Edition 2020/06/12 In the Loop

June 12, 2020


Core Competency Self Assessment Form to Duplicate
Thanks to Carey Spaulding for sharing this form to use for students self assessment of the core competencies. Appropriate for intermediate/middle. Just duplicate and use!

POPEY’s Latest Learning Menu & Core Competencies Resources
POPEY’s Home & School Learning Menu #10 – with its special focus on the Communication Core Competency is now available on its website. They have also created additional resources for use at home or at school, including two bundles of student self-assessment resources for the Communication Core Competency.

**You can download editable versions of POPEY’s Core Competencies self-assessment resources here (if you teach French Immersion or would like to adjust the wording or page format). 


NEW: Summer Bootcamp: Power Up the Possibilities
Save the date: September 1-3, 2020

Are you looking or thinking “ONWARD” to the next school year, wondering how you will “Cultivate” your “Emotional Resiliency” as an Educator? 
If participating in creating a safe space (virtually or in-person) with like-minded colleagues in the fall, in an effort to uplift and empower one another, through a casual monthly book club format interests you, please reach out (Candace Coulson, ccoulson@sd35.bc.ca). Learning from Elena Aguilar’s experience and her texts Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resiliency in Educators and The Onward Workbook. Elena’s texts are based on an educator’s school year, so together we can uncover the depths of our inner wisdom and explore our outer relational strengths in the spheres of our lives – meeting, reading, reflecting, and sharing each month. This link will take you to some of the tools Elena shares. Registration will take place in September

Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? We can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

Summer Science Pro-D Opportunity for K to 8 Teachers –  Elementary Elements (online) Science Course
In collaboration with Trinity Western University, the District is offering the opportunity for K to 8 teachers to audit a portion of TWU’s Elementary Elements online course this summer. Interested participants will get to explore the Big Ideas in the BC Science curriculum in their grade area through an integrated, hands-on approach.  The course includes both online lectures as well as a practical, hands-on lab component which can be completed at home and will provide teachers will useful, hands-on science activities that they can implement in their classroom. There is no cost to interested teachers. Please click here to view the K to 5 brochure and here to view the 6 to 8 brochure. Both include exact dates as well as a link to theapplication form if you would like to apply.  Any additional questions can be directed to Gregg Jennens (gjennens@sd35.bc.ca) or George Kozlovic (gkozlovic@sd35.bc.ca)  TWU – Elementary Elements (One Pager Middle School)



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