Edition 2020/10/23 In the Loop

October 23, 2020

Approved App List

Click HERE to see a complete list of approved Apps in Langley Schools. Note the variety of video creation Apps available:

  • ChatterPix – by Duck Duck Moose
  • ChatterPix Kids – by Duck Duck Moose
  • Clips
  • Green Screen by Do Ink
  • iMovie


PROVINCIAL PRO-D DAY | Friday, October 23

Happy Pro-D Day!
We hope you enjoy your day of learning! ❤️ from Professional Services

Online Workshop Registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

On-Demand Webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

From the DLC
Did you know the District Learning Commons has literature circle kits for your class to use? This week’s DLC Insider is all about Intermediate literature circle books with both fantasy and overcoming hardship themes.

Highlighted this week:

  • Fantasy literature circle- This literature circle includes 7 titles with reading levels F&P O-X
  • Overcoming hardship literature circle- This literature circle includes 8 titles ranging in reading levels from F&P N-W

The DLC has many more literature circle kits, please browse through the catalogue and take a look what’s in store.

Langley School District Universal Teaching Strategy Guide 
Check out the many strategies available to you for allowing access for all learners; building trusting relationships and providing effective learning, managements and classroom instruction.

Teacher Resources
Just a reminder of the many cross curricular resources at myblueprint.ca for K-8!  Here is an example of some grade 2 learning activities!


Graduate Diploma In Education – Sampler Series
Join these free, one hour online interactive and experiential ‘Snap Shot’ sessions that introduce principles and practical strategies explored in the following Advanced Professional Studies, Graduate Diploma in Education (GDE) specialized theme program areas currently being promoted for Spring 2021:

  • Inclusive Educationdeveloped in partnership with the Langley School District
  • Inquiry and Learning in the Early Yearsdeveloped in partnership with the Vancouver School District
  • Place & Nature-based Experiential Learning – developed in partnership with the Sunshine Coast School District
  • Social Emotional Well-being and Wholistic Trauma-sensitive Practicesdeveloped in partnership with the Burnaby School District

Sessions are designed for individuals interested in learning more about these specialized themes, as well as GDE programming. For more information, click here.

Virtual Live BC Children’s Hospital Research Trainee Talks!
The Vancouver Gairdner High School & National Symposium is held each fall to give students, teachers, and the academic community the opportunity to hear from two Gairdner award-winning scientists and learn about the BC Children’s Hospital’s research facilities. Click here to find out more.

Women in STEM Panel Series Webinar
The first panel series, “Swimming in STEM” is focused on informing and encouraging careers in STEM for young women in High School. Speakers range from a chemical engineer, a chancellor, a biopsychology student and a CEO. Click here to register for November 17 and here to register for November 21.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891