In the Loop – October 6, 2022

October 7, 2022


FSA Coding (Marking)

Attention teachers:
Grades 4 and 7 FSA coding (marking) will occur on Saturday, November 19. If you are interested in helping mark, please use this form to apply. Teachers will be compensated for their work (information is included on the form). Deadline for application is Friday, November 4. Please direct any questions to Alexandra Baxfield at or via Teams.


The 26th Annual First Nations Education Steering Committee (FNESC) Education Conference will take place from December 8-10, 2022 at The Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver. More information and to register, here.

Professional Educator Standard 9 – Truth and Reconciliation, Moving Forward Together: The Professional Standards for BC Educators guides the work of educators who hold a certificate of qualification. Standard 9 requires educators to honour the history, practices, and perspectives of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Check out and the new Professional Standard 9 video that encourages educators to examine their own biases, incorporate Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum they teach, and build respectful relationships with First Nations, Inuit, and Métis communities.

The Outdoor Learning Store is sharing  20 Indigenous Learning Resources that we have worked with Indigenous partners, advisors and organizations to make available. View a full listing of Indigenous Learning Resources now available here: These are all written, curated and created by Indigenous authors and artists, and made available in partnership with a variety of Indigenous organizations.

Indigenous Leadership as Ceremony:  Weaving Together our Collective Stories and Knowledges into the Fabric of the British Columbia Public Education System:
This outstanding article was written by the BCSSA indigenous Leaders and appeared in the Spring 2022 edition of the InspirEd journal. Read the article HERE

Braiding Sweet Grass – Book by Monique Gray Smith:  The Outdoor Learning Store has managed to secure up to 1000 copies of Braiding Sweetgrass for Young Adults for when it is set to be released later this fall. This is a beautiful adaptation of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s bestselling work by Canadian Indigenous author, Monique Gray Smith. In addition to powerful Indigenous stories and lessons connected to the land, this adapted version offers informative sidebars, reflection questions, and art from illustrator Nicole Neidhardt (Navajo), Preview this, and submit your pre-order for copies here:

4 Seasons of Reconciliation:   Learn about the history and culture of Indigenous communities in Canada, the history of residential schools, and treaties around the country in this First Nations University Course offered out of Saskatchewan. Upon completion of this 3-hour, multimedia course, you will receive a certificate of completion.4 Seasons of Reconciliation is available to purchase via single registration, or as a bulk enrolment.  Learn more HERE

Indigenous Relations Academy Self-Guided Course21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act is now available as a course! The self-guided training is filled with 21 knowledge checks that will help test participants’ understanding and even provide new information relevant to the current day. Costs for the online course, which will take up to three hours to complete, is $21/person.

Recommended Books to Understand Residential Schools In this CBC feature article, “48 books by Indigenous Writers to Read to Understand Residential Schools,” a Cree author based in Winnipeg, David A. Robertson, has compiled a list of 48 books, (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) for all ages to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous children forced to attend Indian Residential Schools. Each recommended book comes with a brief overview of the book and its suitability for different audiences.

Taking the Higher Ground Artefact Talk:  Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame is pleased to present its latest Beyond the Win education program, “Taking the Higher Ground Artefact Talk,” aimed at amplifying stories of Indigenous sports heroes across Canada. At no cost to students in Grades 4-6, the program uses guided questions to help students learn about the racial barriers Hall of Famers Tom Longboat and Gaylord Powless overcame in their life and sporting careers. Students will learn how the two relied on role models and used elements of traditional Indigenous teachings to not only persevere but also show integrity and sportsmanship in the face of adversity! Sign up your students today.

10 Peaks Innovation Xchange (10PIX):  The 10 Peaks Innovation Xchange (10PIX) is a free, one-day, hybrid conference connecting Grade 7-12 students and teachers with industry, academia, government, non-government organizations, Indigenous leaders, and the scientific community for the latest collective intelligence around energy, our environment and climate. The conference will take place on Oct. 17, 2022, at the Lacombe Memorial Centre. This year’s theme is “Our Journey to Net Zero.” If you are interested in having your students attend in person or virtually, please fill out the application on the registration page. Participation is free but registration is required!

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Ensouling Our Schools: for Support Staff with Dr. Jennifer Katz [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Join Dr. Jennifer Katz as she does an overview of Block One, of her Three Block Model of Universal Design for Learning. Block One explores the social and emotional learning of students.

Indigenous Course Learning Community – October 12, November 30, January 18 & March 1 [Register]
This is the second year of this Professional Learning Community, and we are excited to invite returning teachers back, while also extending the invite to any high school teachers interested in being part of this community! This learning group strives to explore curriculum, content and teaching strategies that pertain to Indigenous Studies courses- specifically EFP 10-12, BCFP12 and CIS12. This teacher space will identify needs and specific areas of focus and then meet through the school year to learn with and from one another. Teachers are encouraged to commit to all four sessions. The meetings will occur at REMSS in the Library from 3:30 to 6:00pm. Dinner will be provided; gluten free and vegan options will be available.

NEW! Ukeru! Trama Informed Approach & Physical Protection Skills – October 21 [Register]
Participants will gain an understanding of how trauma impacts the brain and behaviour, the importance of comfort vs control, and how to use this knowledge to design classrooms/schools that are compassionate and inclusive learning communities. Participants will also be certified in Ukeru Physical Protection Skills.

Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1 – October 21 [Register]
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.

Don’t Miss Out! Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten – October 21 [Register]
Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference is our annual conference dedicated to professional development for kindergarten teachers and early childhood educators. Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners.

 Don’t Miss Out! Katie White: Standards-Based Assessment Practices – October 21 [Register]
In an educational world that is brimming with uncertainty and change, it is hard to know where to focus our attention. We feel pulled in many directions and sorting through the noise sometimes feels impossible. When we think about assessment, it is hard to imagine a paradigm where it could actually be at center of the clarity we are searching for…but it can!
Join Katie White and the SD35 Secondary Instructional Services Team as we explore ways individuals can investigate the connection between assessment, curricular competencies, and the decisions we make every day in our classrooms.

Capturing Student Learning using Digital Portfolios: Primary Focus – October 24 [Register]
Digital portfolios are excellent ways for students to show their learning and growth over time! As the way we communicate student learning changes and evolves, digital portfolios are proven to make capturing and sharing student achievements easy, fun and informative.
This session is focused on having primary students use myBlueprint: All About Me to develop their K-12 learning journey portfolio, student-self assessment and student-goal setting.

 NEW: Make Science and Math come Alive with Gizmos – November 2, November 8, November 9, November 22 & November 23 [Register]
Gizmos are interactive online simulations and case studies for math and science that power inquiry and understanding through hands-on learning and experimentation. With more than 450 Gizmos covering STEM topics for grades 3-12, students can dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts as they form, analyze, and test ideas to find solutions, just like real mathematicians and scientists.  Sign up for your preferred sessions.

 Capturing Student Learning using Digital Portfolios: Intermediate/Middle Focus – November 7 [Register]
Digital portfolios are excellent ways for students to show their learning and growth over time! As the way we communicate student learning changes and evolves, digital portfolios are proven to make capturing and sharing student achievements easy, fun and informative.
This session is focused on having intermediate/middle years students use myBlueprint: All About Me to develop their K-12 learning journey portfolio, student-self assessment and student-goal setting.

NEW! Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – January 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.

Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, October 21


Mental Health Toolkit/Go-To Educator Training with Andrew Baxter of Mental Health Literacy – October 21, 2022 (more info)
In every school, there are staff with whom students naturally form good relationships, go to for help, and feel comfortable talking to about their problems.  And there are also people who may notice things about a student that others may have missed.   This could be teachers, educational assistants, youth care workers, administrators, custodians, admin assistants, bus drivers, maintenance, etc.  The Go-To Educator/ Mental Health Toolkit professional learning teaches all staff to understand the basics of mental health and mental illness and to support or refer someone who is experiencing a mental health challenge. This can make a critical difference for our students.  It can also make a critical difference for you or someone you care about. To register please email Deborah at Registration ends 12:00 pm, Friday, October 14th. 

WE 2022 Educator Summit: Led by subject matter experts, our Professional Development sessions are informative and inspiring. Choose the event you’re interested in or sign up for all three! Attend live to receive a certificate of completion, and your Washington or Texas Clock Hours if applicable.

  • Rethinking Service-Learning and Technology to Support Community – Oct 11, 2022 (more info)
    Explore technology, tools and best practices you can use to make your classroom and the benefits of service-learning accessible to all students.
  • The Power of Gratitude in the Classroom: Say It Now – Oct 12, 2022 (more info)
    Learn about the science of gratitude as you explore ways you can use gratitude to improve students’ relationships with one another and help them build key social and emotional skills.
  • Supporting Indigenous Youth Through a Trauma-Informed Lens (more info)
    Explore best practices to make your trauma-informed teaching more culturally responsive and receive three student learning activities to make your classroom a supportive space for Indigenous youth.

C2C 2022 Provincial Conference – Oct 21-22, 2022 Revelstoke, BC: (more info)
Join us for this 2-day, in-person conference as we reconnect ourselves with landscapes, waterways and each other in the mountains and rivers around Revelstoke. The conference will convene at the Revelstoke Mountain Resort for two days of diverse and dynamic activities.
Early bird registration closes soon!

Drama Teachers Conference Workshops Oct 21-22, 2022 (more info)
Learn techniques to use Drama & Theatre Education to build student Literacy Skills. 

Nelson Professional Learning Opportunities: (See links below for more detailed information regarding live sessions)


Elementary School Concert with the VSO (Oct 20, 2022) (more info)
Music is a Theme Park Check out our video to learn more about the upcoming Music is a Theme Park! In collaboration with SFU’s Precursor Lab, this performance will draw on technology and artistry to engage the sensory imagination in an exploration of musical themes and other compositional elements in Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade. Featuring special guest composer and renowned sitar player, Mohamed Assani.

Explore Program to Learn French in Quebec
The Explore program is an intensive French language program for students ages 13 and up, with any skill level in French. Funded by the federal government, the program covers tuition fees for the course, instructional materials, meals, and accommodation. Secondary students can receive four French elective credits to put towards their Dogwood Diploma. Those interested in this opportunity must apply on the Explore website by February 7, 2023. Please contact if you have any questions.

MD Admissions Outreach Ambassador Program (more info)
The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine is proud to announce the return of our Medical Student Outreach Ambassador Program starting October this year. Our medical students can provide 30-60-minute presentations to your high school students, depending on your school’s availability. These presentations can take place in Career Education classes or other similar programs. UBC is particularly interested in presenting to students who may come from backgrounds that may be traditionally underrepresented in medicine.

MyBlueprint Ed Planner Contest (more info)
Participate in the myBlueprint Education Planner Contest by having your students tell their stories using digital portfolios! This contest runs from October 3, 2022 – November 4, 2022, with the winner(s) being announced on November 15, 2022.


Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891