October 9, 2020
See these new apps in Self Service recommended by Instructional Services:
- Touch Counts – http://www.touchcounts.ca/about.html Math app for younger students 3-8 -created by SFU – Free
- Touch Times – http://www.touchcounts.ca/touchtimes/index.html Math app for older students created by SFU – multiplication and division – Free
- Duck Duck Moose –https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/superhero-comic-book-maker/id545311423 Superhero Comic Maker HD – storytelling – young person friendly
Identity Literature Circle Series
October 19, November 23, January 11, and March 1 [Register]
As demonstrated in the last few months, young adults are curious about so much more of the experiences of BIPOC authors than they are perhaps currently exposed to in their education and the media. We would like to invite a group of educators to discuss these books and how they could be used in the grade 10-12 classroom.
Competency Based Assessment in Secondary Classrooms with Katie White
Friday, October 23, 2020 [Register]
In an educational world that is brimming with uncertainty and change, it is hard to know where to focus our attention. We feel pulled in many directions and sorting through the noise sometimes feels impossible. When we think about assessment, it is hard to imagine a paradigm where it could actually be at center of the clarity we are searching for…but it can! Join Katie White as she explores ways teams can work together to investigate the connection between assessment, curricular competencies, and the decisions we make every day in our classrooms.
Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference (Online)
Friday, October 23 [Register]
Connecting the Pieces is going online for this year’s conference! Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners. Don’t miss our keynote presentation from the Ooey Gooey lady, Lisa Murphy.
NEW Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NVCI): Langley-Specific
Friday, October 23 [Register]
Participants will gain an understanding of behaviour prevention and de-escalation strategies in this course, as well as an over-view of physical disengagement strategies. Due to COVID, NVCI training is happening via TEAMS this year to ensure staff safety. We will not be offering separate Basic and Refresher courses, and instead will be training all staff requiring NVCI together in a Langley-Specific Certification.
Online workshop registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.
Teacher Mentorship Program
Participation in a structured mentorship program enables teachers to learn and grow in a supportive, collaborative culture. Our district’s Teacher Mentorship Program is open to all teachers who have less than five years of experience OR who have had a significant change in assignment OR who feel that they would benefit from a structured mentoring program. Please click here for the program link.
If you are interested in joining the program or if you would like additional information, please contact Brenda Barlow (bbarlow@s d35.bc.ca or 778-726-3530).
On-Demand webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.
District Digital Databases
Access through icon on student ipads:
https://www.sd35.bc.ca/our-district/instructional-departments/digital-resources/ is the website.
SD35 Digital Resources
How to access off-site (not using our IP address)
Username: langley
Password: langley35
**The following are the first two on the digital resources page. They are all fantastic and if you take some time to explore, you will find some very handy tools to work with all learners.
World Book Early Learning – Excellent Resource for K-2 Learners.
Videos on topics such as: Number, weather, animals, human body, careers and so much more.
Stories with read-to-me option- fiction, non-fiction and nursery rhymes.
Paint by number
Matching games
True or false
Online coloring
World Book Kids – Excellent Resource for Grades 2-9
Rabbit hole of rich resources including: Biographies, Animal Research, Mapping, flags, comparing countries and continents, science experiments and much more.
Games- Puzzles, multiple choice questions, matching, sorting and crosswords
There are many resources to support all learners K-12
Please click here for the Curio and Campus PDF with links for teachers to sign up. Curio and Campus (found within the Digital Resources page) offers high quality Canadian videos, interactive productions and teacher resources that link directly to British Columbia curriculum.
DLC Insider Volume 3
Please click here to view Volume 3 – Indigenous Literature Kit for K-3. This is a great resource and there are 5 kits available.
SEL/Anxiety Prevention Lessons for K-7 Educators.
EASE – Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators is a collection of school-based, evidence informed, anxiety management and resilience-building resources for use by educators with B.C. students in grades K-7.
EASE helps educators teach students strategies to address the thoughts, feelings and behaviours associated with anxiety, while also supporting social and emotional learning and mental health literacy of educators through a professional development course. EASE was developed in 2019 by the B.C. Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) in collaboration with Anxiety Canada and includes extensive feedback and insight from B.C. educators and experts in the field of childhood anxiety.
You can do the training entirely online here. It takes about 3 hours in total or if you have a group interested in learning together please connect with either of our district EASE facilitators for a hybrid or in person training that will suit your needs. Gail Markin at gmarkin@sd35.bc.ca or Leanne Fleming at lfleming@sd35.bc.ca.
Climate Education Opportunities
Econova Education is a not-for-profit organization specialized in environmental and climate change education. They offer several different projects in both English and French, in class, outdoor and online. Click here to find out more.
Canadian Red Cross: Professional Development and COVID-19 Emergency Support
The 2020 British Columbia Exploring Humanitarian Law (EHL) Teacher Training is being offered to high school teachers, online in November (Thursdays between 7-9pm). This training, organized by the Canadian Red Cross, is free and is of interest to teachers given the links between Humanitarian Education and global issues impacting many students across the province. The EHL toolkit comes equipped with prepared lesson plans. Teacher facilitators from BC will be delivering the training along with delegates from the Red Cross. For more information or to register, please click here.
Upcoming SFU Information Session – GDE Program
There are a number of webinar information sessions coming up for the Inclusive Education Langley Graduate Diploma program (planned to begin in January 2021). For more information, please click here.