In The Loop – June 17, 2022

June 16, 2022




Indigenous Pedagogy and Wellness with Kevin Lamoureux [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Join Kevin for this final in his four part series on Indigenous Pedagogy and Wellness. Prior to contact, there were education systems in place that allowed Indigenous people to grow into and thrive as healthy adults living in balance with the land. This session will explore teachings and insights from that pedagogical practice.


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Literacy Credentialing – August 31 [Register]
The purpose of the credentialing workshop is to outline the duties and responsibilities of provincial assessment markers, establish valid and reliable assessment processes, and credential educators for the marking of the provincial assessments.

Whether your interest is in learning more about assessment, engaging with provincial standards, or getting certified for future paid marking; this is an excellent professional development opportunity.

New! Summer Boot Camp 2022 – August 31 [Register]
Hang 10! Catch the Wave into the School Year! Welcome back from summer! Ride into the 2022-2023 school year with confidence and enthusiasm by attending Summer Boot Camp. Together we’ll explore valuable strategies for the development of an empowering learning culture in your classroom. Sessions are designed at different levels for K to 12 classroom teachers and for all TTOCs.

All these offerings have been designed to assist you in the development of a framework for your teaching, with an emphasis on the first six to eight weeks of the new school year.

New! Summer Institute 2022 – September 1 [Register]
Join us for our annual school year kick-off with the Langley School District’s Summer Institute. This year, we’re going online to provide more flexibility for our teachers as we offer them a day of learning designed to be relevant to all K-12 teachers. Experience this cornucopia of professional development opportunities. Take in one session, or pack your day with our amazing workshops.

PRESENTERS NEEDED! – Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference 2022
We’re excited to announce that Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference returns in person this year!

This year’s event will take place on Friday, October 21, 2022, at RE Mountain Secondary. Sessions are 1.5 hours, and there are three sessions in the day. We will have a backup plan to go online just in case.

If you’re available and interested, please take a moment to fill out our workshop submission form.



Reminder: It’s that time of year for FOIPPA reasons and your own safety that you take the time to delete student photos you from your phone, iPad and computer.

Canadian Content: Curio and Campus (more info)
Just a reminder that everyone in the district has free access to Canadian Content videos, podcasts, resources & more through Curio (CBC/Radio-Canada Content for Educators) and Campus (National Film Board Videos & Resources for Educators).

Celebrate LGBTQIA2+ Pride month this June with Canadian films that champion diversity and foster inclusive classrooms. Here are some examples available through Campus:

  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Playlist (Ages 7+)
  • Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Playlist (Ages 12+)
  • First Stories – Two Spirited (Ages 13+)
  • Niish Manidoowag (Two-Spirited Beings) (Ages 13+)
  • Mini-Lesson for Beauty (Ages 12+)
  • Mini-Lesson for I Like Girls (Ages 13+)
  • Mini-Lesson for My Prairie Home (Ages 13+)
  • Standing on the Line (Ages 13+)
  • Someone Like Me (Ages 18+)
  • Un/Tied Shoes (Ages 13+)



Career and Education Events
Your partnership is appreciated to help promote the following events for students as well as community members!

  • Langley LIVE Education and Career Event– June 23rd from 11am – 3pm (more info)
    This is a great community initiative supporting local students, residents and employers. Please do what you can do to help make this a great success, we are invested in the local community.
  • PICS Mega Job Fair Surrey 2022 – July 28th from 10am – 3:30pm (more info)
    Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society is hosting a job fair at the North Surrey Sport & Ice Centre. Don’t forget to register and come and network with employers, other employment service providers and educational institutes.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891