In the Loop – January 5, 2023

January 5, 2023



Nelson Professional Learning Opportunities
See links below for more detailed information regarding live sessions. Tracking the TRC’S Calls to Action and “Legacy” of Residential Schools:  Jan 17 – Feb 28, 2023  Read the FLYER HERE


The Mentorship Program is Looking for You!
The mentorship program has some great new mentees looking for mentors! Are you a primary, intermediate or French Immersion teacher who has been teaching for 5 years or more? We need you!! We are looking for great mentors to help support the professional growth of some of our newest to Langley teachers. Learning sessions, resources and support are provided. If you are interested, please reach out to Gwen Thornburn,

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Words Matter #getliterate With Simon Bazett, Dee Koruz, Shauna Loewen-Schmidt & Cindy Pettit [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Just as language literacy and numeracy are important, so is mental health literacy. The goal for school mental health is to improve mental health literacy among students, school staff, and parents. The focus of the workshop is to: introduce a common language around mental health; promote the reduction of stigma; increase knowledge around what is/what is not a mental illness; provide an overview of the more common mental health concerns and disorders encountered in a school setting; and begin a conversation around good mental health practices, which includes seeking help when appropriate.

Save the Date! Odyssey 2023! February 10
As part of our ongoing commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, Odyssey will once again be Indigenous focused. The day will be structured similarly to last year’s Odyssey where ALL District employees will participate in school and department teams at their respective sites. Like last year, while there will be some keynote sessions, there will also be an opportunity for staff to choose where to focus some of their learning. While staff do still have the autonomy to choose their professional development on February 10th, we are once again hoping for almost full participation in our main Odyssey session. More details to come!

Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – January 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.

Are you interested in learning how you can use Minecraft in your classroom? (more info)
Join Logics Academy in partnership with Langley School District in a series of professional development workshops exploring an introduction to Minecraft: Education Edition and how it can be used in the classroom through various topics. This is a three part series broken into one-hour sessions on Feb 22, Feb 27 and March 6 from 3:30-4:30pm online. Register here.


The Outdoor Learning Store is offering a Workshop (more info)
Our free Winter Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshops for educators are now open for registration! These 60-minute after school virtual workshops feature some of the top names in outdoor learning, and provide practical ideas, activities and resources for educators.


The Summer Immersion Program Is Back  (more info)
The Université de Montréal is proud to launch its much anticipated second Summer Immersion Program! When you’re a student, nothing says summer like discovering the world, experiencing life and exploring new interests. At UdeM, we do everything to create an exceptional experience that will give students a taste of the university life of their dreams.

Burnaby Art Gallery 2023 In Your Classroom, In Gallery and Online School Programs (more info)
Some of the opportunities that are offered are Outreach Workshops (K-7) Online and In Person, such as “Coastal Waters” and “Structures & Cities”. They offer virtual or in Gallery Tours on Wednesdays and Thursdays. BAG in Box (K-7) can be rented for your classroom. Also they have Career Programs and Workshops for Teachers. Please select the “more info” link for all the details.

Reading for the Planet Initiative – Indigo Love of Reading Foundation (more info)
The Indigo Love of Reading Team would like you to know about a new initiative we are launching, designed to use the power of reading and education to promote global citizenship and sustainability amongst Canadian students. Read for the Planet (RFTP) is a three-part initiative launching in schools across Canada on January 23, 2023 with a goal to inspire students to READ, LEARN and TAKE ACTION in their communities. Registration is now open to new and existing Indigo Love of Reading partner schools who are looking to advance environmental literacy and eco-initiatives in their school. Participation in the Read for the Planet initiative is free of charge, with a requirement for educators to submit an impact survey upon completion of the three phases. Registration deadline Jan 13, 2023. Apply here.

The FREE Virtual Learning Session on Opioids returns, book a free learning session about opioids and substance use from Health Canada Experiences. (more info)
The Know More Opioids awareness program is a free virtual experience for students in grades 8 through 12. The opioid overdose crisis is affecting Canadians of all ages and in all regions of Canada – including teens and young adults. A live moderator walks your class through an engaging presentation and offers students the ability to ask questions. Sign your class up now.


‘A Walking Curriculum’ and ‘Engaging Imagination in Ecological Education’:
These are excellent teaching resources from Dr. Gillian Judson available through the non-profit Outdoor Learning Store: curriculum/

French Resources:
French Resources are ow available at FocusED:

Anti-Racism Resources:
An inventory of anti-racism resources is now available through Focused Educational ResourcesLearn more.

The Outdoor Learning Store is offering Resources: (more info)
The Outdoor Learning Store has brought on a number of new outdoor outdoor learning resources, tools, equipment and kits to support your schools, staff and students, with 100% of proceeds going back to supporting non-profit initiatives that support outdoor learning!

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891