In the Loop – May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023



Indigenous Sport Heroes Education Experience | More info
This multimodal curriculum-aligned learning experience for Grades K – 12 shares the truths, experiences and stories of Indigenous Hall of Famers and Tom Longboat Award Winners who have made immense contributions to this country. The multi-media resource was developed in collaboration with Indigenous Educator, Crystal Clark, the Indigenous Hall of Famers and their families, honours Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action 87, 62, 63, 66, 67, and 68, and aims to educate and inspire youth by amplifying the remarkable stories of the Indigenous sport heroes inducted into Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame

First Nations Pedagogy Online | More info
In a new blog series, Indigenous Corporate Training investigates “8 Key Issues for Indigenous Peoples in Canada.”  Bob Joseph, opens the series through a six-minute video framing the issues as complex, inexorably intertwined, and rooted in the Indian Act and colonialism. This presents an informative and historical account on issues that continues to hamstring governments, researchers, policymakers, and Indigenous leaders by their enormity.

Decolonizing Professional Learning | More info
The January 2023 edition of “Education Canada” highlights “Decolonizing Professional Learning”, which will serve to mobilize the knowledge from an August 2022 pan-Canadian convening of researchers at Memorial University of Newfoundland. The special edition, featuring an article written by Dr. Leyton Schnellert and colleagues will include many in-depth articles and engaging podcasts.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Accessing the Best Parts with Dr. Jody Carrington | On-Demand Learning Feature
How do we access the best parts of ourselves? How do we access the best parts of others? In this fourth and final session with the incomparable Jody, we are taken on a journey where we are challenged to be introspective. When we access the best parts of ourselves, we can give our best to ourselves, and those around us. We can bring out the best in others.


PHE & The New Reporting Order – Thursday May 25 | More info
PHE BC is hosting the 3rd and final session in their three-part series on PHE & The New Reporting Order.  Join them on Thursday May 25 at 7 pm as they explore effective ways to determine grades for reporting purposes that are reflective of student learning and also assist with teachers using proficiency scales and converting them to letter grades and percentages. To register please visit

LEEPSA Presents: AGM & Nature Journaling – Tuesday June 6 | More info
LEEPSA is the Langley Chapter of the Environmental Educators PSA, a group to help connect and support teachers interested in outdoor and environmental learning. If that sounds like you, please join us for a free session on Nature Journaling at beautiful Campbell Valley Park on Tuesday, June 6. See poster for more details and registration information.

CSL & Student Self-Assessment of the Core Competencies in K-3 Literacy Workshop | Wednesday June 7 | More info
POPEY is offering an one-hour online after-school workshop to explore resources, documents and supports for assessing and communicating student learning.  Please see the flyer at the link below to register.

Decolonizing Assessment Series Presents: Sarah Leah Hindy discussing Indigenous Ways of Assessing | CAfLN | June 13, 2023 | Register
Sara Leah Hindy is a Mi’kmaw mother, analyst, educator and lifelong learner from Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk (Bay of Islands, Newfoundland). Sara Leah holds two degrees from Memorial University, a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Education, and is currently working on her Master of Education. Although her career path began in the classroom, it has led her to community and to Land to bridge her understanding of education and Indigenous identity. Her current work focuses on providing Indigenous cultural awareness and a decolonized, Indigenized lens in research. In Indigenous Ways of Assessing, Sara Leah will share personal experiences and insights on Indigenous education as it relates to educational policy, curricula and practices. Register before June 12. Members Free or Non-Members: $20.

Fun in French this July – Bursaries still available for BC Teachers | More info
There is still some bursary funding left for BC teachers to take our 2023 Online or In-Person French Summer Institutes at UBC Extended Learning. One, two or three-week options available in either format to suit your summer plans. Find out all the details about our Summer Institutes, then apply for a bursary. Bursaries are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay. Classes start July 10.

BC Summer Institute 2023 | Partnerships for Inclusive Learning | Aug 21-23, 2023 | More info
Come together to hear and learn form our faculty, that have extensive experience in Inclusive Learning, and are champions in diverse and innovative approaches to facilitating inclusive school environments. The Early Bird Rate is $375 until May 31, 2023. Please register here.


May 22 to 28: Get your students involved in Citizenship Week | More info
We would like to invite you and your students to participate in Citizenship Week from Monday, May 22 to Sunday, May 28, 2023. Citizenship Week is an annual opportunity for Canadian citizens to reaffirm their citizenship and celebrate what it means to be Canadian—the rights we enjoy, the responsibilities we share and the diversity that makes us strong.
Get your students involved:
Discuss the importance of both active citizenship and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples (as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action) in your classroom.

    • Visit the Teachers’ Corner to access a variety of games and resources to help incorporate these important subjects into your lesson plans for students as young as 7 or 8 years old.
    • Learn how the history of Canada began far earlier than the European settlement. Explore the Canadian Encyclopedia for articles, videos and interactive activities about the history of the Indigenous Peoples that have been living on this land long before immigrants came from all around the world.
    • Learn more about and acknowledge the land you live on.

Free curriculum approved online LIVE zoom program for students Gr 6 – Age 29 | June 8, 2023 | More info
We have an amazing FREE live online program called World of Choices. It runs every month during the school year. We have over 2,000 youth (12 – 29 years old) join us from across BC.
June is Indigenous Leaders and Businesses month. I would love for you to join us. The link to join is on the flyer. As you can see our line up is incredible. What it is: 5 minutes talk from each speaker, followed with 10 minutes of Q & A from guests (you) followed by an online kahoot game (2 questions – answers are from the speakers talk). Then it is on to the next guest. We have four guest speakers. We are opening up with 4 minutes from the Spindle Whorl dancers for your entertainment.

Calling all Secondary Students: Want to work out at Planet Fitness? | Register
Now through August 31st, teens between the ages of 14-19 can work out for free all summer long! Plus, we’re giving away $200,000 to high schools and students! Teens who register can help win a grant for their school and participate in a video contest for a chance to win a scholarship.

DigiCamp Summer 2023: Online Coding Camps for Girls | Ages 8-13 | More info
As part of DigiBC’s ongoing commitment to education for youth, we have partnered with UTG Academy and IUGO Mobile Entertainment again to create an online video game development focused coding camp for girls that will be held over the summer. This incredible opportunity is open to 8-13 year olds and is suitable for a wide range of novice and beginner coders (no previous experience is necessary). Additionally, a unique and novel curriculum is implemented each summer to build a camp experience that accommodates the skills and creative goals for every participant’s project ideas.

The Canadian Future-Ready Education Grant | More info
There is a new grant available for Canadian Elementary and Middle Schools, Public Libraries, and Youth Based NPOs who provide education to vulnerable communities. It supplies funds for classroom equipment and materials, as well as access to future ready programs, curriculum, &  tools focused on human soft skill development and provide education to kids, ages 7-13 years, on topics such as: Entrepreneurship, Public Speaking, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, Innovation and more.


Announcing Our New Resources Page | More info
We are excited to announce the launch of our new Resources page, where we’ve made it easier than ever for you to find the educational materials you need. While the old links to our resources will still be available, we encourage you to access them through our new Resources page.
Check out the NEW resources page, with upgrades like:
New filters for grade and subject
Ability to filter by multiple criteria (think: show me implementation ideas for grade 2!)

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891