February 2, 2023
- Links to Key Info AND Resources in Langley
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email dzurbuchenjonker@sd35.bc.ca
Learning with Syeyutsus: Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools (SD68) is hosting the TRC57 speaker series featuring conversations with 12 prominent authors and thought leaders from across the country. To learn more click here.
French Indigenous Resources: Strong Nations Publishing, is translating its Indigenous educational resources into French. Currently available are Collection Lecteurs Forts, Collection Histoires fortes, Collection Des montagnes à la mer, Les six cèdres, and Collection Corbeau. Also available: card games and posters
Every Child Matters | 4 Seasons of Reconciliation: is a learning initiative that seeks to better acknowledge that Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives are foundational to outdoor learning, and that non-Indigenous educators need to undertake further steps towards Truth and Reconciliation in order to engage appropriately and authentically in Indigenous Knowledge and Perspectives and build respectful and reciprocal relationships. Between February 15 and June 15, participants will hear directly from an incredible line-up of (mainly BC-based) Indigenous presenters, undertake 10 learning modules, receive $25 to access Indigenous Learning Resources, access a Certificate from the First Nations University of Canada, and be part of this learning community. This initiative is offered in partnership with several organizations including the First Nations University of Canada, Reconciliation Education, the Orange Shirt Society, the Moosehide Campaign and a number of Outdoor Learning Partner Organizations. Registration will remain open until February 15. Register here: https://outdoorlearningstore.com/every-child-matters/.
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR): Imagine a Canada Applications
The Imagine a Canada 2022-2023 program invites Canadian youth to submit their visions for reconciliation in Canada. Youth can share their vision through the Art and Essay Stream or submit a project plan for reconciliation in their community or school through the Project Stream. Select projects will be invited to participate in virtual Leadership Training exercises. A national celebration will be held to honour select projects from both streams. The deadline to apply is February 17, 2023.
Diversity and Respect Binder
February 20 to 24 is Diversity and Respect Week in the Langley School District. To support classroom teachers and staff with this week, the school district has created a Diversity and Respect resource binder filled with activities, lessons and resources that can be used to support learning on this week and throughout the year. You can access the binder at this link: Diversity Resources.
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit www.thinklangley.com
An Assessment Conversation with Katie White | February 7, 2023
Do you have a burning question about assessment, student self-assessment and/or how to assess using the proficiency scale? Please join us on Tuesday February 7 from 3:30-5:30 pm for “An Assessment Conversation” with Katie White. This will be an open forum opportunity for you to bring ANY assessment questions you have and Katie will do her best to answer them during this session. There is no pre-sign up required – the Zoom link for the session will be sent out on Monday morning via the TCS-Teams sites. And you are also welcome to just join in and listen – no requirement to ask any questions! It is always helpful for Katie to know what to expect in advance, so if you have questions that you would definitely like Katie to address, please send them to George Kozlovic either by email or a Team message by the end of the day on Monday Feb 6, 2023.
Odyssey 2023! February 10 | Odyssey 2023 Program Guide
As part of the Langley School District’s ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, Odyssey will once again be our Indigenous focused Professional Development Day! All staff – teachers, support staff and exempt staff have been invited to participate in this day of rich learning! Staff will engage in this learning at their school or work site to allow for conversation and collaboration with colleagues. The day will open with a keynote session featuring representatives from the four local First Nations who will provide all staff with more knowledge and insight into their culture, history and people. This will be followed by a second keynote session featuring Len Pierre from Katzie First Nation who will speak to all of our staff about anti-racism, cultural safety and alliedship. In the afternoon, staff will have an opportunity to continue their own journey around Indigenous learning by choosing from a variety of different presentations, videos, books and resources that we have available to staff and are outlined in the Odyssey program which can be found at the link below. Your school or site admin or manager will be providing guidance on how the day will be structured at your site.
ACT CPR and AED Training Workshop | May 19 | Register
Local CPR instructors will train PE teachers in CPR-A followed by our Opioid Overdose Response Training and train-the-trainer session, enabling teachers to deliver the ACT High School CPR and AED program at their schools. Certificates provided by the training agency and ACT Foundation.
Make Science and Math Come Alive with Gizmos With Explore Learning | On-Demand Learning Feature
Gizmos are interactive online simulations and case studies for math and science that power inquiry and understanding through hands-on learning and experimentation. With more than 450 Gizmos covering STEM topics for grades 3-12, students can dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts as they form, analyze, and test ideas to find solutions, just like real mathematicians and scientists. Note: These nine sessions will only be available to us from Explore Learning until mid-March, so enjoy them while we have them!
Supporting Student Self-Reflection – A CAfLN Conversation | More info
Join the Canadian Assessment for Learning Network (CAfLN) for their next assessment conversation series around Supporting Student Self-Reflection. This series of conversations is free to CAfLN members – membership is $20 per year. Go to https://cafln.ca/ to learn more and sign up.
UBC Three Week Immersion Program in Quebec City | July 3-21, 2023 | Register
Calling all French Second Language Teachers! Join this popular three-week immersion program, held in the heart of Quebec City. The 2023 Institut de Français, UBC à Québec is running July 3-21. Space is limited so you are encouraged to register early! The deadline to register is May 1, 2023. Learn more about the Institut de Français, UBC à Québec.
Humanitarians in Training Conference | February 25, 2023 | More info
The Red Cross Student Movement (RCSM) is hosting “Humanitarians in Training”, a day-long humanitarian issues conference at UBC. This conference will foster growth for young humanitarians through immersive workshops covering leadership skills and humanitarian issues. This is an opportunity for motivated students to join a network of like-minded individuals, and to form new connections with whom they can collaborate on large-scale awareness and fundraising projects. Register
Horizons Conference at Clayton Heights Secondary School | March, 8, 2023 | More info
This will be a one-day leadership journey for student leaders and teacher advisors with all levels of
experience. The agenda is designed to provide participants with motivation, inspiration, and information to make their schools a better place to live and learn. This is an excellent opportunity for students who might be thinking about taking on a leadership role in their schools. Find the registration form here.
Universite de Montreal Immersion Program in Montreal | July 15-29, 2023 | Register
Admissions are underway for the UdeM Summer Immersion Program for youths aged 15 to 17. What can they expect? An unforgettable immersive experience with their peers from all around the world, all together on a charming North American-style campus in one of the best student cities in North America. Memories, smiles and knowledge guaranteed!
Financial Literacy Fest by Chatter High | More info
This month-long event has been put together to increase youth financial literacy across the country. This event, called “Financial Literacy Fest” is a set of concurrent competitions, in French and English, available for grades 6-12, and free for all districts and schools to participate in.
- Learn About Your Taxes Competition – by the CRA | Feb 15 – Mar 15, 2023 | More info
This competition is an opportunity for Canadian middle and high school students to become more confident about doing their own taxes while having fun competing for their school. This competition will be based on the 6 bilingual Learn About Your Taxes courses by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). This is for all middle school and high school students nationwide (English and French).
A total of 17 top ranking schools on our four leaderboards will receive a piece of the $5,000 prize pot. Students will also receive a certificate for completing the Learn About Your Taxes: Completing a Basic Tax Return course. Note: If students miss the competition dates, the courses and certificate will continue to be available following the competition. - Insurance Literacy and Me Competition – Feb 15 – Mar 15, 2023 | More info
This competition is an opportunity for Canadian middle and high school students to understand and become more confident about insurance that will serve them. This competition will be based on the Insurance Literacy modules by the Insurance Institute, Career Connections, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, and the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction. This is for all high school and middle school students in Canada (English Only). A total of 17 top ranking schools on our four leaderboards will receive a piece of the $5,000 prize pot. Note: If students miss the competition dates, the courses and certificate will continue to be available following the competition.
Langley Teacher Clickable District Resource | Check it out here.
Safer Internet Week Lessons | February 7, 2023 | More info
Safer Internet Day 2023 takes place on Tuesday, 7 February 2023. Here are some classroom lessons to help facilitate the development of digital citizenship skills next week with your students:
- K/1 Resources: Gr K-1 Safer Internet Day Lessons (Web view)
- 2/3 Resources: Gr 2-3 Safer Internet Day Lessons (Web view)
- 4/5 Resources: Gr 4-5 Safer Internet Day Lessons (Web view)
- 6-8 Resources: Gr 6-8 Safer Internet Day Lessons (Web view)
Digital Citizenship: The skills needed for youth to fully participate academically, socially, ethically, politically, and economically in our rapidly evolving digital world. ~Berkman Klein Center for Information and Technology
February is Black History Month
In December 1995, the House of Commons passed a motion to officially recognize February as Black History Month in Canada. The motion was introduced by Dr. Jean Augustine, the first African-Canadian woman to be elected to the House of Commons, and was passed unanimously. This month we celebrate the achievements and contributions of Black Canadians. Here are two great resources from Curio: (Note: Curio and Campus are free for all Langley Staff to access, please follow instructions found here.)