In The Loop – January 7, 2022

January 6, 2022




Odyssey Professional Development Day – February 11th: As we continue our commitment to Truth and Reconciliation in Langley Schools, our focus for Odyssey this year is on Truth and Reconciliation.  As Justice Sinclair said, “Education is the key to reconciliation.” Odyssey is being organized to be relevant to all employees in the District with a focus on our collective responsibility to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action. Save the date – more details to come!


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit


NEW On-Demand Learning
Welcome to On-Demand Learning, your one-stop shop for all of SD35’s fantastic webinar content. Free to all Langley Staff, On-Demand currently hosts sites and videos from Boot Camp 2021 and Connecting the Pieces 2021 in addition to other professional learning sessions. Videos on how to use MS Teams too!!!!   Please browse and register at On-Demand Learning.

La collaboration en immersion française (M-7e)
January 11 (Kindergarten), January 18 (Gr. 1-3), January 25(Gr. 4-7) [Register]
Veuillez nous joindre en janvier! Collaborez, partagez, apprennez, questionnez et mangez! Les séances sont organisés par niveau et nous allons discuster les sujets suivants: la progression des sons, les mots frequents, le vocabulaire commun, a progression de la grammaire, les livres pour nos élèves (étude de roman, cercles littéraires), les resources utiles, les autres items que vous aimeriez discuter et/ou partager. Public: Enseignants du primaire de James Kennedy et Belmont.

Mystery Science – Two Dates: January 12, January 18 [Register]
Mystery Science is a K-5 “open and go” resource for teachers looking for engaging, easy-to-use, hands-on science lessons. For each lesson, we will discuss: what is Mystery Science? How do teachers use mini-lessons for in-person and remote learning? How do teachers use our core lessons for in-person and remote learning?

New! Discovery Education – January 19, 2022 [Register]
Get ready for a brighter experience! Join us for a walkthrough of the new Discovery Education. Built around the amazing content you know and love, you’ll find brand new tools and resources to engage students with that content, track their progress in real-time, and gain professional inspiration, every day. Our webinar will be about 30 minutes of a walkthrough of all the amazing multi-modal content DE has to offer.

Geocaching 101 – January 26, March 2 [Register]
In this two-part workshop, you will learn how to use a GPS (Global Positioning System) device in order to take your class outside and explore your local place through geocaching. In session 1, you will learn about the GPS units, how to find geocaching sites around Langley and how to create your own geocache. In session 2, we will spend time in a local environment putting this knowledge into practice.

District Pro-D Day | Friday, February 11

Save the Date Odyssey 2022
Listen. Reflect. Act. Waking up to our collective responsibility. Odyssey is our annual K-12 professional development conference open to all Langley School District staff and to guests from out-of-district.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit



African and Black Community RCMP Recruiting Info Session – January 8 @ 2pm [Register]
If you know of any African/Black youth who might have an interest in policing, the Surrey RCMP Office is hosting an online recruiting initiative this Saturday. A few Officers will share their experiences as well as the representative and socioeconomic rationale that they should apply.

Community Justice Initiative’s Training: Facilitating Classroom Circles Series (OWN IT)
on Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00 pm between February 8th to March 8th. [Register]
What if you could build a safe and relational classroom environment and empower your students to resolve conflicts in a peaceful way? Join Community Justice Initiatives for this 5-session series, where you will learn how to facilitate Peace Circles in your elementary and middle school classrooms. Using the OWN IT curriculum, participants will complete this interactive series prepared with the skills and resources to begin using Peace Circles with their students. Themes include community building, conflict resolution, listening skills, anger, responsibility-taking, and empathy. Participants can expect to develop and practice facilitation skills, understand restorative approaches for challenging circles, and connect with other educators who share an interest in restorative practices. Space is limited.

There are a few remaining spaces in this training for SD35 staff as the training will be opened up to other districts soon. Please register ASAP if you are interested.

POPEY: online After-School Specials and Workshops
These Zoom sessions will contain a balance of direct instruction, modelling and demonstrations, and lots of opportunities for interactive engagement. All times listed are Pacific Standard Time. Reading Workshop – Wednesday, February 16th: 3:15-4:15 pm [Register]An exploration into a Reading Workshop framework that includes a mini-lesson, varied forms of independent practice, and a wrap-up share. Writing Workshop – Wednesday, March 2nd: 3:15-4:15pm [Register]An exploration into a Writing Workshop framework that includes a mini-lesson, varied forms of independent practice, and a wrap-up share. Getting Inside the Head of a Reader – Wednesday, May 11th: 3:15-4:15pm [Register] An exploration of activities to help students deepen their reading comprehension by building theories about texts.Oral Storytelling: Wednesday, May 18th: 3:15-4:15pm [Register]Supporting students’ emergent literacy skills by focusing on oral storytelling through a variety of genres, activities, and mentor texts. Language Comprehension – Wednesday, June 1st: 3:15-4:15pm [Register]Supporting students’ emergent language skills by creating opportunities for them to understand the language all around them.Maximizing Engagement in Your K-3 Literacy Instruction: 2-hour online workshop from 9-11am (PST)
Incorporating play, place-based learning, exploration, curiosity, student voice & choice into meaningful and connected K-3 literacy experiences. Click here for dates and additional information. Any questions? Contact POPEY at

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891