May 7, 2021
Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email
- Diversity and Anti-Racism Resources
Elem/Mid Teachers: How to Access the District License for TH’OWXIYA: The Hungry Feast Dish
We have purchased a month long District license for elementary and middle schools to watch a recorded performance of Joseph Dandurand’s play “TH’OWXIYA: The Hungry Feast Dish” from Axis Theatre. Joseph is a member of Kwantlen First Nation and his play is based upon Kwantlen First Nation teachings and understandings. This is a wonderful opportunity to add teachings from the local territories into your classroom. This license is accessible from Monday, May 3rd to Friday, June 4th. Contact your school admin for the login instructions and streaming guidelines.
The Study Guide for teachers will help prepare students for the live theatre performance and use the performance to enhance your arts curriculum in the classroom. Click here for more information.
NEW ICBC’s Road Safety Speaker Program
May 26, 2021 [Register]
Interested in booking an ICBC road safety speaker? Sign up for an overview of the ICBC Road Safety Speaker Program to learn steps for schools/facilitators on how to book a free road safety speaker presentation.
NEW Story Workshop Book Study Series
September 22, October 13 & November 3 [Register]
Join a small passionate group of teachers who wish to create or continue their journey with the story workshop model and explore aspects of the Early Learning Framework. In this 3-part series, we will be reading the brand new book Story Workshop: New Possibilities for Young Writers by Susan Harris MacKay (a teacher and pedagogical director of the Opal School in Portland Oregon.) Participants will be immersed in the book talk for the first 2 sessions and will also be encouraged to try story workshop in their classrooms. Session 3 will be spaced out from the first 2 sessions to give you opportunity to live that teacher researcher role and come back to share ideas and experiences with other members.
NEW From Phonological Awareness to Reading Building a Strong Foundation
October 4, 18, & 25, 2021 [Register]
As teachers, we strive to provide a rich learning environment and a balanced literacy approach to helping all our learners become strong readers, writers and communicators. The BC Early Learning Framework recognizes that children approach learning in different ways to construct knowledge, test theories, explore and express ideas. We want to give all children access points to reading and the tools to success. We have created this 3-part series of workshops on early reading development to help you explore the skills that all students need to be successful in learning how to read. By attending this workshop, you will grow an understanding of how a child learns to read and how writing and vocabulary are an integral part of this process. While learning to talk is natural and innate, reading skills must be taught.
Call for Presenters! Summer Institute 2021
The Langley School District’s Summer Institute will host a number of professional development options all packed into one day – a “smorgasbord of learning.” The areas of learning will be centered around curriculum, pedagogy and assessment and we are excited to provide learning options relevant for all teachers K-12! If you are interested in applying to present PLEASE CLICK HERE to send your submission.
Follett Destiny Software Training Session
Friday, May 21st [Register]
Interested in refreshing your Destiny skillset? Have questions around cataloguing or inventory? Want to learn about new software updates and the new Destiny Discover app? This session will be designed based on your needs. We will send out a form prior to the session for you to share your questions and requests. The learning specialist from Follett Destiny will then design the session according to what you said is relevant for you.
Onward: Cultivating Emotional Resilience in Educators: A Book Club
Wednesday, May 26th [Register]
Are you looking “ONWARD” to the next school year, wondering how you will further “Cultivate” your “Emotional Resiliency,” as an Educator?
If participating in creating a safe space (virtually) with like-minded colleagues next school year, through a casual monthly book club, with the goals of building more self-awareness and uplifting and empowering one another, interests you, please join us.
We will meet on May 26h from 3:30 to 4:30, to pick up our books, meet each other and make some plans for the monthly book club that will begin in the fall. Book and workbook included with registration! Everyone is welcome but please register as soon as possible so we can order your books!
For more information contact Gail Markin, or Candace Coulson,
Math Place: A New Math Resource for Grade 1 & 2 Teachers
Wednesday, September 14th & October 5th [Register]
Math Place is a newly approved Math resource for grade 1-3 teachers. This September, each school will receive 1 kit per grade of the NUMBER and OPERATIONS set. Join Diane Stang, the author of Scholastic Math Place, as she goes through the kits and shows you how this new resource aligns with the BC curriculum and how you can use it as part of your math instruction. This is a great way to start building number sense in your students right at the beginning of the year. (Note: the grade 3 set will arrive in late August and the workshops will be set up then for grade 3 teachers.)
CUPE1260 & 1851 Pro-D Conference
Friday, May 21st [Register]
CUPE 1260 & 1851 have organized an exciting ProD Day on May21st! Check out the wide range of workshops being offered for a great day of learning! This Pro-D will be hosted virtually on Teams.
Clerical Pro-D
Friday, May 21st [Register]
IT and Finance are coming together to offer ProD to our school clerical staff. We are offering training on the new phone systems being implemented in all schools, KEV year-end and MyEd year-end. This Pro-D will be hosted virtually on Teams.
SD35’s Read-Speak-Champion Virtual Author Series with Author Sarah Suk
Tuesday, May 25 [Register]
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students. To do so, it’s integral that we first listen to and learn from those voices ourselves. Join us to learn from Sarah Suk, a Canadian Korean Young Adult Author, about her author journey, diversity in kidlit, and how WE can support diverse authors in our educational spaces.
Emerging Talent Art Contest
Thank you to all the art teachers and students who participated in the Emerging Talent Art Contest. We received dozens of entries in the forms of visual, 3-D and photographic art. The Foundation adjudicators have chosen the top three as well as one honorable mention, all of whom will receive cash prizes of $500, $300, $100 and $50.
First – Sasha Khrystenok
Second- Emily Parsons
Third – Mariska Komoh
Honorable Mention – Kaycee M
Congratulations to all the artists who participated. Your works will remain featured on the Foundation website: until the end of June.
Raising funds for Music Programs
Thank You for the Music Society is launching the Practice-A-Thon to support music students and teachers in the Langley School District. This year’s Practice-A-Thon will take place from May 10-24, 2021. Musicians (students) will register online with a commitment to practice for a specific amount of time over 15 days, and enter in a draw for awesome prizes. Family and friends will be encouraged to pledge students to support the goal of purchasing new acoustic, hybrid and stage pianos for schools throughout the Langley School District.
The Society is asking for participants, educators or sponsors!
Preview YouTube video TYFTM Teaser 2021
Student Success Magazine
The next edition of Student Success Magazine will be published in the Langley Advance/Times during the week of May 27. If you have any stories, announcements or events that you would like to include, please send to by May 20.
Kindness T-Shirts
The Foundation is promoting their Kindness T-Shirts. See them on line here. The Foundation is currently spending more than $50,000 per month to ensure that all Langley students and their families receive nutritious meals both at school and at home. All proceeds from the sales of our T-Shirts go to support our much-needed
Resilient Roots: Metis Mental Health and Wellness Magazine Issue 2
MNBC’s Metis Youth Mental Health and Wellness Initiative is so excited to be able to share with you the second issue of Resilient Roots: Metis Mental Health and Wellness Magazine! As shared by Minister Kate Elliott, “this magazine hopes to be a testament to the shining strength and resilience of the Metis Community.”
Mental Health Week 2021
Running from May 3-9, the focus of Mental Health Week this year is understanding our emotions. This year’s campaign calls for us to #GetReal about how we feel and to name it, don’t numb it. Visit the Canadian Mental Health Association website to see the resources that are available and download their School Toolkit.
Unique Free Opportunity for Grades 9-12
Imagine Cup Junior is a 2 day Hackathon Event. Students receive free Microsoft Al Fundamentals Certification and a chance to win a Microsoft Surface Laptop GO prize pack valued at $1,899.00. Click here for more information.
Fall 2021: On-Line SFU Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma
Wednesday, May 19th at 3:30pm-4:30pm
“Inclusion is the celebration of diversity in action”
This September 2021, Simon Fraser University Advanced Professional Studies will be launching an on-line Inclusive Education Graduate Diploma program. Over the span of two years, you will learn, collaborate and reflect with other educators from around British Columbia. This program will consist of a weekly 2-3 hour on-line class on Tuesdays and a one week long Summer Institute in August 2022 and 2023. At the end of successfully completing the program, you will be granted a Category +5 status, you will have gained a strong collaborative network with other BC educators and you will be enriched with new inquiries into inclusive education. Go here to register.