November 6, 2020
Recommended Kindergarten Digital Learning Apps
ABC Tracer
What’s up with this app?
- Reinforces upper and lower letter and numeral identification
- Guides proper printing
- Produces phonetic sounds of letters
- Explores basic sight words
Welcome to Kindergarten
What’s up with this app?
- Play with letters and numbers
- Create with paint
- Explore shapes
- Reinforce sharing
- Play songs
NEW KSP – Kindergarten Screening Protocol
November 18 or December 9 [Register]
Come learn about our School District’s formative assessment for literacy skills in Kindergarten. This protocol, done in January, gives teachers information about learners so they have adequate time within the school year to respond to the student’s needs. Learn playful activities to help our Kindergartners gain the skills and experiences that will help them develop into confident readers and writers.
NEW Mentoring Moves
November 19, January 25, and April 21 [Register]
This three-part online series is designed for teacher-mentors. Each 45-minute session will explore one key skill or protocol that will transform your mentoring practice, including Success Analysis Protocol, Positive Starts to Learning-Focused Conversations, and Reflection for Growth.
NEW Shuffling into Math Card Games – Primary Math Games with Jane Felling from Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks
January 20, 2021 [Register]
Hosted by the Langley Primary Association. We need to keep our students active and engaged in meaningful, hands-on math games and activities. Come prepared to play Jane’s best card games that can be played in all settings, small groups, centers, whole class with social distancing practices, home if being taught remotely. Participants will learn how to use games daily in your math program, how to develop math journals and math talk extensions, and how to differentiate the games to meet the needs of all students.
myBlueprint: Spaces Pilot Opportunity for K-7 “All About Me” Users
There is a limited opportunity for K-7 teachers who are already comfortable and confident using the myBlueprint program “All About Me” to pilot a new myBlueprint communication platform called “Spaces.” The input from this pilot will be helping the myBlueprint company build this new program in response to teachers’ needs.
Goal: To assess whether myBlueprint’s new platform “Spaces” is one that would be useful for Langley SD students to use in the future for communicating student learning.
Teacher Commitment: Participating teachers need to:
- be patient and able to work with a program that is under development.
- be comfortable and confident using the myBlueprint program “All About Me.”
- use “All About Me” and “Spaces” in tandem.
Teacher Time Commitment:
- Info sessions: Nov/Dec 2020. Pilot: January 2021 to June 2021
- Participants would be required to attend afterschool sessions monthly via Microsoft Teams to provide feedback and answer questions.
- Participants would be required to attend information sessions put on by myBlueprint in order to learn about the program.
If you’re interested in being a pilot teacher, please fill out this form by Friday, Nov 13.
DLC Insider
Volume 6 is all about Grade 5 Crimes, Clues & Suspects Book Club Kit. This kit includes the books Chasing Vermeer (Level T), The Deep End Gang (Level R), Too Many Secrets (Level P), Andy Russell, NOT Wanted by the Police (Level N) as well as a teacher guide and CDs to support. This is a fun, engaging kit to enhance your language arts curriculum. Click here to find out more.
For past issues of the DLC Insider or to learn more about how to use the DLC click here.
Virtual Junior Geologist Workshops Through MineralsEd BC
MineralsEd BC offers virtual Junior Geologist Workshops to classrooms across BC. This hands-on workshop for Intermediate students addresses Grade 4-5 Science and Social Studies curriculum. Teachers can choose from two 1.5 hour virtual workshops covering a variety of topics. To find out more, click here.
Thrive Campaign
Thrive is a time where we come together as a UBC community to learn about, talk about, and explore ways to support our mental health. In partnership with BC Campus and SFU, we are hosting a PD session about Mental Health Bandwidth and Student Health and Wellbeing. The invitation is extended to all BC educators, including K-12. Click here to find out more.
Graduate Diploma in Education – Sampler Series from SFU
You are invited to join these free, one hour online interactive and experiential ‘Snap Shot’ sessions that introduce principles and practical strategies explored in Inclusive Education, Inquiry and Learning in the Early Years, Place & Nature-based Experiential learning and Social Emotional Well-being and Wholistic Trauma-sensitive Practices. To find out more and to register, click here.
Sauder BCom Fall Preview 2020
The UBC BCOM Fall Preview 2020 event hosted by the UBC Sauder School of Business event will be taking place on Thursday November 19th, from 4:30 – 6:00pm on Zoom. This online event highlights the BCOM program and gives prospective students information on applying, as well as a chance to meet some of the current students, professors and staff. Click here to register or here to learn more.
SFU Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma Program
The final webinar info session will be Tuesday, November 10 from 3:30-4:30. Please click here to join.
Three Fun and Engaging Resources for Langley
- Climate Change (Gr. 3-6): Keep Cool focuses on climate change, energy & transportation, to inspire your students to save energy and help their family drive less! Find out more and sign up!
- Waste Reduction (Gr. 3-6): Zero Heroes focuses on waste & consumption issues to inspire your students to reduce waste on our finite planet! Find out more and sign up!
- Water Conservation and Protection (Grades 3-6): H2Whoa! focuses on water and inspires your students and their families to conserve and protect our precious water resources! Find out more and sign up!
Fully funded (worth $250/classroom!) thanks to funding from the Township of Langley.
Teaching remotely? We’ve got you covered with the “Home Edition” Keep Cool | Zero Heroes | H2Whoa