February 5, 2021
SIOP: Supporting All learners in a Classroom Setting Using ELL Strategies
February 9, March 2, April 6, and April 27 [Register]
This series of workshops will provide you with a variety of strategies that can be used in the classroom to promote language learning for ALL learners. We will look at second language acquisition, preparing lessons, building background knowledge, and comprehensible input.
Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, February 12
Odyssey: Calls to Action – Building Capacity, understanding and Mutual Respect
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
As we continue our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is on enhancing Indigenous student achievement and integrating Indigenous world views and perspectives into learning environments. As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Our presenters will use the educational Calls to Action outlined in the Truth and Reconciliation document to guide their learning with you and the First Peoples Principles of Learning will be forefront. Odyssey 2021 connects to our work on Ensouling our Schools which has focused on creating compassionate learning communities which nurture the gifts of all of our learners.
Making the Most of Moe
Friday, February 12, 2021 [Register]
Making the Most of Moe® is a five-hour online workshop developed, owned and facilitated by Anne Gardner and Margaret Chesterman, the Speech-Language Pathologists who developed Moe the Mouse® for BC Aboriginal Child Care Society. In this workshop educators are shown how to use the Moe the Mouse® Curriculum Box. The basics of speech and language development in young children, strategies for supporting children’s speech and language development, and strategies for supporting children with speech and language delays in childcare, preschool, and home settings are reviewed. (Note: Moe the Mouse® is not included in your registration.)
From the DLC
This week’s DLC Insider Vol. 13 is all about Story Baskets for primary classes. Story baskets are multimedia kits based on a story book which allow children to retell the story, or make up new thematic stories, using materials provided. If you need assistance with using the DLC, please see your school’s teacher librarian or click here.
Gratitude Art Contest
The Fraser Valley Aboriginal Children & Family Services Society is offering this contest to all Indigenous children and youth in BC. Children and youth, in two age categories, are asked to express in a drawing or painting what they grateful for. There will be cash prizes and the winning entry will be made into Thank You cards for the agency.
Age Categories: Age 3 to 12; Age 13 to 19
Prizes: 1) $150; 2) $100; 3) $50 in each category
Send your art with your name, age, and phone number to: info@xyolhemeylh.bc.ca with a subject line “Gratitude Contest”. The deadline for submissions is February 12, 2021 at 4:30pm.
Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education
GDE programs are designed in collaboration with BC school districts for educators whose primary focus is school-based practice. The GDE provides educators with the opportunity to engage in focused, sustained, reflective inquiry into their practice within a 2-year cohort model program. Click here to find out more.