In The Loop – June 30, 2022

June 30, 2022




Indigenous Relations Academy Self-Guided Course
21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act is now available as a course! The self-guided training is filled with 21 knowledge checks that will help test participants’ understanding and even provide new information relevant to the current day. Costs for the online course, which will take up to three hours to complete, is $21/person.

First Nations Films:  For, By and About First Nations People:
Award-winning television documentaries and dramas. Visit the website for information and to order.

Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022:
Register now to participate Sept 26 to 30, 2022. Centred on the theme “Remember the Children,” the week will be dedicated to memorializing the children lost to the residential school system and honour survivors and their families. An expanded program with age-appropriate material for students in Gr. 1 to 12 and all sessions will be held virtually on Hubilo.

Recommended Books to Understand Residential Schools
In this CBC feature article, “48 books by Indigenous Writers to Read to Understand Residential Schools,” a Cree author based in Winnipeg, David A. Robertson, has compiled a list of 48 books, (fiction, non-fiction, poetry) for all ages to learn more about the experiences of Indigenous children forced to attend Indian Residential Schools. Each recommended book comes with a brief overview of the book and its suitability for different audiences.


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Counting Collections in the Early Primary Classroom with Brenda Hrycan­­ [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Counting Collections is for everyone — there is an entry point for all learners in your classroom to be successful mathematicians. See how the Core Competencies are woven in Counting Collections. For those teachers who are curious how they can implement Counting Collections in your classroom, this session is for you!

Literacy Credentialing – August 31 [Register]
The purpose of the credentialing workshop is to outline the duties and responsibilities of provincial assessment markers, establish valid and reliable assessment processes, and credential educators for the marking of the provincial assessments.

Whether your interest is in learning more about assessment, engaging with provincial standards, or getting certified for future paid marking; this is an excellent professional development opportunity.

New! Summer Boot Camp 2022 – August 31 [Register]
Hang 10! Catch the Wave into the School Year! Welcome back from summer! Ride into the 2022-2023 school year with confidence and enthusiasm by attending Summer Boot Camp. Together we’ll explore valuable strategies for the development of an empowering learning culture in your classroom. Sessions are designed at different levels for K to 12 classroom teachers and for all TTOCs.

All these offerings have been designed to assist you in the development of a framework for your teaching, with an emphasis on the first six to eight weeks of the new school year.

New! Summer Institute 2022 – September 1 [Register]
Join us for our annual school year kick-off with the Langley School District’s Summer Institute. This year, we’re going online to provide more flexibility for our teachers as we offer them a day of learning designed to be relevant to all K-12 teachers. Experience this cornucopia of professional development opportunities. Take in one session, or pack your day with our amazing workshops.

We’re excited to announce that Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K & Kindergarten Conference returns in person this year!



Once in a year, the ASM Materials Education Foundation holds a week-long professional development workshop in Calgary for science teachers in Canada so that teachers return to their classrooms with innovative tools and ideas to inspire their students to pursue further studies in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Also, this is 5 days of FREE Professional Development credits for the teachers and may be used for STEM credits for the school’s program.

Traditionally, in-person ASM Materials Camps® are held across North America. These are usually five-day camps and may be residential (requiring overnight stay), commuter (daily) or mini-camps (one day or less). The 2022 camp will be held from August 8 to 12 at Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary – register soon!

IBM Canada’s National STEAM Summer Camp is back! – July 12-14 from 8am-1pm PST (register)
Students in grades 7 – 12, parents and teachers are invited to attend the 2022 Virtual STEAM Camp. 3 days of exciting virtual events will include learning from real-world experts in STEAM fields and you’ll have fun creating, innovating, and exploring STEAM!

With the help of 14 Client Partners, 21 online workshop sessions including a “Learn from Leaders” panel, “Exploring the Digital Ocean,” “Be an Astronomer!” & “Intro to Scratch” will be offered. View the Welcome Packet of Information for more information.

Please spread the word as everyone is welcome to explore. If any questions please email the IBM Canada National Coordinator.

UBC Faculty of Education Opportunities (more info)

Anti-Racism Education – July 11-15, 2022 | 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM (register by July 6)
This one-week summer institute is designed to foster deep discussions that will promote anti-racist, decolonizing and inclusive practices in the education system. Course participants will work in small and large groups as they learn from anti-racist education mentors and experts, as well as school educators from British Columbia and across Canada.

Sustainability in the Classroom – July 13 & 14, 2022| 1:00 – 4:00 PM (register by July 6)
This session takes an interdisciplinary approach to exploring the concepts and issues related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the context of Education for Sustainability and Climate Justice. With a focus on K-12, this will provide educators with the foundational knowledge and understanding of the global goals and climate justice as well as appreciation of the diversity of perspectives on sustainability.

Conquer Life with Creativity – July 13, 2022 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM (register)
Anyone can learn how to be innovative — and use that ability to overcome everyday challenges. Whether you’re a manager, researcher, new or experienced graduate, or simply interested in expanding your horizons, here’s a webinar that will help you sharpen your creative problem-solving skills. Attend this session to learn techniques for identifying problems, overcoming blocks, and generating ideas for solutions that you can use to boost your professional or personal life to the next level.

Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity (SOGI) – July 21 & 22, 2022 | 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM (register by July 6)
This two-day institute will introduce a number of anti-oppressive, anti-racist and anti-colonial frameworks to think with and address sexuality and gender in its complex intersections. Skilled facilitators will provide interactive opportunities to explore inclusive pedagogical approaches and curricular interventions, which will assist in addressing educational gaps and support in cultivating anti-racist and anti-colonial SOGI K-12 practices.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891