In The Loop – April 14, 2022

April 14, 2022




Kevin Lamoureux – 4th and Final Session – Indigenous Pedagogy and Wellness (more info)
Please see the attached poster for the final presentation by Kevin Lamoureux which will be held on Wednesday, April 20th from 3:30pm – 5:00pm with the opportunity for you to collaborate over dinner until 6:00pm. The poster includes links to prior sessions.

Prior to contact, there were education systems in place that allowed Indigenous people to grow into and thrive as healthy adults living in balance with the land. This session will explore teachings and insights from that pedagogical practice. Please put your teams together in preparation.


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Instructional Math Routines that Build Number Sense (K-7) with Deanna Lightbody
[On-Demand Learning Feature]
An instructional routine is a familiar structure with an open-ended task, where less time is spent on teachers providing directions and more time is spent on the learning of mathematics. In other words, math routines can provide students with high-yield learning opportunities but require little prep or time commitment from teachers! In this session, we will explore routines that can connect curricular competencies with the math concepts students need to understand.

Routines such as Choral Counting, Estimating, Number/Fraction Talk Images, Splats, and many more will be introduced in this session. You will leave with practical and engaging ideas to launch your math program, whether your students are in class or at home.

Date Change! La collaboration en immersion française (M-7e) – April 26 (Gr. 1-7) [Register]
Veuillez nous joindre en avril! Collaborez, partagez, apprennez, questionnez et mangez! Les séances sont organisés par niveau et nous allons discuster les sujets suivants: la progression des sons, les mots fréquents, le vocabulaire commun, la progression de la grammaire, les livres pour nos élèves (étude de roman, cercles littéraires), les resources utiles, et les autres items que vous aimeriez discuter et/ou partager. Public: Enseignants de James Kennedy et Belmont.

Coast Metro Elementary Mathematics Series – April 19, May 10, May 24 [Register]
The three-part online afterschool series will develop teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge through open questions and use of visual representations and materials. Each session will highlight one mathematical content area and feature a keynote presentation by Dr. Marian Small.

Following the keynote, participants will be invited to choose a grade-grouped cross-district breakout room. These breakout rooms will be facilitated by educators from the Lower Mainland Math Contacts network. Participants will engage in mathematical thinking, problem-solving, connection-making and relationship-seeking in mathematics. This series provides an opportunity to build an elementary mathematics community of educators across the Coast Metro region.

Date Change! SD35’s Read-Speak-Champion virtual author series With Author Jasmin Kaur – April 27 [Register]
“Gut-wrenching,” “awe inspiring” and “captivating” . . . Register your grade 10, 11 and/or 12 classes for an interactive, live session with Jasmin Kaur, a Vancouver-based author, poet and school teacher. During this interactive session, Jasmin will talk about her poetry collection and verse novels, her writing and respond to student questions.

Creating Stronger School-Based Teams – April 27 [Register]
This workshop is a space for resource teachers, classroom teachers, and other educators who are interested in improving their school-based team (SBT). During this workshop, I will share our school’s process of SBT, including referral forms, organizing the meeting, taking SBT minutes, and supporting action plans following the meeting. Time will also be provided to share your own experiences and successes with SBT. Let’s help each other create stronger and more effective school-based teams.

Assessments to Guide Our Teaching of Literacy – May 3 [Register]
Join us to take a closer look at using literacy assessments to guide our next steps in teaching whether it be phonic skills, writing and reading behaviours, fluency or comprehension. We will look at phonics screeners, running records, F&P Benchmark Assessment System and other assessments teachers will find helpful to direct their teaching focus for whole class, small group or individual students.



Live It Earth (consent form)
The Langley School District is beginning a Pilot Project with Live It Earth. This is an engaging, place-based resource that publishes resources (videos, slide shows, STEM challenges, inquiry guides, self-assessments and more) in French and English for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Live It Earth has 100% Canadian content and is based in Nelson, BC. It features authentic Indigenous perspectives and is cross-curricular (connected to BC curriculum) and flexible.

Participating teachers must sign the consent form and send it back to Alex Spence in order to gain access to the site. Please contact Alex Spence, or Jennifer Fernandes with any questions. Please be aware that there are options to use Twitter to connect with subject specialists. No student identifying information can be shared.

*Teachers who use the resource will be asked to complete a short survey providing feedback to Live It Earth at the end of the Pilot Project.*



McHappy Day – Wednesday, May 11 (sign up to volunteer)
The Langley School District Foundation is proud to support the fundraising campaign to bring Foundry Langley to our community. On Wednesday May 11, all 10 Langley area McDonald’s stores will host McHappy Day with 100% of proceeds to Foundry Langley! This is the first time that all stores have come together around one cause.

We are looking to find a minimum of 60 student and adult volunteers to take shifts on this day. Volunteer hours look great on a resume or for any volunteer requirements! Volunteer positions will include, running games such as Spin the Wheel for prizes, collecting donations at the take-out window and handing out food from behind the counter.

Please share this opportunity with your school community to help support this campaign – thank you!

Virtual Visit for Earth Day (sponsored by SiMBi) – April 21 at 9:30am (more info)
What would you ask the earth if you could? During this virtual author visit, Joyce Sidman will read from her new book, HELLO, EARTH!, share about her writing process, and motivate students to wonder and explore the world around them!

About the Book: We walk on Earth’s surface every day, but how often do we wonder about the incredible planet around us? From the molten cracks below to the shimmering moon above, Hello, Earth!  explores the complex wonders of our natural world. This playful poetic journey across our puzzle-piece continents does not hesitate to ask questions—even of the Earth itself!

Well at Work K-12 Leadership Course: (more info)
This is a free, online well-being course for staff that is offered with modules delivered by Canadian school district leaders and subject matter experts. This course prepares education leaders – including school district leaders, well-being leads, school principals, and teams – to undertake a systemic approach aimed at sustainably improving employee well-being which contributes to a more positive school environment for students.

Substance-Use Education in BC (more info)
The ABCs of Youth Substance Use is an initiative to promote evidence-based approaches to youth substance-use education in BC schools. The website includes recommended learning resources, a community of practice and professional learning opportunities.

YOU Dance Livestream – Friday, May 20 from 12:15 – 1:15 EST (more info)
The National Ballet of Canada is excited to open up registration for the 2022 YOU dance livestream programme. YOU dance stands for Youth, Outreach and Understanding dance and was designed to introduce students in grades 4-6 to the world of dance. We are so fortunate to be able to offer these workshops to students for FREE. Over the last 12 years, YOU dance programming has reached over 300,000 students. To learn more about our YOU dance programme, Read and Watch Here.

Students will enjoy repertoire specially selected for grades four to six, performed by the National Ballet’s talented Apprentices and company members. In addition to the wonderful dancing, the livestream includes interviews, pre and post-performance discussions with the artists as well as an opportunity for the entire class to get moving. And new this year, we will share a piece created virtually with students from three different classrooms across the country.

Over 25,000 students across Canada tuned in to the livestream from each province and territory in May 2021. Read what teachers have said about the Livestream Here.

Deanna Lightbody is Retiring! (more info)
Deanna’s retirement celebration is on Wednesday, April 27th at Newlands Golf and Country Club. If you’d like to join her in celebrating her career in Langley and this exciting new adventure please click here (options: $25 appetizers and gift or $10 gift only) Questions? Email: Shelley Hegedus

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891