Edition 2020/05/22 In the Loop

May 22, 2020




There are many district-vetted resources being added to the Channels within the TCS Teams. The TCS Teams are collaborative spaces where you can find resources, share resources and ask questions regarding resources and tech platforms.  All educators have been added to these Teams. We have the following 3 Teams: StrongStart – Grade 3, Grade 4-8 and Secondary. You can also participate in more than one team.


Check out Adrienne Gear’s Online Literacy Lesson Ideas!

YMCA Launches New Online Resource for Teachers
The YMCA has launched YGym, a free virtual physical activity program for young people and families across Canada. Offered in both English and French, YGym includes a variety of physical activity and sports skills videos for students aged 5-9 and 10-15. A fundamental movement video will also be launched soon. For more information, click here.


Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? We can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

Summer Science Pro-D Opportunity for K to 8 Teachers –  Elementary Elements (online) Science Course
In collaboration with Trinity Western University, the District is offering the opportunity for K to 8 teachers to audit a portion of TWU’s Elementary Elements online course this summer. Interested participants will get to explore the Big Ideas in the BC Science curriculum in their grade area through an integrated, hands-on approach.  The course includes both online lectures as well as a practical, hands-on lab component which can be completed at home and will provide teachers will useful, hands-on science activities that they can implement in their classroom. There is no cost to interested teachers. Please click here to view the K to 5 brochure and here to view the 6 to 8 brochure. Both include exact dates as well as a link to the application form if you would like to apply.  Any additional questions can be directed to Gregg Jennens (gjennens@sd35.bc.ca) or George Kozlovic (gkozlovic@sd35.bc.caTWU – Elementary Elements (One Pager Middle School)


Provincial Outreach Program for Autism and Related Disorders
Two new series are open to all school staff and parents and attendance is free. Registration information below:

1-Day Managing Behaviour VIRTUAL Workshop
June 1, 2020, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
This one-day workshop will cover fundamental aspects of understanding and managing challenging behaviour. Basic strategies for preventing, responding to, and teaching replacements to challenging behaviour will be introduced, with an emphasis on strategies applicable to the remote-learning situation that school teams and families are currently navigating. Given the role of families in this new way of learning, time will be spent addressing the ways that school teams can support families via remote coaching.  Basic behaviour management strategies (such as providing predictability, promoting functional communication, and using reinforcement) will be reviewed with application and examples relevant to the home learning environment. Click here to register.

2-Day Functional Skills SuperWorkshop VIRTUAL
June 15 & 16, 2020, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Join POPARD for a free online workshop for parents and teachers supporting learning at home.Research has shown that individuals with autism may have challenges that affect one’s ability to enjoy a quality of life at a similar level of peers of the same age and stage of life. Quality of life is not static and can be enhanced in a dynamic way by discovering and experiencing new opportunities and possibilities. Context specific and individualized support strategies can be used to empower individuals with autism to actualize their potential and gain functional skills to increase independence, self-determination, interpersonal relationships, community involvement and physical and emotional well-being. This 2-day interactive workshop will include strategies to identify, teach, guide and assess functional skills for individuals with autism and other developmental disabilities. By the end of the workshop, participants will have practical knowledge and tools to implement functional skills lessons in the home, school, and community settings. Click here to register

SEL BC Retreat Webinar
Understanding Mindfulness-Based Social and Emotional Learning Programs Through an Epigenetics Lens
May 28, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Join our expert panel, Dr. Kim Schonert-Reichl, Dr. Molly Lawlor, and Marna Macmillan, as they discuss a pioneering research study examining the ways in which a mindfulness-based SEL program (MindUP) for middle school students can get “under the skin” and result in change in DNA methylation (aka social epigenetics) and stress physiology. Dr. Molly Lawlor will describe the new MindUP middle school curriculum, and Dr. Kim Schonert-Reichl and Marna Macmillan will describe the study. They will also share what this means practically, including providing strategies and resources for implementing SEL in the classroom as children return back to school. Click here to register.

Understanding and Supporting the Well-being of Children in Middle Childhood: Recent Data Trends from the Middle Years Development Instrument
May 27, 3:15 – 4:15 (PT)
Middle Years Development Instrument (MDI) School District & Community Reports for 2019/2020 will be released the week of May 25th. Supporting the well-being of children in our schools and communities is more important now than ever before. MDI data are meant to spur conversations and support planning for children’s well-being, social and emotional learning, and resiliency in classrooms, schools, families, and communities. Dr. Kim Schonert-Reichl will share the latest MDI findings, highlight some important data trends, and discuss these in the context of the current pandemic. She will also provide examples and practical strategies of how MDI data can be used at the school, school district, and community level for supporting the well-being of our children. We will be joined by special guest, Gail Markin, Social Emotional Learning Support K-12, for the Langley school district. Gail will share her experience using the MDI to support child well-being in Langley and throughout BC.

*Registration:  hxxps://ubc.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJclc-mtqDIrGNbe8GaTwCwI0vi4csjStgY4
*Please note that due to new UBC security protocols, the links included in this email are not live. Copy and paste the link into your browser and replace hxxps with https.

Can’t make it?  Don’t worry!  It will be available on our DiscoverMDI website a few days after the broadcast.  You’ll be able to find the link here under “Recorded Webinars and Online Training”: http://www.discovermdi.ca/connect/events-training/

Langley Watershed Bioblitz
Discover the diversity of life that calls Langley home. The watershed groups of Langley are looking for all of the different plants, animals, fungus and everything in between from June 1 and June 14 as part of Canadian Environment Week (June 1-7) and Rivers to Oceans Week (June 8-14). Participants can use the free iNaturalist or Seek apps to identify their photos of local wildlife, upload them to the Langley Watershed Bioblitz project and add to the knowledge of biodiversity in Langley. This would be an excellent activity for any age of student, with parent involvement. For information please contact stewardship@leps.bc.ca.

Calling all Artists!
The Langley Community Services Society is purchasing a van and would like to have it design wrapped. They are seeking help from the community in designing the graphics. Any image, picture or graphic is welcome. They are looking for something that helps depict their agency, whether it be abstract or otherwise. Pictures should be submitted in a JPG or PNG with 300 ppi (pixels per inch) or higher. Contest is open to everyone and the winning submission will win $500. The images selected will be worked into a full wrap on the van with our colours and logo with the company doing the design work. Click here to find out more.

Ted Leavitt Parent/Teacher Education Sessions
Hosted by the Langley Children Committee, this free, upcoming webinar with Ted Leavitt is being offered virtually. To find out more and register, please click on the link below.


Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891