In the Loop – June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023



National Indigenous History Month | June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day
June is National Indigenous History Month. It is a time for all Canadians to reflect on the history of this nation, and the first peoples who helped to shape it. This month, we honour and celebrate the heritage and contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.

Check out the following videos on Curio:

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Printing Matters | On-Demand Learning Feature
How does printing impact literacy learning? Why do I need to support printing in Kindergarten? How do I support printing and keep it playful, engaging, and purposeful? Join our session to explore these questions and how it ties to both reading and writing development. Learn some tricks and tips to get better outcomes with letter formation and letter learning.


Sound Walls in Your Classroom: The Pathway to Reading Fluency | Webinar Recording
Are you looking for more information on how to use a sound wall in your classroom? Below is a link to a recording of a recent webinar from the original Sound Wall guru from Tools 4 Teaching Dr. Mary Dahlgren.  If you are looking to have a sound wall for your classroom, just a reminder that these can be ordered through the SBO Print Shop as well using this form

The Newsela Summer Workshop is back! | Register
Kickoff the ‘23-24 school year with our summer workshop designed to give you the guidance, resources, and peer examples you need to make Newsela part of your weekly instructional practice and to drive student learning outcomes.

CASSA (Canadian Association of School System Administrators) Conference  | Register
Registration is open for the 2023 CASSA-ACGCS Conference Leadership – Coast to Coast to Coast. To be held in Victoria, BC, from July 5 to 7, the annual conference features keynote addresses by Chief Cadmus Delorme, Douglas Sanderson (Amo Binashii), and Andrew Stobo Sniderman, along with several break-out sessions and group activities. Each registrant will receive a free copy of the award-winning “Valley of the Birdtail: An Indian Reserve, a White Town, and the Road to Reconciliation.” There will also be 14 presentations from across Canada from senior leaders.  Descriptions can be seen on the Conference Agenda.

BC Summer Institute 2023 | Partnership for Inclusive Learning | Register
Please join us at the highly anticipated BC Summer Institute 2023 from August 21st to 23rd, 2023. Partnerships for Inclusive Learning is a summer hybrid conference to provide a robust learning environment.  Come together to hear and learn from our faculty, who have extensive experience in Inclusive Learning, and who champion diverse and innovative approaches to facilitating inclusive school environments.

English First Peoples 10-12 Virtual Session | Aug 25, 2023 | Register
English First Peoples (EFP) Grades 10-12 courses offer BC students of all backgrounds the opportunity to explore, and learn from, dynamic written, visual, oral, and digital First Peoples literature. The FNESC/FNSA EFP 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide supports educators to bring quality, authentic First Peoples resources into BC EFP 10-12 classrooms.
In this full-day VIRTUAL workshop, participants explore the FNESC/FNSA EFP 10-12 Teacher Resource Guide through a combination of large group presentation and small group activities in interactive break-out rooms to collaboratively explore units, discuss implementation of lessons, and network with other educators. English First Peoples 10-12 courses are also one of the options for the Indigenous-focused course graduation requirement in BC.

Learning First Peoples Summer Institute |Aug 28-30, 2023 | Richmond
The Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel | More info
The Learning First Peoples Summer Institute, coordinated by the First Nations Education Steering Committee and First Nations Schools Association, is designed to support educators to bring quality, authentic First Peoples teaching and learning into BC classrooms. The sessions will introduce resources that focus on themes, issues, and topics of importance to First Peoples learning and informed by the First Peoples Principles of Learning. These sessions will also support implementation of the new Indigenous-focused graduation requirement, which is coming into effect September 2023.
At each session, participants will receive a printed copy of the teacher resource guide, collaboratively explore its units, discuss implementation of the lessons/activities, and participate in collegial discussions with other educators. Sessions can be selected individually. Event flyer is attached for sharing.

SFU Graduate Diploma in Education (GDE) Fall 2023 French Programs | More info
This Fall 2023, SFU is offering a Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education (GDE) Programs. They are designed in collaboration with BC school districts for educators whose primary focus is school-based practice. It provides educators with an extended professional learning opportunity focusing on inquiry and professional questions of interest. These theme-based specialized programs are experiential and participatory and focus on educational practice within school-based settings. They allow educators to “live the work” in a collaborative learning community, with the support of colleagues, mentors, and instructors. Completion of the two-year diploma allows teachers to upgrade their TQS category. This Fall 2023 the Program Offerings is Inclusion, Interaction, and Connection in the French classroom – (online). Please see the flyer in French here and English here.

4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning | More info & Register
This professional learning opportunity runs from October, 2023 until June, 2024. Early Bird Registration is open until June 30. Cost $100 and includes:

  • 10 Reconciliation Education Learning Modules (~30 mins of learning/month)
  • 10 Opportunities to Gather Virtually with Indigenous Presenters (see list below)
  • A Certificate of Completion issued by the First Nations University of Canada
  • $25 towards excellent Indigenous Learning Resources

Presenters: Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer, Dr. Niigaanwewidam James Sinclair, Kevin Lamoureux, Smokii Sumac, Dr. Christopher Horsethief, Joe and Sophie Pierre, Jenna Jasek, Bonnie Harvey, Ariana Roundpoint, Doug Anderson
Group Registration: We can offer 10% off for groups of 10 or more using this discount code at checkout: 4seasons10 Groups can register online through our regular registration process, or  submit this spreadsheet or a Purchase Order to Please include First Name, Last Name and Email of each registrant.


Summer Camps in Langley at Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association | More info
Along with the Township of Langley, Valley Therapeutic Equestrian Association is putting on Summer Camps for children in the community. These Summer Camps will help support the wonderful therapeutic horses year-round. Children and youth of Langley are invited to come and experience lots of fun on 27 acres of serene farmland, including a private forest (old growth and stream) and gentle well-trained horses and ponies for anyone to learn on. They offer an affordable experience in an established, safe, and inclusive environment. Experiences include farming, stable management, time with horses, an incredible forest and just having fun together. Find a registration form here.


New K-12 Student Reporting Order Webinar Series | Webinar series
In anticipation of the new K-12 Student Reporting Policy that will go into effect starting on July 1, the Ministry of Education has just released an new, eight module webinar series. This webinar series is designed to provide educators with important information about the upcoming changes to the BC Reporting Order.

Bring Pride to Your Classroom | June is Pride month | More info
Celebrate Pride with Canadian films that champion diversity and foster inclusive classrooms.
Featuring a wide range of stories about identity, family, community and everyday life, this selection of films explores the multitude of 2SLGBTQI+ realities and experiences in Canada and abroad. Teachers have free access to all resources from the National Film Board.

Check out the following videos from the NFB:

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891