January 29, 2021
NEW SIOP: Supporting All learners in a Classroom Setting Using ELL Strategies
February 9, March 2, April 6, and April 27 [Register]
This series of workshops will provide you with a variety of strategies that can be used in the classroom to promote language learning for ALL learners. We will look at second language acquisition, preparing lessons, building background knowledge, and comprehensible input.
Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, February 12
Odyssey: Calls to Action – Building Capacity, Understanding and Mutual Respect
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
As we continue our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is on enhancing Indigenous student achievement and integrating Indigenous world views and perspectives into learning environments. As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Our presenters will use the educational Calls to Action outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation document to guide their learning with you and the First Peoples Principles of Learning will be forefront. Odyssey 2021 connects to our work on Ensouling our Schools which has focused on creating compassionate learning communities which nurture the gifts of all of our learners.
Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8 hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.
Making the Most of Moe
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
Making the Most of Moe® is a five-hour online workshop developed, owned and facilitated by Anne Gardner and Margaret Chesterman, the Speech-Language Pathologists who developed Moe the Mouse® for BC Aboriginal Child Care Society. In this workshop educators are shown how to use the Moe the Mouse® Curriculum Box. The basics of speech and language development in young children, strategies for supporting children’s speech and language development, and strategies for supporting children with speech and language delays in childcare, preschool, and home settings are reviewed.
From the DLC
Logging into the District Learning Commons is just a click away. Please follow this link for instructions on how to login and to see some of our featured items from the DLC. If you still require assistance, contact your school’s teacher librarian and they will be happy to help you sign in.
Foundation Calendar
The 2021 Foundation Calendar is now out. Check it out, as you may find your staff and/or students featured. Hard copies have been sent to all schools. If you would like additional calendars, please contact scairns@sd35.bc.ca.
Sassy Awards
Every year, since 2015, the four Rotary Clubs of Langley have sponsored the SASSY Awards. Sassy as an acronym (SERVICE ABOVE SELF STUDENT YOUTH) is befitting in the extreme. Offering cash awards of $2000 each to exceptional students, SASSY is asking for nominations in seven leadership categories. Deadline for applications is March 12, 2021. Red Carpet Award Ceremony is May 6, 2021. Winners receive a cash award, charity donation and SASSY Trophy. Click here for more information and here to apply.
The Foundation Message
Choose Kindness or Be Kind is a message that no matter how many times it is iterated does not become stale. Foundation T-shirts are out there celebrating the message, but we need more advocates. Please check them out. Purchase online at www.langleyschooldistrictfoundation.com. All proceeds go to support hungry students.
The Artistry of Philanthropy
April 9, 10 & 11 – Glass House Winery
Attend our 4th Annual West Fine Art Show and enter into a magical Glass House filled to the rafters with the wonderfully felt works of 18 professional artists. Be reminded of the sheer joy of getting out and mingling (with masks and social distancing – don’t worry, we have it covered). And as you meander throughout a COVID-friendly gallery, relax in the pleasure of staring at an explosive array of creativity and visual poetry.
While the Art Show is happening in real time, the Foundation would like to feature the art works of Langley School District students online. We will be accepting works in all genres and will be adjudicating to choose First, Second and Third to provide cash prizes of $500, $300 and $200. The theme is COVID-19 – what it wrought? Good or Bad, Crazy or Sane, Monumental or Benign. What’s next – Past, Present, Future? Produce original, intelligent and on-target art works. Take chances and utilize your creative juices! Send entries to scairns@sd35.bc.ca.
Langley School District Foundation – Donate, Scholarships
The Langley School District Foundation is a charitable foundation that supports the students of Langley through scholarships and direct support to schools.
SFU Program
SFU is offering an online Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education (GDE) is for K – 12 educators seeking to weave place and nature-based experiential learning opportunities into their practice. Click here to find out more. Info session dates for all cohort themes are posted here and start in February.
Charting Change Art Contest
The Access to Media Education Society is offering an art contest for youth (ages 14-18). Click here to find out more.
Burnaby Art Gallery School Programs
The Burnaby Art Gallery offers a variety of curriculum-based programs for school groups and home learners of all ages. Explore the gallery through our Virtual Gallery Tour & Studio Program, have them lead an Outreach Workshop for your class, or rent one of its BAG in a Box art education kits. Click here for a full list of programs.
Film and TV Workshops
REEL CANADA is offering free online workshops for high schools about careers in film and TV. Click here to find out more about this free program.