November 18, 2021
- Links to Key Info AND Resources in Langley
- Instructional Services Website: For all your district-vetted resources K-12! Check it out!
- Aboriginal Resources vetted by the District
- District Learning Commons – K-12 Resources to book out! Kits, Lit Circle Sets and more!
- TCS Sites (TCS SS-grade 3, 4-8, Secondary): Key resources are still being placed in these Teams. If you need access to one of these Teams, please email
As we continue our individual and professional commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, her are two SORA recommendations to further deepen and engage with learning/teachings from Indigenous authors. Access instructions on how to use the SORA app here. Special thanks to the Aboriginal Department for the curated resources they have made available to all staff and students in the Langley School District.
One Native Life by Richard Wagamese
Form: Short Story Non-fiction Anthology, Length: medium, on SORA in ebook and audiobook
About: Short reflective snippets about life. The succinct musings from Wagamese’s real life delve into all aspects of life. Wagamese is a masterful writer, who talks about the land, politics, memory, childhood and everything in between. There is bound to be a story in this text for everyone”.
The Scout: Tommy Prince by David A Robertson
Form: Graphic Novel, Length: short, on SORA in ebook
About: Take the month of November to learn about Indigenous veteran Tommy Prince. This graphic is accessible to elementary grade 4-7, but supports all ages as we learn about contributions made by Indigenous veterans. This text won’t take you long to read, but will surely stay with you for much longer.
To see our full calendar of offerings, visit
Asian Canadian Book Study
December 8, January 5, February 23, April 13, June 1 [Register]
Let’s talk books! Join us as we explore Young Adult novels created by Asian Canadian authors and artists. Together, we will curate a list of novels to support teachers looking for high-quality and engaging Young Adult literature that reflects our diverse community. Read one book or read ten! You determine what works for you throughout the Book Study series.
Kindergarten Screening Protocol – Phonological Awareness Assessment
November 22 [Register]
The KSP is the recommended phonological awareness assessment for Kindergarten in Langley. If you are new to Kindergarten, the district, or to using KSP, please join us for a quick overview of this valuable assessment tool. Participants will receive the KSP protocol after the session.
Digital Numeracy Skill Builder
November 23 and 30 [Register]
Finding, evaluating, organizing, creating and communicating information is what math is all about! In this workshop, you will learn how to incorporate digital tools to help students demonstrate their learning in math and numeracy. We will be using different activities and games to illustrate number concepts, patterns, geometry, and number sense. Attendance at both workshops is recommended!
English First Peoples District Initiative
December 1, January 19, February 11, May 18 [Register]
This Professional Learning Community will connect high school teachers interested in learning more about, advocating for, sharing their current practice and ultimately teaching English First Peoples 12. We will be learning more about English First Peoples 12 as a course, creating connections amongst ourselves as well as community stakeholders, and advocating within our school communities for English First Peoples 12 with the support of this Professional Learning Community.
Emerging Young Artists (more info)
The Langley School District Foundation is once hoping to include art work from Secondary Art students as part of the Emerging Young Artists component of the West Fine Arts Show in March 2022. If you have any questions, please contact Alicia Rempel, Executive Director of the Langley School District Foundation at
BC TEAL is excited to announce EAL Week PD opportunities!
With PD opportunities that are current and pragmatic. See the attached flyer for the full listing and go to to get further details.
- Talking to Everyone in Canada: LGBTQ+ Fundamentals in EAL – Friday, November 19 (more info)
- EAL Week: EAL Class Video Contest – closes Monday, November 22 (more info)
- EAL Week: Free and Fun Academic OER Materials – Thursday, November 25 (more info)
- EAL Week: Essential Skills, Career Mapping, Networking for EAL Instructors – Monday, November 22 (more info)
- EAL Week: Trivia Night – Friday, November 26 (more info)
- EAL Week: Using Indigenous Storytelling to Re-Story Your Classroom – Tuesday, November 23 (more info)
- EAL Week: Personal and Professional Growth Through Life Satisfaction – Saturday, November 27 (more info)
- EAL Week: Talking to Everyone in Canada: LGBTQ+ Fundamentals in EAL – Wednesday, November 24 (more info)
- 50/50 TCF Raffle for Refugees – Tuesday, November 30 (more info)
Logics Academy – November 26, 2021 (more info)
Sign up for a fun and educational 1-hour co-taught lesson on Sustainable Forests and see how fun & easy it is to teach using Minecraft.
Minecraft can be used to make numerous subjects more fun to learn. A Logics Academy expert Minecraft trainer will lead a 1-hour virtual live Minecraft lesson on Sustainable Forests. They will teach your class while you assist your students. Getting students excited about coding helps them think about taking advanced technology courses in school, perhaps perusing rewarding coding and technology jobs and makes them less likely to self exclude from tech courses in older grades.
Minister’s Youth Dialogue Series: Minister Whiteside (Minister of Education) will be hosting a Youth Dialogue Series to hear directly from Grade 7-10 students on their lived experiences of racism and discrimination and/or commitment to social justice. Please share this information with students who may like to participate. Expressions of interest are due to Equitas (facilitator) by December 6, 2021.