Edition 2019/11/08 In The Loop

November 8, 2019


2020 Youth Innovation Showcase
These are exciting times for young innovators! The Science Fair Foundation of British Columbia would like to extend an invitation to youth in your community to participate in the 2020 Youth Innovation Showcase. For more information click here.
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2020 [Register]

Building STEAM: Exploring Science, Math, and ADST Connections with Science World
November 19 [Register]
Explore how design thinking and inquiry-based learning can be used to interconnect Science, Math and ADST. Working in teams, teachers will be paired with Science World educators and members of Langley’s Instructional Services team as they work to co-construct interactive learning experiences for immediate use in the classroom.

MyEDBC | Creating Progress Reports and Quick Reports
Wednesday, November 13 [Register]
During the session, learn how to activate the IEPs, create the Progress Report Template and develop a quick one page report of the IEP goals and objectives for staff members working with the student to refer to.

Online Sexual Health Resource Workshop
November 20, February 20, or January 20 [Register]
Are you looking for a one-stop shop for guidelines, curriculum links, scope and sequence, multiple resources easily accessed by grade or topic, community clinics, supports for indigenous students, newcomer students, students with differing abilities…… and much, much more? Langley School District’s online Sexual Health Resource Binder provides access to these and many other resources.

Report Card Writing 101
Monday, November 18 [
The time to prepare first term report cards is approaching quickly. At this session we will work together on preparing a template, collecting data, determining descriptors and letter grades, and writing effective report card comments.

Running Record Analysis
Monday, November 18 [Register]
Join us for a more in-depth session on how to analyze a running record using the MSVs (meaning, structure, and visual information) in order to direct your teaching for each student or for a group of students.

November 20, January 15, April 1, May 13 [Register]
Join an innovative learning community of teachers committed to playing with the potential of the redesigned curriculum and exploring different strategies for all learners! In our inquiry teams and as a collective, we will explore the questions: What’s going on for our learners? How do we know? Why does this matter?

Box- Cars and One-Eyed Jacks are coming to Langley! Jan. 7, 2020
Are you looking for engaging and effective ways to help your students gain confidence and competence with key math concepts? Instructional Services is pleased to announce that Box-Cars and One-Eyed Jacks will be presenting K-3 and grades 4-8 math workshops for our district. Come prepared to play math games that incorporate the use of cards, dice, multi-sided dice and new math shakers. Throughout the workshop participants will have the opportunity to play each game, learn how to differentiate the activities and find ways to integrate problem solving strategies and assessment opportunities. For a $20 fee, participants will receive a kit of manipulatives (dice etc.) to take back to their classrooms. Registration and further details are available on Thinklangley now.

OH The Math That They’ll Know (Primary Math Games)
Tuesday, January 7, 2020 [Register]
Are you looking for engaging and effective ways to help your primary students gain confidence and competence with key math concepts? Instructional Services is pleased to announce that Box-Cars and One-Eyed Jacks will be presenting a primary math games workshop for our district.
NOTE: Registration deadline is November 22.

Math Games to Shake Up Your Math Class (Grades 4-8)
Tuesday, January 7, 2020 [Register]
Are you looking for engaging and effective ways to help your intermediate/middle students gain confidence and competence with key math concepts? Instructional Services is pleased to announce that Box-Cars and One-Eyed Jacks will be presenting a grades 4-8 math games workshop for our district.
NOTE: Registration deadline is November 22.

Stories, Play, and Social Emotional Learning for K-3
February 25 and April 6, 2020 [Register]
In this play based session we will interact with a wide range of rich learning resources. We will use picture books for Winter and early Spring that link to the facets of Social and Emotional Well-being. Practical tips on how to incorporate the Personal and Social Core Competencies will be modelled. Come prepared to collaborate, play and have fun! Hosted by the Langley Primary Teachers’ Association.

Supporting ELL Readers
November 26, December 4, January 14, and January 22 [Register]
This workshop is geared towards classroom teachers and new ELL teachers who are looking for strategies to support ELL/ESL students in their classrooms. You will also learn the distinction of what ELLs versus Native English Speakers need to succeed when learning to read. Appropriate for K-9 Teachers. All participants will receive a complimentary reference guide if they attend all four sessions.

See our full calendar of upcoming events and find your fit at thinklangley.com


New Steam Resources and Mentorships available
K-12 students learn how STEAM connects to careers
Students and educators throughout B.C. will be able to connect with learning opportunities in science, technology, engineering, art and design, and mathematics (STEAM) through a new network of resources and mentorships. For more information click here
To learn more:
Symbiosis: The STEAM Learning Ecosystem: https://www.scienceworld.ca/symbiosis
B.C.’s new curriculum: https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/

MOOC: Massive Open Online Course
The UBC Faculty of Education currently has 3 online, self-guided, modular open learning courses available (Learn & Teach Mental Health Literacy, Reconciliation through Indigenous Education). Discover MOOCs, and engage in meaningful, relevant, and necessary topics today.
For more information click here

Solve problems in your community now! Join us at Technovation 2020 and create your own app and business model with a team of up to five.  All girls from ages 10 to 18 are welcome to participate in this fun, interactive challenge.  Sign up now and discover all the possibilities technology has to offer you!
To sign up, visit technovationchallenge.org
Have questions? For more information click here

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891