October 30, 2020
First Peoples Principles of Learning
As we incorporate First Peoples Principles of Learning in our work, we highly suggest reading and having handy this work by Jo Chrona from FNESC. This website has drop down menus for each Principle- with elaborations, connections to other educational theory, examples of what FPPL looks like in the classroom and direct connections to Core Competencies. Click here to access the document we created with this exact information for ease of reference (so you don’t have to battle with drop down menus).
Online Workshop Registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.
On-Demand Webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.
The DLC Insider
This DLC Insider is all about Coyotes. It features two literature kits, one for Grade 3-6 and the other for a younger audience but could be used for all ages.
Coyote Tales- Is a cross curricular resource that supports Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives (traditional stories/trickster stories) as well as Science (Animals). The resource also provides ample opportunity to incorporate the Core Competencies.
Coyote and Raven – The books, puppets and story grid help students engage with the stories more deeply.
The Royal Canadian Legion Poster and Literacy Contest
Students are challenged to exercise their creativity and submit a poster on the theme of Remembrance in either color or black and white. Cash prizes will be offered in each age group. To find out more and to enter the contest, please click here.
Museum of Anthropology
Kent Monkman’s Shame and Prejudice: A Story of Resilience takes you on a journey through the past 150 years of Canada. It is a journey that reclaims and reinserts Indigenous voices into the collective memory of our country, challenging and shattering colonial ideas of our history. Click here to find out more.
Make it Safe Virtual OHS Conference
Make It Safe 2020 will connect health and safety experts, industry leaders, and youth from around the world to share experiences and lessons learned in addressing the pandemic via an interactive online conference. For more information or to register, click here.
Attention Parents, Educators and Supporters!
The Science Fair Foundation BC is here to help youth refine their innovative ideas and showcase their solutions to industry, academia and investors as a part of the Youth Innovation Showcase. If you know any young innovators from the province of BC or the Yukon who are between the ages of 12 to 24, we want to hear from them! Click here to find out more.