February 26, 2021
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
Exciting Learning Opportunity Coming Soon for All SD35 Employees!
Jasperactive is a cutting edge learning system that teaches learners various fundamental skills in technology. You will have the opportunity to learn and earn a certification in the Microsoft Office suite of applications. The purpose of Jasperactive is to give learners a tool that is applicable for all learning styles, can be accessed anywhere, and provides freedom to learn at any pace. First info/training session will be on Tuesday, March 30 @ 3pm. More information and registration coming soon!
Healthy Staff, Healthy Schools Wellness Evening
Thursday, March 4, 2021 [Register]
Provides the opportunity to learn about the well-being work that has already been done in our district and some of the plans that are being developed going forward. It will also provide information about how to contribute to this ongoing conversation.
Connecting the Dots: Primary Domino Math Games
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 [Register]
Langley Primary Teachers’ Association presents Jane Felling. Dominoes are one of the most versatile and easiest math manipulatives to use in your classroom whether you are teaching whole group, integrating centers, or solitaire. Dominoes are easy to socially distance too! Come prepared to play our favorite domino math games.
Attention: Teachers Needed for FSA Marking
Grades 4 and 7 FSA coding (marking) will occur over Spring Break during March 16, 17 and 18. If you are interested in helping over all three days, please use this form to apply. Teachers will be compensated for their work (information is included on the form). Deadline for application is Friday, Feb. 26th. Please direct any questions to Deanna Lightbody dlightbody@sd35.bc.ca.
The Young and the Woke Podcast – Conversation on Indigenous Ways of Knowing Between Shane Safir and Denise Augustine
Shane and Denise had the pleasure of being featured on the latest episode of Young Whan Choi’s podcast, The Young and the Woke. The episode focused on indigenous ways of knowing and how we can awaken to the wisdom of indigenous communities. Check out the episode to learn about how indigenous ways of knowing can help us heal our relationship with one another and to the land we live on. THE YOUNG AND THE WOKE PODCAST: ”Indigenous Ways of Knowing”
Read Denise Augustine’s Acknowledgement of the Land
Dispelling Common Myths About Indigenous Peoples
Published by Indigenous Corporate Training, “Dispelling Common Myths About Indigenous Peoples” takes a look at nine myths about Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Exploring myths such as all Indigenous Peoples are the same, they have ample reserve lands and resource, and they don’t pay taxes, author Bob Joseph provide a snapshot of each myth, then explains the reality for Indigenous Peoples. This resource is deal for those about to host a community meeting or who just want to achieve greater cultural awareness.
Senator Murray Sinclair Urges Canadians to Reckon with Systemic Racism
As he was preparing to retire from the senate on Jan. 31, 2021, Senator Murray Sinclair agreed to be interviewed by CBC Reporter, Matt Galloway, on the impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission since it released its final report in 2015. Although he acknowledged that there has been some progress on implementing the 94 calls to action, in this 23-minute podcast, he once again shared the importance of leadership starting at the top, creating a sense of urgency, the importance of educating all children to mutually respect one other, and for all Canadians to build genuine, respectful relationships with Indigenous peoples. He also outlined his belief that system education leaders should lead reconciliation in Canada for all generations now and into the future. In retirement, Sinclair outlined plans to spend time mentoring Indigenous lawyers and writing his memoirs to answer these empowering questions “Where am I from?”, “Where am I going?”, “Why am I hear?” and “Who am I?” An interview not to miss!
Bob Joseph Interview: Author of “21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act,” View this 25-minute video.
New Learning Resource Promotes Gender Parity
In recognition of International Women’s Day on March 8, a free, one-of-a-kind learning program promoting gender parity and girls’ empowerment is now available to B.C. educators. Developed with support from the Ministry of Education and high schools across Metro Vancouver, One Girl Can introduces students to the concept of gender equality and the needs and challenges many girls face across the globe. It also includes boys in a conversation about gender equality and the role they play as allies for change.
March Ag-Reading Challenges
The virtual Ag-Reading Challenges are being held to celebrate the 10th annual Canadian Agriculture Literacy Month (CALM) from March 1 to 31. With the Challenges, students can dig into great books, have fun, learn about agriculture, and have the chance to win $1,300 in prizes! This free initiative is a wonderful opportunity to get students excited about reading and agriculture! Plus, it’s virtual, so students can participate anytime/anywhere! Please click here to view the information brochure regarding the Challenges. Find more details and registration here.