In the Loop – February 23, 2023

February 23, 2023



A Conversation with Len Pierre | On-Demand Learning Feature
Join us for a conversation with Len Pierre. Len is a member of our local Katzie first nation, and is also a parent in our district. He is a social activist, and a proponent for change in breaking down the colonial institutions in Canada by shining a spotlight on the damage these practices continue to have in our country.  “It is no longer enough to be not racist, but instead we need to be anti-racist.” In this session, Len speaks to us about Indigenous Cultural Safety, Allyship, and Anti-racism in schools.

Indigenous Graduation Requirement Resources | The province has released a video and a brochure to help explain B.C.’s new graduation requirements.

Decolonizing Professional Learning | The January 2023 edition of “Education Canada” highlights “Decolonizing Professional Learning”, which will serve to mobilize the knowledge from an August 2022 pan-Canadian convening of researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The special edition, featuring an article written by Dr. Leyton Schnellert and colleagues will include many in-depth articles and engaging podcasts. Read the edition HERE

Learning with Syeyutsus | Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools (SD68) is hosting the TRC57 speaker series featuring conversations with 12 prominent authors and thought leaders from across the country.  To learn more click here.

First Nations Films | To view educational films and videos created for, by, and about First Nations people.

French Indigenous Resources | Strong Nations Publishing, is translating its Indigenous educational resources into French. Currently available are Collection Lecteurs Forts, Collection Histoires fortes, Collection Des montagnes à la mer, Les six cèdres, and Collection Corbeau. Also available:   card games and posters

Indigenous Leadership as Ceremony:  Weaving Together our Collective Stories and Knowledges into the Fabric of the British Columbia Public Education System | This outstanding article was written by the BCSSA indigenous Leaders and appeared in the Spring 2022 edition of the InspirEd journal.  Read the article HERE

Indigenous Relations Academy Self-Guided Course | 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act is now available as a self-guided course.  It has 21 knowledge checks to test understanding and provide new and relevant information. Costs for the 3 hour online course, is $21/person.

Recommended Books to Understand Residential Schools | In this CBC feature article, “48 books by Indigenous Writers to Read to Understand Residential Schools,” a Cree author  David A. Robertson, has compiled a list of 48 books, (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) for all ages to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous children forced to attend Indian Residential Schools.


#thatwellnessthing | March 1, 2023 | More info
Join us to learn more about mental health and wellness at our fourth annual open house & community resource fair at the Langley Education Centre. Presentations and information tables include mental health & wellness, substance use resources and employment.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

How to Engage Students in Shared Reading | On-Demand Learning Feature
Shared Reading along with eReading is an amazing opportunity to invite students to gather and listen to an exciting story or fascinating text in a warm, accepting, enjoyable environment while strengthening their reading and writing skills as they make connections to other curriculum areas like art and science using fiction and non-fiction texts. But, as a teacher, how do you navigate through this type of reading? During this session, participants will discover how to use shared reading texts both in person and digitally for teaching and reinforcing a variety of print concepts.

Read-Speak-Champion Virtual Author Series with Leslie Gentile | February 28 | Register
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students. The Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series is dedicated to spotlighting Canada’s BIPOC and LGBTQ2IAS+ authors.
Calling all intermediate and middle school teachers! Sign your class up for a virtual, interactive session with Indigenous author & musician Leslie Gentile! She will be sharing about her book Elvis, Me, and the Lemonade Stand, her writing process and answering student questions.

ACT CPR and AED Training Workshop | May 19 | Register
Local CPR instructors will train phys. ed teachers in CPR-A followed by our Opioid Overdose Response Training and train-the-trainer session, enabling teachers to deliver the ACT High School CPR and AED program at their schools. Certificates provided by the training agency and ACT Foundation.


PHE & The New Reporting Order Learning Series | More info
PHE BC is offering a three-part webinar learning series on PHE & The New Reporting Order.  The series is designed to help PHE teachers with the implementation of the new Ministry Reporting Order which goes into effect in September 2023.  Each session will focus on a different topic related to assessment and reporting under the new order.  Sessions are free to attend but pre-registration is required.  Dates are February 23, April 20 and May 25 – please see flyer for more details.

Join UBC’s Faculty of Education on Tuesday, February 28 | Register
It is from 4:30-6:00pm PDT Online via Zoom. You can Learn more here. For the Dean’s Community Engagement Series click here. This February session Embracing Diversity & Addressing Racism: Exploring Asian Canadian Culture in K-12 Settings features Dr. Marisa Largo of York University as well as Baren Tsui and Navshina Savory of the Richmond School District.  With a focus on cultural celebration and social justice, the presenters will discuss ways in which communities and schools can work to respond to racist and colonial discourses toward Asian Canadians that persist in our K–12 school systems. Structural changes, responsive pedagogy, antibias education and collaboration with students will all be discussed as possible avenues to more inclusive classrooms.

Exciting MEd Opportunity in Educational Technology with Online and In Person Options | More info | Deadline for Applications Feb 28, 2023
MEd is pleased to offer another M.ED cohort specializing in Educational Technology at the University of Victoria starting in Fall of 2023. This program is suitable for learners from any sector (K12 teachers and administrators, post-secondary learning designers and educators/staff/admin, workplace learning, etc.). Learners are welcome to join in learning more about educational technology, modality (online, hybrid, multi-access), and important topics, such as inclusion, UDL, open education, decolonizing education, and more! Learners can collaborate entirely on their projects. Only oral presentations on personal learning and reflections are conducted individually. The project can be completed in various media formats. Entire program can be completed entirely online and outside of regular working hours in Fall/Spring. Fall/Spring courses are online. The July courses are multi-access, with choice for in person or online study. This is an open course designed program with personalized privacy settings.

Indigenous Art Practices: A Professional Development Series | Register
SFU is offering a series of three sessions, running from 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (PT) on the following dates: March 1, March 8, April 5.
Educators participating in Indigenous Art Practices will learn more about Indigenous Arts, including visual, music, dance, and story. These free online sessions will include opportunities to explore Indigenous art, related materials and educational resources. Educators will learn about practices and protocols to respectfully engage with Indigenous art and, by the end of the series, they will have drafted an initial plan to incorporate learning about Indigenous Arts in their classrooms and/or teaching practice. View series information.
Please note: As this is a learning series, we request that participants attend all three sessions when they register.

Teacher Workshop | Fraser Institute | March 3, 2023 | Register
In Vancouver, Fraser Institute will be hosting the Economic Principles Workshop on Friday March 3rd. Teachers will gain access to pre-made lesson plans developed by economic experts and engaging activities. Travel bursaries are limited so be sure to register today.

Teacher Workshop | Fraser Institute | Waitlist
The new Fundamentals of Environment Economics Webinar received a great deal of interest and spaces filled up in under a week. This webinar provides insight into environmental topics such as tragedy of the commons, land use, etc. and those registered on the waitlist will be contacted first for registration for the next offering of this workshop.

Online Safety and Digital Wellness Workshop | March 27, 2023 | More info
When youths want to turn socializing into screen time, parents often become concerned about online hazards — and all of this is understandable. We’re addressing these issues in our Online Safety and Digital Wellness series. Part one, “Preventing online harm, ” looked at how to curb social media abuse and misuse. In this second session, three experts will help us explore this subject further.
From the Internet’s impact on development to fear of missing out (FOMO), join us to learn how youths can cope with and develop healthier approaches to social media, cyberbullying, and more.
Time: 6:00 to 8:30 PM PT
Format: Hybrid (In-Person and Online via Zoom)
Location: Robson Square Theatre (C300)


Diverse Minds Creative Writing Competition for High School Students | More info
Diverse Minds Creative writing Competition is an opportunity promoting values of diversity and inclusion.  View the poster in English and French.   There is a bonus $250 for the teachers of the finalists!   Diverse Minds – Enter Video 2023 – YouTube. Deadline is April 16, 2023.

Governor General’s History Awards for Excellence in Teaching | Call for Nominations | More info
Each year, Canada’s History Society recognizes 6 teachers for innovative approaches to teaching Canadian history. The 2023 recipients will be awarded:

  • An individual cash prize of $2500
  • A $1000 cash prize for the recipient’s school; and a trip for two to Ottawa to receive their award from the Governor General of Canada

If you or a teacher you know has made an impact on students through history, submit a nomination or apply online today! Applications are due April 30, 2023.


NFB Educational Playlists
The National Film Board’s (NFB) Educational Playlists continue to grow! Featuring playlists on topics such as “Diversity and Inclusion”, “Indigenous Voices and Reconciliation”, and “Mental Health and Well-Being,” the selections of films tie in with Canadian curricula and address many important issues of the day. Many of the playlists are also linked to NFB’ study guides.

Mental Health French Translations | More info
A French translation of supports for mental health and well-being in schools, integrating-the-key-principles-infographic, and campfire-of-learning are now available on the erase website. These resources were developed with representatives from public and independent schools to support mental health and well-being in all learning environments.


Vision Board Lesson Plan & Slideshow | More info
This lesson will help students create a vision board that gets them thinking about what they want to accomplish academically or personally. Vision boards are an excellent way for students to visually represent their goals through a collage of pictures and words.

A Forwards & Backwards Planning Slideshow | More info
This lesson helps students investigate one of two pathways depending on their aspirations after high school: the Forwards Plan for those who do not have a long-term occupation-related goal, and the Backwards Plan for those who know where they want to end up but are unsure how to get there. It also includes a 2-page visual guide to support forwards and backwards planning with myBlueprint. Additionally, we have created a Slideshow lesson which you can show directly to students to help them engage in forwards & backwards planning.

Scholarships Opportunities | More info
They love to offer opportunities for students, so have once again partnered with ScotiaBank to give students across the country support with financing their post-secondary education. There are 16 x $3,750 Scholarships available: $60,000 split between four (4) scholarship streams and regions! Scholarships are available for students in these 4 streams:

  1. Financial Wellness
  2. Future Women Leaders
  3. Diversity
  4. STEM

This exciting student-focused opportunity is available to current Grade 12 Students across Canada, divided into the following regions: Atlantic Canada, British Columbia/Yukon, Ontario and Prairies/Northwest Territories/Nunavut.

Drop-In Webinars | Register
Finally, we love offering free, engaging webinars that help educators expand their knowledge on how they can leverage our platforms to guide their students in their career and life journey. Join us for our featured upcoming webinars:

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891