In the Loop – January 28, 2022

January 27, 2022



ODYSSEY 2022 – February 11th “Listen. Reflect. Act. Waking up to our collective responsibility”

Odyssey is our annual K-12 professional development conference open to ALL Langley School District staff.

As we continue our District’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is multifaceted. We will continue to focus on deepening our understanding of the past to create a more thoughtful and inclusive future. We will also engage with Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy to ensure all Langley School District employees and students benefit from these valuable teachings. The conference’s theme is “Listen, Reflect, Act: Waking up to our Collective Responsibility.” As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Therefore, we call upon every member of the Langley School District to continue this vital journey with us. We will critically examine our personal biases, attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices to facilitate change. Each one of us can contribute towards truth, reconciliation, and healing.

The Odyssey 2022 speakers epitomize wisdom, passion, and care. These Indigenous voices from near and far will guide us through a day of learning on topics including trauma-informed practice, truth, healing, and storytelling. We look forward to listening, reflecting, and acting together.

Registration will happen at school sites with your Admin. Click HERE for the full program guide!



Xyólheméylh Pink Shirt Day “Anti-Bullying Day” Contest (more info)
The Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children and Family Services Society (FVACFSS) is inviting children and youth to participate in a contest to celebrate Pink Shirt Day on February 23 to share how they stand up for kindness and lift others up. Submissions will be shared via social media prior to and on Pink Shirt Day. Cash prizes will be awarded and the deadline for submissions is February 11.

SORA APP (more info):
As we continue our individual and professional commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, her are two SORA recommendations to further deepen and engage with learning/teachings from Indigenous authors. Special thanks to the Aboriginal Department for the curated resources they have made available to all staff and students in the Langley School District.

“Indian” in the Cabinet by Jodi Wilson-Raybould
Form: Memoir, Length: long, on SORA in audiobook
About:  A compelling political memoir of leadership and speaking truth to power by one of the most inspiring women of her generation. Jody Wilson-Raybould, Canada’s first Indigenous Minister of Justice and Attorney General, chronicles her experience in Trudeau’s cabinet and reveals important lessons about how we must continue to strengthen our political institutions and culture.

Did you know that SORA has several Read Along picture books? These picture books are digitally displayed, and the story is read aloud while highlighting the words as they are spoken.
Here are a few Read Along Selections found on SORA: 

Little You, Richard Van Camp & Julie Flett
Form: Picture Book with Read Along
About: Celebrates the potential of every child.

We Sang You Home, Richard Van Camp & Julie Flett
Form: Picture Book with Read Along feature
About: Celebration of the bond between parents and child.

My Heart Fills with Happiness, Monique Gray Smith & Julie Flett
Form: Picture Book with Read Along feature
About: How to cherish the moments in life that brings us joy.

You Hold Me Up, Monique Gray Smith & Danielle Daniel
Form: Picture Book with Read Along feature
About: Encourages children to show love and support for each other and to consider each other’s well-being in their everyday actions.

Literature Matters: Katherena Vermette and Richard Van Camp- Free Online Event Access here
Katherena Vermette (Red River Métis – Michif) talking on storymaking and Richard Van Camp (Tłı̨chǫ Dene) on storytelling, followed by a conversation. February 10, 4pm.

Imagine a Canada: National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation – Teacher Guide- Access here
This initiative invites students and teachers to submit a piece that reflects what a reconciled Canada looks like. Though the deadline is fast approach (February 11), the Teacher Guide posted above includes many scaffolded activities to explore reconciliation as a classroom community. Whether you submit or not, this resource is thoughtful and from the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. It is a K-12 guide.


To see our full calendar of offerings (including On-Demand recordings!), visit

Odyssey 2022 – February 11, 2022
“Listen. Reflect. Act. Waking up to our collective responsibility”

Odyssey is our annual K-12 professional development conference open to all Langley School District staff and to guests from out-of-district.

As we continue our District’s commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is multifaceted. We will continue to focus on deepening our understanding of the past to create a more thoughtful and inclusive future. We will also engage with Indigenous knowledge and pedagogy to ensure all Langley School District employees and students benefit from these valuable teachings. The conference’s theme is “Listen, Reflect, Act: Waking up to our Collective Responsibility.” As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Therefore, we call upon every member of the Langley School District to continue this vital journey with us. We will critically examine our personal biases, attitudes, beliefs, values, and practices to facilitate change. Each one of us can contribute towards truth, reconciliation, and healing.

The Odyssey 2022 speakers epitomize wisdom, passion, and care. These Indigenous voices from near and far will guide us through a day of learning on topics including trauma-informed practice, truth, healing, and storytelling. We look forward to listening, reflecting, and acting together.

Registration will happen at school sites with your Admin.


On-Demand Learning – browse and register here
Welcome to On-Demand Learning, your one-stop shop for all of SD35’s fantastic webinar content. Free to all Langley Staff, On-Demand currently hosts sites and videos from Boot Camp 2021 and Connecting the Pieces 2021 – with more to come!

Sound Boxes: The Why, How, What, When and Where – January 26, 2022 [Register]
This Bite-Sized Pro-D session will take you through the procedure for teaching early readers and writers about sound boxes. Join us for a quick look on how you can implement this in your K-2 (and beyond) classroom throughout your literacy time.

New! Spelling Through Phonics McCracken Style – February 22, 2022 [Register]
Join us for a Bite Size Pro D on how to implement the McCracken Spelling Through Phonics method. This 40 year old (first published in 1982) way of teaching letters and sounds while applying it directly into writing helps students develop their phonics and spelling skills. Application is the magic. This session will go over the procedures and steps for Late Kindergarten, Grade One to Three. It’s quick to implement and requires tools you already have in your classroom.

Rescheduled! La collaboration en immersion française (M-7e)
April 12 (Kindergarten), April 19 (Gr. 1-3), April 26 (Gr. 4-7) [Register]
Veuillez nous joindre en janvier! Collaborez, partagez, apprennez, questionnez et mangez! Les séances sont organisés par niveau et nous allons discuster les sujets suivants: la progression des sons, les mots fréquents, le vocabulaire commun, la progression de la grammaire, les livres pour nos élèves (étude de roman, cercles littéraires), les resources utiles, et les autres items que vous aimeriez discuter et/ou partager. Public: Enseignants de James Kennedy et Belmont.



Real Acts of Caring (RAC) Week – February 13 – 19, 2022 (more info)
RAC is doing something kind for another and not expecting anything back. Now is the time to be caring and kind, probably more than ever. Click here to learn how you can get involved in RAC today!

Re-rooting in Black History Program – February 12 & 26, 2022 (Register)
Black History Month is upon us and Thrive 4 Blacks partnering with Unveiling Africa, are inviting Canadian students to participate online in a four-part Re-rooting Black History program that educates and empowers young people especially those in the Black community to thrive in the Society.

REEL Canada – February 23 (more info)
Grade 6 to 8 teachers are invited to participate in the upcoming Black History Month livestream. This national webcast will showcase a variety of Canadian short films focused on Black stories and perspectives on the theme of anti-racism. The livestream will feature an insightful conversation with an award-winning filmmaker, and questions from students across the country. Best of all, it’s entirely free of charge.

Complete with lesson plans, the event is dynamic and interactive, allowing for engagement through our online platform in live polls, Q&A, chat, discussion boards, etc. It’s suitable for both in-class or remote learning, and can be viewed as an interactive recording afterwards.

A similar Anti-Racism livestream for Grades 9 to 12 is planned for April 20th, so please feel free to subscribe to the teacher newsletter to stay informed about this and upcoming events.

Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair – April 7, 2022 (more info)
We are excited to announce that REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair to be held IN PERSON on Thursday, April 7 at the University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford Campus. Registration will remain open until March 11, 2022.

We will be holding an early registration draw for participants who have registered by January 31, 2022. The winner will be presented with a $50 gift card at the Awards Ceremony. Regardless of when you register, you will be able to access your registration to update your project information until the March deadline.

To view all awards available this year, click here. To help with prepare for our science fair, the project challenge categories are as follows:

  1. Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: my project helps ensure food security, sustainability or competitiveness in agriculture, fisheries or food production
  2. Curiosity and Ingenuity: my project helps improve our understanding or address a problem in an area of STEM not covered by the other challenges
  3. Digital Technology: my project helps improve our quality of life or transform existing products and services through digital devices, methods or systems
  4. Disease and Illness: my project helps enhance our diagnosis, treatment or understanding of disease, or the management of physical or mental illness
  5. Energy: my project helps improve our use of current energy sources, enable the transition to alternative energy sources, or reduce our energy footprint
  6. Environment and Climate Change: my project helps ensure the quality of water, air, soil or the diversity of living things, or manage the impact of climate change
  7. Health and Wellness: my project helps prevent disease or promote physical, social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, or intellectual wellbeing
  8. Natural Resources: my project helps ensure the sustainable management, use, reuse or recycling of Earth’s finite or renewable natural resources

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891