April 30, 2021
Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email karinwright@sd35.bc.ca.
- Diversity and Anti-Racism Resources
NEW Call for Presenters! Summer Institute 2021
The Langley School District’s Summer Institute will host a number of professional development options all packed into one day – a “smorgasbord of learning.” The areas of learning will be centered around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and we are excited to provide learning options relevant for all teachers K-12! If you are interested in applying to present PLEASE CLICK HERE to send your submission.
NEW Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators: A Book Club
Wednesday, May 26th [Register]
Are you looking “ONWARD” to the next school year, wondering how you will further “Cultivate” your “Emotional Resiliency,” as an Educator?
If participating in creating a safe space (virtually) with like-minded colleagues next school year, through a casual monthly book club, with the goals of building more self-awareness and uplifting and empowering one another, interests you, please join us. We will meet on May 26h from 3:30 to 4:30, to pick up our books, meet each other and make some plans for the monthly book club that will begin in the fall.
Book and workbook included with registration! Everyone is welcome but please register as soon as possible so we can order your books! For more information contact Gail Markin, gmarkin@sd35.bc.ca or Candace Coulson, ccoulson@sd35.bc.ca.
NEW Math Place: A New Math Resource for Grade 1 & 2 Teachers
Wednesday, September 14th & October 5th [Register]
Math Place is a newly approved Math resource for grade 1-3 teachers. This September, each school will receive 1 kit per grade of the NUMBER and OPERATIONS set. Join Diane Stang, the author of Scholastic Math Place, as she goes through the kits and shows you how this new resource aligns with the BC curriculum and how you can use it as part of your math instruction. This is a great way to start building number sense in your students right at the beginning of the year. (Note: the grade 3 set will arrive in late August and the workshops will be set up then for grade 3 teachers.)
CUPE1260 & 1851 Pro-D Conference
Friday, May 21st [Register]
CUPE 1260 & 1851 have organized an exciting ProD Day on May 21st! Check out the wide range of workshops being offered for a great day of learning! This Pro-D will be hosted virtually on Teams.
Clerical Pro-D
Friday, May 21st [Register]
IT and Finance are coming together to offer ProD to our school clerical staff. We are offering training on the new phone systems being implemented in all schools, KEV year-end and MyEd year-end. This Pro-D will be hosted virtually on Teams.
Friday, May 21st [Register]
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years. This is IN PERSON training. Space is very limited.
Follett Destiny Software Training Session
Friday, May 21st [Register]
Interested in refreshing your Destiny skillset? Have questions around cataloguing or inventory? Want to learn about new software updates and the new Destiny Discover app? This session will be designed based on your needs. We will send out a form prior to the session for you to share your questions and requests. The learning specialist from Follett Destiny will then design the session according to what you said is relevant for you.
NEW District Digital Reading Platform for Secondary Schools! Tutorial for Middle & Secondary Teachers
Wednesday, May 5 [Register]
Did you know that SD 35 has a new audiobook library to support student learning? Learn how to access it! The Sora by Overdrive app grants students access to eBooks and audiobooks purchased by departments, school libraries and the district as well as the Fraser Valley Public Library’s extensive eBook and audiobook collection.
This session is for all teachers interested in learning more about how to access eBooks and audiobooks through Sora. In addition to an overview of what is already available, topics addressed will include: logging in, searching for titles, setting preferences, borrowing, placing holds, making notes and highlighting texts and how to access the public library collection.
SD35’s Read-Speak-Champion virtual author series with Author Sarah Suk
Tuesday, May 25 [Register]
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students. To do so, it’s integral that we first listen to and learn from those voices ourselves. Join us to learn from Sarah Suk, a Canadian Korean Young Adult Author, about her author journey, diversity in kidlit, and how WE can support diverse authors in our educational spaces.
Read. Speak. Champion. – Save the Date!
Don’t miss out on this 2021/2022 virtual author speaker series dedicated to spotlighting Canada’s BIPOC & LGBTQ2IAS+ authors. Opportunities for educators to learn and engage with authentic voices on diverse literature and how it can inform and disrupt our worldviews, plus how to bring these learnings into our classrooms. Opportunities for students to engage as well! Click here to see more details!
National Child and Youth Mental Health Day – May 7th
May 7th is about building caring connections between young people and the caring adults in their lives. This year’s message is, I Care about You! #may7care. Some great lessons and other resources from FamilySmart can be found here.
Here are some great resources for teaching Sexual Health, Child Abuse Prevention and Relationship/Digital Safety.
Mental Health Week May 3-9
#GetReal about how you feel during Mental Health Week. School toolkits are available here.
Outdoor Environmental Education: CBEEN (Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network)
1) Butterflies & Pollinators: This guide highlights over 70 familiar and unique species and includes information on their life cycle and features illustrations of common caterpillars and pupae. This convenient guide is an ideal, portable source of practical information and ideal for field use by educators and learners alike.
2) Bees & Other Pollinators: This guide reviews the status of the world’s top pollinators, how they are built, behave and reproduce in the wild and in managed colonies. It also highlights some of the most familiar and unique species and what you can do to help conserve and protect these important creatures.
Canada’s Non-profit Outdoor Learning Store
Equity and Inclusion for Student Well-Being: CASSA / CSBA Conference July 7
Topics include Anti-Racism, Student Mental Health, and Truth and Reconciliation. Terrific speakers including Kike Ojo-Thompson, Dr. Kathy Short, Dr. Cindy Finn, Jen McCrea, Kevin Lamoureux and Nathan Ip. Click here for more information.
National AccessAbility Flag Design Contest
In celebration of National AccessAbility Week in BC – May 31 to June 6, 2021 – Easter Seals invites students in Grades 6-12 to design a flag that symbolizes the theme Making BC a Better Place to Live Through an AccessAble Society. Grand Prize includes a $200 honorarium for the winning student, $750 for the winning student’s classroom to purchase learning materials, a Panago Pizza lunch for the classroom and a real flag produced for the school. Click here for all the contest details. Contest closes May 14, 2021.