In the Loop – October 13, 2022

October 13, 2022


FSA Coding (Marking)

Attention teachers:
Grades 4 and 7 FSA coding (marking) will occur on Saturday, November 19. If you are interested in helping mark, please use this form to apply. Teachers will be compensated for their work (information is included on the form). Deadline for application is Friday, November 4. Please direct any questions to Alexandra Baxfield at or via Teams.


Canadian Assessment for Learning Spotlight Event Series – Oct 19, 2022 5:30-6:30pm PST (more info and to register)
As part of CAfLN’s commitment to Reconciliation and the 94 Calls to Action, our network is looking to elevate Indigenous Educator voices from across our nation with a focus on: discovering the intersectionality and alignment of learner-focused assessment practices with Indigenous ways of knowing and learning. Laura Tait who will be guiding participants through this first step, is from Prince Rupert and was born into the Eagle Clan.
This is the first in a series of sessions on this topic put on by the Canadian Assessment for Learning Network (CAfLN). The cost is free to members of CAfLN and $20 to non-members. Membership is $100 for one year or $180 for two years.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Building a Firm Foundation for Reading Success with Amanda Leach [On-Demand Learning Feature]
What does a firm foundation for reading success look like in Kindergarten? How can I get my Ks off to a good start for Grade 1?
Join our session where we will explore the key components of phonological and phonemic awareness that are necessary to build and foster in a Balanced Literacy classroom. Gain some insight into how to imbed phonological awareness into everyday teaching so it’s joyful and playful.

Indigenous Course Learning Community – Oct 12, Nov 30, Jan 18, Mar 1 [Register]
This is the second year of this Professional Learning Community, and we are excited to invite returning teachers back, while also extending the invite to any high school teachers interested in being part of this community! This learning group strives to explore curriculum, content and teaching strategies that pertain to Indigenous Studies courses- specifically EFP 10-12, BCFP12 and CIS12. This teacher space will identify needs and specific areas of focus and then meet through the school year to learn with and from one another. Teachers are encouraged to commit to all four sessions. The meetings will occur at REMSS in the Library from 3:30 to 6:00pm. Dinner will be provided; gluten free and vegan options will be available.

Ukeru! Trauma Informed Approach & Physical Protection Skills – October 21 [Register]
Participants will gain an understanding of how trauma impacts the brain and behaviour, the importance of comfort vs control, and how to use this knowledge to design classrooms/schools that are compassionate and inclusive learning communities. Participants will also be certified in Ukeru Physical Protection Skills.

 Don’t Miss Out! Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 1 – October 21 [Register]
The WorkSafeBC Occupational First Aid Level 1 course is an 8-hour program, including coffee and lunch breaks and is designed to provide life-saving first aid skills to workers in industry. Successful candidates must demonstrate competency in practical skills and achieve 70% or higher on a multiple-choice exam. Certification is valid for three years.

Don’t Miss Out! Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten – October 21 [Register]
Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference is our annual conference dedicated to professional development for kindergarten teachers and early childhood educators.
Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners.

 Don’t Miss Out! Katie White: Standards-Based Assessment Practices – October 21 [Register]
In an educational world that is brimming with uncertainty and change, it is hard to know where to focus our attention. We feel pulled in many directions and sorting through the noise sometimes feels impossible. When we think about assessment, it is hard to imagine a paradigm where it could actually be at center of the clarity we are searching for…but it can!
Join Katie White and the SD35 Secondary Instructional Services Team as we explore ways individuals can investigate the connection between assessment, curricular competencies, and the decisions we make every day in our classrooms.

Capturing Student Learning using Digital Portfolios: Primary Focus – October 24 [Register]
Digital portfolios are excellent ways for students to show their learning and growth over time! As the way we communicate student learning changes and evolves, digital portfolios are proven to make capturing and sharing student achievements easy, fun and informative.
This session is focused on having primary students use myBlueprint: All About Me to develop their K-12 learning journey portfolio, student-self assessment and student-goal setting.

NEW: Halkomelem Language Session With Fern Gabriel – October 26 [Register]
Join the LPTA on Wednesday, October 26th at Donna Gabriel Elementary (and online) for the first workshop in a series offered by the LPTA. Fern Gabriel will be there to speak about local Indigenous languages. LPTA members that have paid their fees will be supplied with a few Halkomelem language cards for use with students. This is a great opportunity for teachers looking to infuse Indigenous perspectives into their teaching.

 Make Science and Math come Alive with Gizmos – Nov 2, Nov 8, Nov 9, Nov 22 & Nov 23 [Register]
Gizmos are interactive online simulations and case studies for math and science that power inquiry and understanding through hands-on learning and experimentation. With more than 450 Gizmos covering STEM topics for grades 3-12, students can dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts as they form, analyze, and test ideas to find solutions, just like real mathematicians and scientists.  Sign up for your preferred sessions.

 Capturing Student Learning using Digital Portfolios: Intermediate/Middle Focus – Nov 7 [Register]
Digital portfolios are excellent ways for students to show their learning and growth over time! As the way we communicate student learning changes and evolves, digital portfolios are proven to make capturing and sharing student achievements easy, fun and informative.
This session is focused on having intermediate/middle years students use myBlueprint: All About Me to develop their K-12 learning journey portfolio, student-self assessment and student-goal setting.

NEW: Coast Metro K-8 Number Sense Series – Nov 9, Nov 23, and Dec 7 [Register]
Join Marian Small for a three-part professional development series on Numeracy.  In this series, Marian will present classroom teachers with specific ideas and strategies for teaching number sense for grades K to 8.  The concepts and ideas introduced will also be linked directly to Marian’s book entitled, “Making Math Meaningful.”

 Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – January 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.

Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, October 21


2022 Professional Development Day – Oct 21 (more info)
Join us on October 21st for our in person Professional Development Day at the Greater Vancouver Zoo!
Bring your curiosity to life and enjoy a day learning about conservation and the wild world of animals.
We have activities available for registration while spaces last, as well an educational open house.
Having a hard time trying to engage or interest your students in the lesson on organs or adaptations?
Stop by our open house to get some inspiration for classroom activities and to chat with some of our education staff! Open house available from 10am – 2pm.

Join us for Future Ready 2022 on November 16, 2022 – the myBlueprint Conference (register)
Save the Date! myBlueprint is proud to announce Future Ready 2022 – the myBlueprint Conference! Future Ready 2022 is where myBlueprint will share the latest and greatest of what we’re working on to better serve you. We’ll have workshops led by career education experts, deep dives into new product releases, and even amazing prizes! Enter our EARLY BIRD draw for a $100 Amazon Gift Card.

IT4K12 Conference – Nov 17 &18, 2022 (register)
Get inspired by Time’s First-ever Kid of the Year. Keynote speaker: Gitanjali Rao.
Educators play a key role in supporting the leaders of tomorrow. This remarkable young innovator and inventor will share her journey and passion for using science and technology for social change.

Humanitarian Education Teacher Training for BC Teachers – Nov 26, 2022 (more info)
The Canadian Red Cross is offering a professional development opportunity for BC high school teachers by the 2022 British Columbia Humanitarian Education Teacher Training. This training, organized by the Canadian Red Cross, is free and will likely have wide teacher appeal given the links between Humanitarian Education and global issues impacting many students across the province. The supplied toolkit comes equipped with prepared lesson plans. Teacher facilitators from BC will be delivering the training along with delegates from the Red Cross.


The National Arts Centre in Ottawa has programs for schools across Canada
The NAC has been working on creating educational content for schools, both in-person and virtual, including many FREE resources for teachers and students.
There are several free videos-on-demand accompanied by pedagogical tools such as Reggae Roots or Autorickshaw (also accompanied by a Student Q&A and Teacher Workshop). They offer many virtual workshops in English and French, as well as multiple free arts resources. Furthermore, in some provinces they offer in-person workshops, and would be open to expanding our roster of such programs in other provinces.

Burnaby Village Museum 2022/2023 School Program Flyer (more info)
Burnaby Village Museum is pleased to offer a variety of hands-on curriculum-connected programs for K-12 students. See the attached 2022/2023 School Programs flyer for more details, or visit our website:


New! 2021 Census Education Toolkits (more info)
As we continue to release data from the 2021 Census, we would like to share the news about two new products that might be of interest to you.
Statistics Canada has just released the 2021 Census Secondary Classroom Kit and 2021 Census Postsecondary Research Kit in time for the 2022–2023 academic year. These user-friendly toolkits are designed for use in secondary-school classrooms focused on civics or geography, and by CEGEP, college and university students looking to use census data in their research.
As more and more data sources are competing for students’ attention, the need for credible, trustworthy information is more vital than ever. That is why we are committed to fostering statistical literacy and building the next generation of census users.

November is Financial Literacy Month
With November being Financial Literacy Month in Canada, we felt it would be great to get an early start supporting Financial Literacy with SD35. Langley Schools’ October myBlueprint Monthly Objectives Newsletters for K-6/7 and 7-12.
K-7 October 2022 Monthly Objectives Newsletter on Financial Literacy
7-12 October 2022 Monthly Objectives Newsletter on Financial Literacy and Scholarships

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891