested in learning more. In this virtual space, we will be: sharing experiences with the source, addressing questions, connecting educators, and discussing the unique ways many have made this resource their own.

Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, February 12

Odyssey: Calls to Action – Building Capacity, Understanding and Mutual Respect
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
As we continue our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is on enhancing Indigenous student achievement and integrating Indigenous world views and perspectives into learning environments. As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Our presenters will use the educational Calls to Action outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation document to guide their learning with you and the First Peoples Principles of Learning will be forefront. Odyssey 2021 connects to our work on Ensouling our Schools which has focused on creating compassionate learning communities which nurture the gifts of all of our learners.

Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8 hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.

Making the Most of Moe
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
Making the Most of Moe® is a five-hour online workshop developed, owned and facilitated by Anne Gardner and Margaret Chesterman, the Speech-Language Pathologists who developed Moe the Mouse® for BC Aboriginal Child Care Society. In this workshop educators are shown how to use the Moe the Mouse® Curriculum Box. The basics of speech and language development in young children, strategies for supporting children’s speech and language development, and strategies for supporting children with speech and language delays in childcare, preschool, and home settings are reviewed.

Race Inclusive Book List
A huge thanks to Jenny Kroeker, Teacher Librarian at Alice Brown who compiled this list!

From the DLC
This week’s DLC Insider Volume 12 features Towers of Hanoi Logic Puzzles for K-7 learners. This kit comes with 28 Wooden Puzzles and 28 Instruction sheets, divided into 3 larger bins. For more information about the District Learning Commons and some of the resources available, click here.


Digital School Programs
Historic Stewart Farm in Surrey is offering digital schools programs, Edukits and free online activities. Click here to find out more.

Fraser River Discovery Centre
Click here to view new programs sharing knowledge about the Fraser River.

Outdoor Education
Virtual pro-d events: Information & registration for all of these is here. 

  1. Jan 14 – Teaching EE and Climate Change: A New K-10 Big Ideas Framework
  2. Jan 21 – Using the Visual Arts in your Outdoor & Environmental Learning
  3. Jan 28 – Inspiring Environmental Learning through Music & Song!
  4. Jan 29 – Art of Participatory Leadership – Catalyzing Action to Address Complex Issues of our Time
  5. Feb 3 – Outdoor Play in the Early Years
  6. Feb 11 – Leaving a Legacy for Environmental Education: Learn How!
  7. Feb 18 – Opportunities, Barriers, Strategies towards Inclusion
  8. Feb 25 – Outdoor Learning Prep Position: A Framework for your School
  9. March 4 – March Mix & Mingle!
  10. April 29 – EEPSA Local Chapter Virtual Spring Gathering

Math and Science Masters of Education, UVIC
This program is designed to bring experienced teachers together for a two-year cohort based program leading to the prestigious University of Victoria Masters in Education. Click here to find out more.

Learning for a Sustainable Future Webinars
Click here! Topics include Taking Math Outdoors, Making Authentic Inquiry Work Outdoors, Staying Outside in Cold Weather and more.

Learning Inside Out
Access weekly collections of activities drawn from its Resources for Rethinking database. Access activities here.

Empowering Learners in a Warming World: A Climate Change Inquiry Guide for 7-12 Educators
Click here to view resources.

LSF’s Mentoring Cafe
Join like-minded K-8 educators to share experiences and support each other.

Dr. David V. J. Bell Memorial Lecture
Join this virtual dialogue to discuss perspectives on climate change, the role of education and the implications of COVID-19.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891