Edition 2020/04/09 In the Loop

April 9, 2020


Cultivating Courage | Yema Ferreira | London

A Special Message for our Support Staff and Teachers

Please know that the way in which you have connected with our Langley families with such care and compassion is very much appreciated by everyone in Langley. The 5 Cs: care, compassion, connection, communication and community have been at the forefront of the work you have been doing in terms of continuity of learning. This week was all about coordination, collaboration and LOTS of learning as we prepare to move into our plan around continuity of learning with our students. As we look towards next week, the final C comes into play – COURAGE. The courage to try new things and to embark on a whole new way of learning. At the heart of it all, is the relationship we have with our students. This piece will be the most important as we begin this new journey, so please be kind to yourselves and take it slow. I wish you all a wonderful Easter weekend and hope you are staying safe and healthy.

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Dawne Tomlinson



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With students not having access to school food programs many are going without. The Langley School District Foundation is committed to providing Food for Thought Programs to vulnerable families in our district. Due to many factors the need has been far greater than expected. With over 500 families requesting help we need your help! If you are able to donate any amount, no matter how small, it will make a huge difference! $50 per week provides groceries for a family in need for a week. Please consider supporting this amazing program.

TCS Teams for all School Staffs

Please note that staff should have been added to one or more of the follow district’s Teacher Collaboration Site Teams. These teams will provide an opportunity to collaborate and share across schools. Channels have been set up in each team and district resources will be posted in these channels to support teachers. If you are in the wrong team or have not been placed in the team, please contact your administrator. Currently, we have posted all the resources to support Teams training and myBlueprint K-7 training in these district teams. More resources will continue to be added to the existing channels.

  • TCS Strongstart – Grade 3
  • TCS 4-8
  • TCS Secondary


Attention Teachers!
Click here to access online science, social studies and health lessons to engage digital-age students from grades 4-12.

Upcoming F&P Webinar
Promote the joy of reading, expand children’s vocabulary, and increase their ability to think, talk, and write: The F&P Classroom Interactive Read-Aloud Collection Overview
Tuesday, April 14, 6:00 PM ET


Cancelled, Rescheduled, and Digital Events
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, all of our upcoming events have been cancelled, rescheduled, or moved to an online platform. If you’ve registered for an event through ThinkLangley, we’ll be reaching out to you through email soon.

Going Online
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? We can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.




Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891