Edition 2021/02/19 In the Loop

February 19, 2021


NEW Connecting the Dots: Primary Domino Math Games
Tuesday, April 13, 2021 [Register]
Langley Primary Teachers’ Association presents Jane Felling. Dominoes are one of the most versatile and easiest math manipulatives to use in your classroom whether you are teaching whole group, integrating centers, or solitaire. Dominoes are easy to socially distance too! Come prepared to play our favorite domino math games.

Attention: Teachers Needed for FSA Marking
Grades 4 and 7 FSA coding (marking) will occur over Spring Break during March 16, 17 and 18. If you are interested in helping over all three days, please use this form to apply. Teachers will be compensated for their work (information is included on the form). Deadline for application is Friday, Feb. 26th. Please direct any questions to Deanna Lightbody dlightbody@sd35.bc.ca.

Did you know we have a District License to NFB Films? – tons of films and other educational resources K-12.
Topics such as Diversity and Inclusion, Black History, Orange Shirt Day, Indigenous Voices and Reconciliation, Environment and Sustainability, Sexual Health and more! Click here to access.

Healthy Staff, Healthy Schools Wellness Evening
Thursday, March 4, 2021 – 6:30pm to 8:00pm
A Virtual TEAMS Meeting

For the past three years, the District has been working on and learning about how to support staff well-being in a systemic and ongoing way. It is more important than ever that we look after ourselves and support each other, but also that we look at well-being through a larger systems lens.

The Healthy Staff, Healthy Schools Wellness Evening will provide the opportunity to learn about the well-being work that has already been underway and some of the plans that are being developed going forward. It will also provide information about how to contribute to this ongoing conversation.

This evening will provide the opportunity to share the results from the well-being focus groups that were conducted by external facilitators with all staff groups. We are grateful to the people that participated in these focus groups and are thankful they provided their valuable input and would like to share this learning with our whole staff community. The results will be shared before the event and there will be opportunity for discussion in small breakout sessions.

This evening is open to all Langley School District employees. Click here to register.


Kindness & Diversity
From February 24-27, in conjunction with the School District, the Foundation is celebrating Diversity Week. With a mission to make learning UNFORGETTABLE for every Langley student, the Langley School District Foundation supports such an initiative in all that we do.

One way that all of you can honor diversity among our students is to wear the Foundation’s Choose Kindness or Be Kind T-shirts, take a picture and send it to the Foundation. If you would like to purchase a T-shirt to show your support, please contact jdorland@sd35.bc.ca or purchase online at www.langleyschooldistrictfoundation.com. All proceeds from T-shirt sales support dozens of programs for Langley students.

4th Annual West Fine Art Show
The Foundation, in partnership with The West Fine Art Show Society, is holding the 4th Annual Art Show at the Glass House Winery in South Langley. Eighteen professional artists will be showing and selling their exquisite pieces.

At the same time, the Foundation will host an online exhibition and adjudication of student art with cash prizes for first, second and third. Photography, paintings, and 3-D sculptures are eligible and should follow a theme of COVID-19 and what it has wrought on our society (the positives, negatives, changes, trends). Please send images via email to scairns@sd35.bc.ca and rosemany_creative@hotmail.com. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS:  March 12, 2021.

Student Success
The Spring edition of Student Success will be published in the Langley Advance/Times on March 5, 2021. If you have any stories, articles or events that you would like in the paper, please send to scairns@sd35.bc.ca by February 25th.


Richmond Nature Park
Wildlife in Your Classroom is designed for classes Kindergarten through Grade 4.  Interactive presentations include activities, demonstrations, taxidermy, multimedia visuals and a Q & A session with the naturalist, if time permits. Click here to find out more.

2021 Virtual Science Fair
Show off your innovations and projects! To find out more information and to register, click here.

Learn French Online with UBC Extended Learning
Bursaries are now available for certified BC teachers to attend the 2021 Online Summer Intensives in French at UBC Extended Learning. Get a taste of France and Quebec from home this summer! Click here to find out more and here to apply for a bursary.

ChARTing Change Art Contest
Access to Media Education Society‘s ChARTing Change Art Contest is now open until May 1, 2021. B.C. students aged 14-18 are invited to submit original art on the themes of social and environmental injustice, activating change, and envisioning a better future.

SFU GDE Inclusive Education (Delivered Online) Summer 2021
Join this Information Session to learn about SFU’s Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education (GDE). This online program is designed for educators who are interested in deepening their capacity to create, sustain, and lead inclusive communities of belonging in their schools and classrooms. Through participating in a collaborative, experiential, inquiry-focused community of practice in the GDE cohort, you will explore pedagogical frameworks and instructional approaches that celebrate, encourage and strengthen the diversity of inclusive teaching and learning contexts. Click here to learn more.

Virtual Youth Leadership Series
AIM is a FREE Virtual Youth Leadership Series modelled after the in-person leadership
conference, Youth Adventures in Leadership (YAIL). With our lives looking a lot different than
we are used to, we wanted to offer a safe, inclusive, and fun environment that provides
participants with the opportunity to grow as individuals and leaders. We are proud to present
AIM by YAIL. Click here for more information.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891