December 8, 2022
- Links to Key Info AND Resources in Langley
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email
Indigenous Leadership as Ceremony: Weaving Together our Collective Stories and Knowledges into the Fabric of the British Columbia Public Education System
This outstanding article was written by the BCSSA indigenous Leaders and appeared in the Spring 2022 edition of the InspirEd journal. Read the article HERE.
Indigenous Relations Academy Self-Guided Course
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act is now available as a course! The self-guided training is filled with 21 knowledge checks that will help test participants’ understanding and even provide new information relevant to the current day. Costs for the online course, which will take up to three hours to complete, is $21/person.
Recommended Books to Understand Residential Schools
In this CBC feature article, “48 books by Indigenous Writers to Read to Understand Residential Schools,” a Cree author based in Winnipeg, David A. Robertson, has compiled a list of 48 books, (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) for all ages to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous children forced to attend Indian Residential Schools. Each recommended book comes with a brief overview of the book and its suitability for different audiences.
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit
Intermediate Social Studies Activities: Beyond the Textbook – With Larissa Kondo
[On-Demand Learning Feature]
Often, social studies classes take the form of reading comprehension assignments. In this workshop, I will share different strategies and free resources teachers can use to explore social studies with their intermediate students. Strategies will align with BC social studies competencies and some Indigenous principals of learning.
Save the Date! Odyssey 2023! – February 10
As part of our ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, Odyssey will once again be Indigenous focused. The day will be structured similarly to last year’s Odyssey where ALL District employees will participate in school and department teams at their respective sites. Like last year, while there will be some keynote sessions, there will also be an opportunity for staff to choose where to focus some of their learning. While staff do still have the autonomy to choose their professional development on February 10th, we are once again hoping for almost full participation in our main Odyssey session. More details to come!
Numeracy 10 Credentialing – January 7 [Register]
The purpose of the credentialing workshop is to outline the duties and responsibilities of provincial assessment markers, establish valid and reliable assessment processes, and credential educators for the marking of the provincial assessments.
Whether your interest is in learning more about assessment, engaging with provincial standards, or getting certified for future paid marking; this is an excellent professional development opportunity.
Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – January 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.
Registration Deadline December 9! Book Study: Five Little Indians by Michelle Good – January 25, February 1, February 8 [Register]
Come join us for a book study – Five Little Indians by Michelle Good. This fictitious novel follows the lives of five different children who were forced to live at a Mission school from an early age and denied contact with their families. The outcomes for each individual vary depending on their ability to face past trauma as well as their willingness to seek help to resolve the issues that have plagued them since childhood.
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit
Supporting Indigenous (FNMI) Students with their Future Pathways Possibilities – Jan 17, 2023 (to register)
Delivered in partnership with ONECA (Ontario Native Education Counselling Association –, in this webinar participants will learn more about supporting students from a variety of backgrounds to ensure all students feel included and can see themselves represented in myBlueprint’s Education Planner. Relevant information and helpful resources will be provided to support students as they engage in Pathways Planning.
Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair – Find Out How It Fits In With The BC Curriculum (more info)
The Fraser Valley Regional Science Fair (FVRSF) is an exciting opportunity for students in Grades K-12 to engage their curiosity, cultivate their inquiry skills and participate in an exciting event on campus at UFV this Spring. Our fair provides a healthy supportive environment where students get to present their research, interact with local scientists and win cash, prizes and scholarships. Every year up to nine students with the best projects from our regional fair are invited to participate in the in Canada Wide Science Fair in Edmonton, May 14-19, 2023 Did you know that Science Fair actually fits in with the BC Curriculum? See how. Registration Opens Jan 9.
myBlueprint Monthly Objectives Newsletter
The December Monthly Objectives Newsletters are all about guiding students as they learn about Social Justice & Inclusivity in their classroom.
K-5/6 – December 2022 Monthly Objectives Newsletter on Social Justice & Inclusion
Gr. 6/7-12 December 2022 Monthly Objectives Newsletter on Social Justice & Inclusion
Future Ready 2022: the myBlueprint Conference (more info)
If you missed out on attending our Future Ready 2022 Conference this past month, or if you’re looking to review/share the recordings, our team will be uploading edited versions of the session recordings to our myBlueprint Youtube channel.
All About Me Implementation Contest (more info)
Share how you use All About Me in your class for a chance to win 2 $100 Amazon gift cards. One for you, and one for your classroom/students. Contest closes December 9, 2022.
Education Planner Scholarship Portfolio Contest (more info)
Enter for a chance to win $1,100 in total prize value. Check out the contest page for more details and click here to enter. The Contest runs from January 9-February 17, 2023 – get an early start today!
Our NEW myBlueprint live webinar sessions have been added for January – including a new topic on Supporting Indigenous (FNMI) Students with their Future Pathway Possibilities in partnership with ONECA ( on January 17, 2023, at 3:30 pm EDT. Click here to sign up!
We love celebrating the hard work educators are doing with students. Nominate a myBlueprint all-star in your board/district so that we can feature their unique implementation ideas & tips in our Monthly Objectives Newsletter (Click here)
5 Server Locations You Must Avoid When Using a VPN If you care about your privacy and don’t want to throttle your internet speed, avoid connecting to these countries when using a VPN.
The Pros and Cons of Using AI Writing Tools AI writing tools are designed to improve your written content, but they cannot be used everywhere. Here are some pros and cons you should consider.
7 Simple Tips to Protect Your Privacy on Facebook Don’t give away all your privacy!