Edition 2021/06/18 In the Loop

June 18, 2021

June is Pride Month and National Indigenous History Month. Please check out the resources available in the Diversity Binder.


Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12!  Check it out!

  • Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
  • District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
  • TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email karinwright@sd35.bc.ca.



SD35’s Read-Speak-Champion Virtual Author Series with David A. Robertson
Monday, June 28 [Register]
Join us to learn from David A. Robertson, an award-winning Canadian author and educator and a member of the Norway House Cree Nation, about the value of teaching and reading texts by diverse voices and ways to explore and navigate challenging topics. Three copies of his books will be given away during the session!

NEW Summer Boot Camp 2021
August 31 & September 1 [Register]
Sail into the new school year confidently and enthusiastically by attending this two-day camp! Sessions have been designed at different levels for K to 12 classroom teachers and for all TTOCs. All these offerings have been designed to assist you in the development of a framework for your teaching, with an emphasis on the first six to eight weeks of the school year.

NEW Summer Institute
Wednesday, September 1 [
The Langley School District’s Summer Institute will host a number of professional development options all packed into one day – a “smorgasbord of learning.”  The areas of learning will be centered around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and we are excited to provide learning options relevant for all teachers K-12!

Math Place: A New Math Resource for Grade 1 & 2 Teachers
September 14 & October 5 [Register]
Math Place is a newly approved Math resource for grade 1-3 teachers. This September, each school will receive 1 kit per grade of the NUMBER and OPERATIONS set. Join Diane Stang, the author of Scholastic Math Place, as she goes through the kits and shows you how this new resource aligns with the BC curriculum and how you can use it as part of your math instruction. This is a great way to start building number sense in your students right at the beginning of the year. (Note: the grade 3 set will arrive in late August and the workshops will be set up then for grade 3 teachers.)

Story Workshop Book Study Series
September 22, October 13 & November 3 [Register]
Join a small passionate group of teachers who wish to create or continue their journey with the story workshop model and explore aspects of the Early Learning Framework. In this 3-part series, we will be reading the brand new book Story Workshop: New Possibilities for Young Writers by Susan Harris MacKay (a teacher and pedagogical director of the Opal School in Portland Oregon.) Participants will be immersed in the book talk for the first 2 sessions and will also be encouraged to try story workshop in their classrooms. Session 3 will be spaced out from the first 2 sessions to give you opportunity to live that teacher researcher role and come back to share ideas and experiences with other members.

Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators: A Book Club
Register by September 30 [Register]
Are you looking “ONWARD” to the next school year, wondering how you will further “Cultivate” your “Emotional Resiliency,” as an Educator? If participating in creating a safe space (virtually) with like-minded colleagues next school year, through a casual monthly book club, with the goals of building more self-awareness and uplifting and empowering one another, interests you, please join us.

From Phonological Awareness to Reading Building a Strong Foundation
October 4, 18, & 25 [Register]
As teachers, we strive to provide a rich learning environment and a balanced literacy approach to helping all our learners become strong readers, writers and communicators. The BC Early Learning Framework recognizes that children approach learning in different ways to construct knowledge, test theories, explore and express ideas. We want to give all children access points to reading and the tools to success. We have created this 3-part series of workshops on early reading development to help you explore the skills that all students need to be successful in learning how to read. By attending this workshop, you will grow an understanding of how a child learns to read and how writing and vocabulary are an integral part of this process. While learning to talk is natural and innate, reading skills must be taught.

NEW Tan Huynh’s Guided Co-planning with Colleagues
Friday, October 22 [Register]
This full-day event is dedicated to giving teachers time to collaborate with their colleagues to support their language learners. Teachers will be guided by Tan in ways to co-plan at various levels such as writing, lessons, and assessments, and then given time to create together. They may choose to work with other ELL teachers, content teachers, and resource teachers to foster rich learning opportunities for their students. At the heart of collaborative professionalism is “leadership from the middle (your peers in your own and other schools).

Call for Proposals!

Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference is our annual conference dedicated to professional development for kindergarten teachers and early childhood educators. Would you like to present, or do you have suggestions for workshops we should offer? Submit your ideas to us!

If you have any questions, contact Professional Services at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca.

Mathletics Update for Elementary/Middle School Teachers

Please read this information about student use over the summer and registration in September.

  1. Teachers who currently use Mathletics with their class, can encourage their students to use the program over the summer. Please be aware that by mid-August, the student data will be deleted to prepare for a new year in September.
  2. Information about registering your students for next year will be shared in early September, even for teachers new to the program. Please do not sign up for a free trial if you plan to use Mathletics in September. This causes some challenges with communication etc.


Global Development Studies BC Program at UFV
Start with a Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies or a minor, or extended minor in Global Development Studies (GDS) at UFV to learn hands-on skills that you can use to launch a career in aid, relief, or development anywhere in the world.

Learn more at:  Global Development Studies

See full program requirements here and how to apply: Global Development Studies Program  /  Bachelor of Arts in Global Development Studies

ASM Materials Camp for Teachers (VIRTUAL) 2021
Engage with science and engineering practices of NGSS through real-world applications of engineering and hands-on activities you can incorporate in your classroom. For more information, click here and to register, click here.

BC’s Draft Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy – open for comment until August 12
Climate Preparedness and Adaption plays a key role in our community’s health and wellbeing outcomes. For an overview of Langley’s Climate Change Vulnerabilities, please visit the interactive Fraser Health South’s interactive community health and climate change vulnerability map.

B.C.’s draft Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy was released last week and is now available for comment. Input will be used to inform the next phase of the strategy, expected to be released in 2022.

Learn more about the strategy by attending one of the following public informational webinars:
Webinar 1: Monday, June 28, 2021 from 12:00 to 2:00 PM PST or
Webinar 2: Tuesday, July 6, 2021 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM PST

To register, click here.


Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891