Edition 2020/09/18 In the Loop

September 18, 2020


Important  Tech Information Items for Teachers

 APP Approval Process
The District has established a revised App Approval Process. Please click HERE to see the process. 

Changes To Student IPAD Management
This summer I.T. migrated your student iPads to a new management system called Jamf. The process involved erasing/wiping and enrolling the device to the new system.

  1. What is the name of the student iPads?

When our I.T. team found the iPads in your school, we were happy that most of the iPads were labeled and Tubs were named as our plan included the renaming of the student iPads making it easier to Airdrop. We did our best to reflect the name the iPads to the labels you provided. Some iPads had numbers on them which we included in the name. If the iPads were not numbered, we added a number to provide devices unique and easily identifiable names when sharing files via AirDrop.

The name structure for the iPads is: School Code-Department/Maingroup-Subgroup-device number, (Subgroup is optional).

For example, …



When you send a request to our Help Desk, you should identify the iPad(s) name(s), for example, “please push out the GarageBand app to JHE-General-Tub2 iPads.”

  1. How do I find the iPad name?

The name is displayed on the iPad when the screen is locked.

  1. What if we need to change iPad names?

Submit a Help Desk ticket identifying the iPads and the new names needed. Also by going to Settings – General – About.

  1. Where can I find iPad Apps

Langley Apps is now called Self Service. When you open Self Service, you can search and install district approved apps or request an app. Please click on this link for details on how to install an app, how to request an app, as well as the app request approval and vetting process.

If you request a paid apps (apps with cost), we want to allocate licenses accurately as your school has paid for it; therefore, we push it to the device after you request them.

Thank you for your patience as we try our best to process your requests as quickly as we can.


Orange Shirt Day – September 30
The annual Orange Shirt Day on September 30th opens the door to global conversation on all aspects of Residential Schools. It is an opportunity to create meaningful discussion about the effects of Residential Schools and the legacy they have left behind. A discussion all Canadians can tune into and create bridges with each other for reconciliation. A day for survivors to be reaffirmed that they matter, and so do those that have been affected. Every Child Matters, even if they are an adult, from now on.

The date was chosen because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes to residential schools, and because it is an opportunity to set the stage for anti-racism and anti-bullying policies for the coming school year. It is an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations of children to come.

Please see below for more curricular resources. Have questions? Need more info? Please contact Lesley Gunning (Humanities District Teacher) at LGunning@sd35.bc.ca.

Orange Shirt Day Resources

Be Informed: What is Orange Shirt Day? Here

Orange Shirt Day Explanation Video Here

Events: Sign up for: UBC Webinar- Sept. 22, 2020 “The Orange Shirt Story” with Phyllis Webstad Here

Every Child Matters: An Online Event for Canadian Youth in Grades 5-12 Here

Teacher Resources & Classroom Activities

BCTF: Orange Shirt Day Activities Grade Range: K-7 Here

Orange Shirt Day Grade Range: K-6 Here

Orange Shirt Day Grade Range: 8-12 Here

Orange Shirt Day FRENCH Grade Range: 5-12 Here

Orange Shirt Day FRENCH Grade Range 8-12 Here

FNESC- Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Guide Grade Range: Grade 10 Here

FNESC- Indian Residential Schools and Reconciliation Guide Grade Range: Grade 11-12 Here

National Film Board of Canada – Orange Shirt Day Resources Here

Every Child Matters: Education Through Reconciliation
Canada’s History and the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation are pleased to share the digital edition of the publication Every Child Matters: Reconciliation Through Education and corresponding educational materials. These are designed to support teachers and students in their learning journey. The activities are intended to encourage student inquiry and investigation, while also supporting action-based learning. Each lesson is based on one of the seven teachings, reminding all of us that love, truth, wisdom, humility, courage, respect, and honesty truly matter.

download a PDF of the entire Educator’s Guide 



Teacher Mentorship Program 
Participation in a structured mentorship program enables teachers to learn and grow in a supportive, collaborative culture. Our district’s Teacher Mentorship Program is open to all teachers who have less than five years of experience OR who have had a significant change in assignment OR who feel that they would benefit from a structured mentoring program. Click here to view the program flyer.

If you are interested in joining the program or would like additional information, please contact Brenda Barlow (bbarlow@sd35.bc.ca or 778-726-3530).

Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K & Kindergarten Online Conference
Save the date! Friday, October 23, 2020
Connecting the Pieces is going online for this year’s conference! Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners. Stay tuned for more information.

Online workshop registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

On-Demand webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.



Join the Reading Buddies Program!
Reading Buddies is a program in Langley that pairs high school students with kids in Grades 1 to 3 who need extra help with reading. Big buddies must be ages 15+ and/or registered in Grades 10 to 12. This year, due to COVID-19 the Reading Buddies program will be held on-line via Zoom from October to December 2020.

For Little Buddies and Big Buddies to apply, click here.

For more information, email ARempel@encompass-supports.com or call 604-617-5140.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891