In the Loop – April 21, 2023

April 21, 2023



2023 Moose Hide Campaign | More info
The Moose Hide Campaign is a grass-roots campaign aimed to end gender-based violence by creating safer campuses and school communities across Canada.  On Thursday May 11, school districts are invited to participate in Moose Hide Campaign Day as a commitment to reconciliation and ending gender-based violence in Canada. This year’s theme is “Storytelling to create change” and there will be K-12 specific livestreams and pre-recorded workshops for all grade levels. Schools can register their participationorder pins and access free resources and lesson plans through the Moose Hide Campaign website.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series: Alison Johns – Eddie the Elephant Has Something to Say | On-Demand Learning Feature
Join our conversations with Alison Johns, a speech language pathologist from Calgary, Alberta, as we explore how to use story to increase awareness and understanding. Her picture book is about an elephant with a speech disability who creates an augmentative and alternative communication device (AAC) to help him communicate. This charming story helps all children (and adults!) learn about AAC and is currently in all elementary school libraries in the Langley School District.

CUPE 1260 Spring Conference | May 19 | Register
Join us for a day of learning and professional development open to CUPE 1260 staff in the Langley School District.  Learn the ins and outs of the District from payroll to clerical services to benefits and leave. Get a Microsoft Office certification, learn about our “grumpy bodies” and how to manage pain. Learn about how to organise recess games, or trauma-informed breath work for yourself or the young people in your life. You’ll have a chance to connect with your colleagues in CUPE 1260.

Insignia Library Software Training for TLs & LTs | May 19 | Register
This training is for all district staff (library technicians and teacher librarians) who work with out library software.  This full day face-to-face session will provide you the knowledge and the hands on experience to learn the key features of the Insignia Library System so you can manage your library following the training.  There will be time to learn together, experiment and ask questions about the new system.

 ACT CPR and AED Training Workshop | May 19 | Register
Local CPR instructors will train phys. ed teachers in CPR-A followed by our Opioid Overdose Response Training and train-the-trainer session, enabling teachers to deliver the ACT High School CPR and AED program at their schools. Certificates provided by the training agency and ACT Foundation.

Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1 for CUPE 1260 Staff | May 19 | Register
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.


BC Digital Classroom Webinar | Focused Education Resources | April 24, 2023 | Register
Join Focused ED and SD 67 Okanagan Skaha on April 24th for a Pro-D webinar overviewing the BC Digital Classroom resources and the K-12 Evaluated Resource Collection. Teacher-Librarians and interested teachers won’t want to miss the opportunity to learn more!

  • How to search the K-12 Evaluated Resource Collection effectively
  • Explore Novelist K-8
  • Take a deeper dive into the BC Digital Classroom resources:
    • How to access TL support materials (with passcodes);
    • Discover curriculum alignment and subject-specific opportunities;
    • Share perspectives on the different uses and applications of the resources; and,
    • Promote the use of the resources in libraries and classrooms.

The BC Digital Classroom collection is licensed by all school districts and many independent school members.

Traditional Indigenous Foods School Health Webinar | April 26, 2023 | Register
Chefs Jared Qwustenuxun Williams and Andrew George are hosting a webinar on April 26 from 3:00 pm –5:00 pm on how to integrate Indigenous recipes, traditional foods, and practices in B.C. schools. Please see this attachment for more information and registration details.

Introducing Hands on Food Webinar | April 27, 2023 | Register
Please register to attend this informational webinar in April to learn more about Hands on Food and help celebrate the launch of this valuable resource. Join this exciting launch on April 27th at 3:30 pm PST on Zoom by signing up at the register link above. Please see more information about this learning resource here.


The Sky’s No Limit – Girls Fly Too! Are YOU our next Astronaut? | April 29-30, 2023 | More info
The Abbotsford International Airport is hosting this incredible event of a lifetime: The Sky’s No Limit – Girls Fly Too! World’s Largest Aviation, Aerospace Marine & Defense Diversity Outreach Event! Everyone is invited to this FREE event where you can meet the crews and explore several billion dollars of amazing assets, hands-on activities and displays from the Canadian and U.S. Military, Coast Guard, RCMP, CBSA, various municipal police/fire, search & rescue and others in Aviation, Aerospace, Marine & Defense! You might even meet a NASA astronaut! We also offer hundreds of free helicopter flights for female first-time fliers (any age)!
That’s why the Achieve Anything Foundation, with the support of like-minded industry leaders, chooses an immersive, hands-on approach to improve gender diversity. Our events, projects & programs are always completely free for participants to prevent any barriers to participation.

Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education | Closing May 5th, 2023 | More info
The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education provides students, parents, teachers and others in the community with an opportunity to recognize education professionals who make a real difference in B.C. schools.  Please consider nominating a teacher from your school community who is worthy of consideration for this prestigious award.  The nomination window is now open and will remain open until Friday May 5. Please use this form to fill out your nominations.

National Indigenous Peoples Day Contest | Closes May 12th | More info
Our National Indigenous Peoples Day Art Contest is happening from now until May 12. It’s open to all Indigenous children and youth in BC, ages 3 to 19. We won’t be ranking the entries, but everyone who participates will receive a gift card and if we use the art in any of our publications, we will give the participant an Honoria. Please submit entries by May 12, 2023 at 4:30pm to: with
your name, age, telephone number and full address with postal code.

Dance performance in French | Norman & Annette Rothstein Theatre | June 6, 2023
The Alliance Francaise Vancouver invites you to discover La Forêt Ébouriffée, in a contemporary dance performance, to experience a poetic moment raising philosophical questions.
This 45 minute show will be followed by a discussion with the French artists from Christian et François Ben Aïm Company. This choreographic and poetic show is about self acceptance and is ideal for Grades 1 and up. If you would like to discuss this further or arrange for your students to attend, please contact Léna ROUCHY at


Introducing Hands on Food | A New Resource for Educators | More Info
This resource provides a collection of lesson plans to teach food skills and food systems concepts that connect to the BC curriculum. While the lessons are targeted to grades 4-7, they can be easily adapted for any grade (kindergarten through grade 12).
Hands on Food is the product of a collaboration between Interior Health, School District 73, Farm to School BC and the Public Health Association of BC. Our lessons were developed by registered dietitians and educators, and include student-tested recipes and activities that align with the BC curriculum. These hands-on lessons have been successfully implemented in many classrooms, proving to engage and educate students. You can explore our Cook it, Preserve it, Grow it, and Don’t Waste it lesson plans by visiting the website.
Access to share Hands on Food has been made easy; simply visit to access graphics and write ups to promote the resource via email, newsletters, or social media.
There is an informational webinar on April 27, 2023 to learn more about Hands on Food and to celebrate the launch of this valuable resource. Register here.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891