In the Loop – November 24, 2022

November 24, 2022


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Intermediate Social Studies Activities: Beyond the Textbook With Larissa Kondo [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Often, social studies classes take the form of reading comprehension assignments. In this workshop, I will share different strategies and free resources teachers can use to explore social studies with their intermediate students. Strategies will align with BC social studies competencies and some Indigenous principals of learning.

Save the Date! Odyssey 2023! February 10
As part of our ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, our February Odyssey Day will once again be our Indigenous Focused Professional Development Day here in Langley.  While staff do still have the autonomy to choose their professional development on February 10th, as a district, we will not be offering any other Professional Development options on that day as we are hoping for full participation in our main Odyssey session.  The day will be structured very similar to last year’s Odyssey where ALL District employees will participate in school and department teams at their respective sites.  There will be two main keynote sessions for all staff in the morning and then staff will have a series of different options to choose from to focus their learning during the last session of the day.  We are hoping to have the full program and overview for the day available to schools and departments by the first week back in January.

Coast Metro K-8 Number Sense Series – Dec 7 [Register]
Join Marian Small for a three-part professional development series on Numeracy.  In this series, Marian will present classroom teachers with specific ideas and strategies for teaching number sense for grades K to 8.  The concepts and ideas introduced will also be linked directly to Marian’s book entitled, “Making Math Meaningful.”

 SD35’s Read-Speak-Champion virtual author Series – Nov 29 [Register]
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students. The Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series is dedicated to spotlighting Canada’s BIPOC and LGBTQ2IAS+ authors.
Register your class (grades 8-12) for a virtual author session with Trinidadian-Canadian YA novelist Liselle Sambury. She’ll be talking and reading from her debut fantasy novel, Blood Like Magic, a Governor General’s finalist, as well as sharing about writing process. Her books include both fantasy and horror. Please note there will be opportunities before and during the session for students to submit questions.

NEW! Making Learning Fun with PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs – Dec 8 [Register]
Research shows that students learn most effectively by participating in meaningful real-world activities. This professional development workshop features PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs, an experiential learning project that helps grades 4-8 students explore the world of business by developing their own entrepreneurial ventures. Students design products, business plans and marketing materials and then display their business projects to friends, family and the school community. All resources (student workbooks, teacher manuals, parent information and video suite) are provided free of charge to teachers by the Langley School District.
During this session, teachers will:
1) Explore how to engage students of all interests, abilities and learning styles with PowerPlay’s project-based learning techniques and new program supports.
2)Integrate material into different subject areas and align with blended learning options.
3) Learn about new dynamic and creative options for showcasing student achievement.
4) Receive practical tools for engaging and supporting parents.
5) Consider how students can capture and reflect on their PowerPlay learning journey.
Presenter Bio – Bill Roche
Bill Roche is the creator of PowerPlay Young Entrepreneurs and works closely with Langley schools to support implementation of the program. He specializes in designing turnkey standards-based resources for K-12 classrooms related to entrepreneurship, financial literacy and social responsibility. His highly engaging learning model makes it easy to differentiate instruction for diverse groups of learners. With an energetic and entertaining style, Roche captivates his audiences and inspires with real-life stories that feature practical, easy-to-implement solutions for the classroom. Audience: Grades 4-8 Teachers

Numeracy 10 Credentialing – Jan 7 [Register]
The purpose of the credentialing workshop is to outline the duties and responsibilities of provincial assessment markers, establish valid and reliable assessment processes, and credential educators for the marking of the provincial assessments.
Whether your interest is in learning more about assessment, engaging with provincial standards, or getting certified for future paid marking; this is an excellent professional development opportunity.

Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – Jan 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.

NEW! Book Study: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good – Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8 [Register]
Come join us for a book study – Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. This fictitious novel follows the lives of five different children who were forced to live at a Mission school from an early age and denied contact with their families. The outcomes for each individual vary depending on their ability to face past trauma as well as their willingness to seek help to resolve the issues that have plagued them since childhood.


Workshops for French Immersion Teachers:
BCTF: De nombreux ateliers français sont disponibles pour le personnel des écoles. Voici quelques exemples d’ateliers proposés : Création d’espaces inclusifs ; Déconstruire les stéréotypes ; Garder la forme en enseignant ; Infuser contenu et perspectives autochtones dans votre enseignement

SFU: SFU propose plusieurs ateliers pour les professeurs d’immersion. Voici deux exemples:
Katie Tressel de Brookswood présentera des idées et des stratégies d’enseignement pour aider les élèves à développer des compétences de réflexion historique. Elle discutera également de l’intérêt d’enseigner les questions controversées aux élèves. Cet atelier est composé de trois sessions qui débuteront le lundi 28 novembre.
2) Garder son équilibre en s’appuyant sur des piliers de la littératie (M-3e)
Anne-Marie Bilton discutera les piliers fondamentaux des programmes de littératie et aussi la lecture structurée et la littératie équilibrée. Cet atelier est composé de trois sessions qui débuteront le mercredi 18 janvier.
** Veuillez envoyer un courriel à Alex Spence ( si cet atelier vous intéresse et nous paierons les frais.

Workshops for Core French Teachers:
These workshops are offered virtually and will provide helpful resources and lesson ideas to teachers.
1) Core French, where do I start?
2)  Action! Assessing Actionable Learning Tasks in Core French: Core French activities using an action-oriented approach:
3) Bienvenue au CAFÉ FRANCOFUN Niveaux A1/A2: Informal setting to practice speaking French as well as lesson ideas and resources for Core French:

ELL Course Offerings:
For those teachers that have ELL Students in their class and would like to learn ways to support them, the University of Victoria is offering two virtual courses in the new year.
1) A new non-credit or credited Certificate of Professional Development in Teaching English Language Learning program is also offered through the UVic Division of Continuing Studies.
2) They also offer a credited course starting January 2023 (EDCI448- Organization and Procedures for Instruction of English to Second Language Learners)


Vision Zero in Road Safety Grant Program (more info)
The British Columbia Vision Zero in Road Safety Grant Program provides funding to help groups improve road safety in their communities. Through this program, successful applicants receive funding for small projects that have short and long-term benefits for vulnerable road users (those who walk, cycle, or roll). Up to $20,000 in funding for improving the safety of vulnerable road users, prioritizing underserved communities, Indigenous communities, and small and remote communities.

  • Stream #1: General Community Stream – Funding in the general community stream is for the design and installation of innovative, low-cost road improvements—temporary (pilot) or permanent—that increase the safety of vulnerable road users. This stream supports the cost of local projects that require engineering department or local government administrator approval to proceed with construction and installation. (Apply here)
  • Stream #2: Indigenous-led Funding Stream – Projects eligible for funding in the Indigenous-led funding stream include improvements such as those in Stream #1, and also include developmental initiatives such as road safety planning, community consultations, or partner engagement. Additionally, initiatives aimed to address specific issues such as driver training, impaired driving, or a bike-share program to increase active transportation are eligible. (Apply here)

Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair – Find Out How It Fits In With The BC Curriculum (more info)
The Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair (FVRSF) is an exciting opportunity for students in Grades K-12 to engage their curiosity, cultivate their inquiry skills and participate in an exciting event on campus at UFV this Spring. Our fair provides a healthy supportive environment where students get to present their research, interact with local scientists and win cash, prizes and scholarships. Every year up to nine students with the best projects from our regional fair are invited to participate in the in Canada Wide Science Fair in Edmonton, May 14-19, 2023 Did you know that Science Fair actually fits in with the BC Curriculum? See how. Registration Opens Jan 9.

Take the 15-Day At My Best Challenge! – The 2022 AMB Challenge Starts Nov 21 (to register)
Between November 21st to December 16th 2022, complete fifteen (15) At My Best challenges #AMBChallenge to support students in learning about their health and well-being. With activities for K-3 and 4-6 grade levels, the challenges are categorized into the three themes of the At My Best program: healthy eating, emotional well-being, and physical activity. The challenges are fun and easy to fit into the school day, only taking about 10 minutes to complete.
$6,000 in prizes available! The more activities you complete = the more chances to win. Each time your class completes a challenge and you mark it complete online, you will be entered into the grand prize for one of six $1,000 cash prizes for your school community!

Upcoming Elementary School Concerts:

  • Jan 13, Orpheum – Symphonic Encounters with Hilary Hahn (more info)
    We have 5 more Symphonic Encounters Open Rehearsals to choose from this year. Ideal for Grades 6 – Adult, come observe the exciting process of preparing for a concert in the orchestral music world. Use this opportunity to get up-close and personal with the VSO at the Orpheum Theatre, including a Meet and Greet with one of the musicians. So much can be learned and discovered from this experience that our attendees describe as eye-opening, inspiring, and awesome!
  • Apr 12 & 13, Orpheum – Philharmonia Fantastique (more info)
    Don’t miss your chance to bring your students to see and hear the VSO perform Philharmonia Fantastique this April, in a concert all about the instruments of the orchestra! Your guide on this exciting musical journey, Sprite, takes you inside the orchestra and explores the world of sound through animated and live-action visuals by Academy Award-winning sound designer & director Gary Rydstrom (Jurassic Park, Titanic, Strange Magic). Grades K-7.

Summer STEAM & Entrepreneurship Program – Shad Canada (more info)
Shad Canada  is a summer STEAM & entrepreneurship program for grade 10 and 11 students. At Shad, students learn, prototype, and pitch ideas in teams to create better futures for themselves and other Canadians. Our program accepts just over 1000 students from across Canada each year, and since our program began in the 1980s, we’ve had about 3000 students from BC attend. We also host around 50 students every year from around the country at UBC (one of our 19 in-person sites). Application deadline is December 5. (apply here)


Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891