Edition 2020/11/27 In the Loop

November 27, 2020



DISTRICT LEARNING COMMONS: This week’s DLC Insider is all about ADST! We have Stick-lets for creating and building structures with sticks and also Makedo for cardboard construction. If you wanted to check out some of the other highlighted resources and more info about the DLC, click here.

NEW Setting Up Your Microsoft Class Team
Two dates: December 1 | December 2 [Register]
Through this virtual workshop, primary teachers will set up their Class Team, learn how to invite students, explore the use of Class Notebook and All About Me as a proactive preparation for possible disruptions to the physical classroom.

KSP – Kindergarten Screening Protocol
December 9 [Register]
Come learn about our School District’s formative assessment for literacy skills in Kindergarten. This protocol, done in January, gives teachers information about learners so they have adequate time within the school year to respond to the student’s needs. Learn playful activities to help our Kindergartners gain the skills and experiences that will help them develop into confident readers and writers.

Shuffling into Math Card Games – Primary Math Games with Jane Felling from Box Cars and One-Eyed Jacks
January 20, 2021 [Register]
Hosted by the Langley Primary Association. We need to keep our students active and engaged in meaningful, hands-on math games and activities. Come prepared to play Jane’s best card games that can be played in all settings, small groups, centers, whole class with social distancing practices, home if being taught remotely. Participants will learn how to use games daily in your math program, how to develop math journals and math talk extensions, and how to differentiate the games to meet the needs of all students.

Odyssey: Calls to Action – Building Capacity, Understanding and Mutual Respect
Save the Date: Friday, February 12, 2021
As we continue our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is on enhancing Indigenous student achievement and integrating Indigenous world views and perspectives into learning environments. As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Our presenters will use the educational Calls to Action outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation document to guide their learning with you and the First Peoples Principles of Learning will be forefront. Odyssey 2021 connects to our work on Ensouling our Schools which has focused on creating compassionate learning communities which nurture the gifts of all of our learners.

Want to present at Odyssey 2021? Fill out the Odyssey Workshop Proposal Form.

Online workshop registration
Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? Professional Services can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.

On-Demand webinars
Do you have a pre-recorded workshop that we could host as an on-demand webinar? We’d love to share it! Contact Andrea at adriedger@sd35.bc.ca for more information.


Student Santa Letters and Favorite Traditions: Local Newspapers
Kindergarten to Grade 3
Our community partners, the Langley Advance Times/Aldergrove Star is hoping to raise spirits by sharing student Letters to Santa and Favorite Traditions. They appreciate the help from teachers, students, and families in the past and are hoping for participation again this year. This is not a District initiative. This is voluntary only. Please see the following directions/guidelines below if you would like to have your class/students participate. The District will also be sharing this information with the community on our social media channels. To ensure we are FOIPPA compliant, please ensure staff do NOT include any full names or photos of students in any submissions.

  • For students from Kindergarten to Grade 3.
  • Use plain white paper (no lines and no prepared art/letter forms)
  • Use crayon, pen, pencil, paint, felts, anything colorful.
  • Don’t correct spelling.
  • Include student’s first name, school, and grade on the back of their letter.
  • Drop off at Langley Advance Times office, 20258 Fraser Hwy. or call for pickup (604-994-1052) (Letters can be returned)
  • Deadline: Dec. 12 or sooner if possible.

For students who do not celebrate Christmas, they can write and draw their most important celebration of the year, and their favorite traditions within it, their favorite activities this time of year, or something else uplifting. Contact Heather Colpitts (604-994-1052) if you have any questions.

Celebrating Arts & Culture
Langley City Arts and Culture Task Committee is hosting an arts and cultural event in the last two weeks of January 2021. Click here to find out more.



What does authentic student inquiry look like?
Zoom Session: Jan 18th, 2020 (RSVP as soon as possible)
How can we create learning environments that cultivate curiosity and grow young people as confident, capable and creative inquirers?  How can we ensure that our teaching nurtures rather than diminishes the sense of wonder with which we are all born? How can we become better inquirers as we teach? How can we help our students grow as thinkers, collaborators, self-managers, communicators and researchers as they inquire? Join Kath Murdoch, one of the leading thinkers around student inquiry, as we explore what authentic student inquiry looks like and how to design for it. Click here to RSVP.

Inquiring into formative assessment? Interested in a $1000 grant?
Application Deadline: Dec 15th, 2020
The Canadian Assessment for Learning Network provides a grant opportunity (up to $1000 per grant) to support educators using or planning to use the Spiral of Inquiry or similar collaborative inquiry process for professional learning in the area of Formative Assessment/Assessment for Learning. Click here for more information.

Get Prepared for Storm Season
Power Smart for schools offers curriculum-based activities to help students learn about how to prepare for outages, as well as how to stay safe around downed power lines. Click here to find out more.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891