In the Loop – October 27, 2022

October 27, 2022



Free Indigenous Realities Livestream for Grades 6-8 – Nov 30, 2022 12PM EST (more info)
REEL CANADA invites Grade 6 to 8 teachers who would like to participate in the upcoming RCtv Indigenous Realities Livestream. This national webcast will showcase five thought-provoking short films by Indigenous artists in Canada, and a discussion of Indigenous realities, Canada’s Indian residential school system, and what reconciliation means. Complete with lesson plans and teacher resources, the livestream will feature an insightful conversation with an award-winning filmmaker, and questions from students across the country. Best of all, it’s entirely free of charge.

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Well Played: Math Games that Build Number Sense and Computational Fluency – with Deanna Lightbody [On-Demand Learning Feature]
Incorporating math games into your classroom is a “win-win” opportunity for you and your students. Playing math games can deepen conceptual understanding, encourage problem solving, and help develop mathematical reasoning. Games can provide meaningful practice that is needed to develop computational fluency. And…games can be motivating and engaging as they encourage positive social interactions and can boost self-esteem.
Participants in this session will learn how to play “Evergreen Games” that are easy to teach and follow the same rules no matter what concept is being addressed. You will receive digital copies of all the games and templates to create your own no matter what grade(s) you teach.

Make Science and Math come Alive with Gizmos – Nov 2, 8, 9, 22 & 23 [Register]
Gizmos are interactive online simulations and case studies for math and science that power inquiry and understanding through hands-on learning and experimentation. With more than 450 Gizmos covering STEM topics for grades 3-12, students can dig deeper into subjects and really understand challenging concepts as they form, analyze, and test ideas to find solutions, just like real mathematicians and scientists.  Sign up for your preferred sessions. Introduction to Gizmos Promotional Video (YouTube)

Capturing Student Learning using Digital Portfolios: Intermediate/Middle Focus – Nov 7 [Register]
Digital portfolios are excellent ways for students to show their learning and growth over time! As the way we communicate student learning changes and evolves, digital portfolios are proven to make capturing and sharing student achievements easy, fun and informative.
This session is focused on having intermediate/middle years students use myBlueprint: All About Me to develop their K-12 learning journey portfolio, student-self assessment and student-goal setting.

Coast Metro K-8 Number Sense Series – Nov 9, Nov 23 and Dec 7 [Register]
Join Marian Small for a three-part professional development series on Numeracy.  In this series, Marian will present classroom teachers with specific ideas and strategies for teaching number sense for grades K to 8.  The concepts and ideas introduced will also be linked directly to Marian’s book entitled, “Making Math Meaningful.”

 Supporting Grieving and Bereaved Students – January 24 [Register]
The Child and Youth Bereavement team from the Langley Hospice Society will guide us through a presentation that will explore how children experience and express grief, how grief may vary between different ages and developmental stages, and how teachers and other school staff can provide support to children who have experienced the death of someone significant in their life.


SFU Graduate Studies Opportunity – Teaching for Equity and Social Justice (more info)
This Graduate Diploma in Advanced Professional Studies in Education (GDE) provides educators the
opportunity to deepen their pedagogical understanding of identity, belonging, social justice and equity while engaging in sustained reflective inquiry. Applications due Nov 7, 2022.


STEM Workshop For High School Students – Nov 17, 2022 (more info)
UBC is co-organizing a STEM education day for high school students, which will be held in conjunction with the IBM WeaveSphere conference ( on November 17. The event will include talks highlighting the advances in STEM and opportunities in STEM education for high school students (i.e. scholarships, programs, and resources). It will be fully accessible online and costs only $25 per school. 

Connect your students virtually to the salmon rainforest with Regional Parks (more info)
$40 – for Grades 2/3 – Presented by Metro Vancouver Regional Parks
Salmon make a forest healthy. Join us to explore the extraordinary life cycle of salmon, and learn more about how they provide food for the forest and more than 100 animal species, including us. This virtual field trip (via Zoom) includes a brief technology check, a 35-minute interactive presentation by a park interpreter, followed by a 10-15 min questions and answer period. Availability Nov 22 to 24 and Nov 29 to Dec 1, 2022 (space is limited) Sign up here.

Don’t miss “Taking Action with Social Media Literacy.” (Register)
WE. Global Classroom – Empower your students to read between the social media lines. WATCH LIVE OR ON-DEMAND WITH YOUR CLASS – NOV 16TH | 1 P.M. ET / 10 A.M. PT
Highlights include:

  • Understanding the impact of fake news on personal well-being and on society as a whole
  • Learning the forms fake news can take and the various motivations behind it
  • Equipping yourself with tools and techniques to identify and report fake news and protect yourself online

Invitation to Participate in SunSense Program (more info)
SunSense is a Canadian Cancer Society program that supports elementary schools to create sun-safe environments to reduce the risk of skin cancer. The program uses a multi-component approach to UVR protection including education, policy development and shade.
BC Cancer Prevention is currently recruiting elementary schools to become SunSense Certified. This opportunity would provide awareness to parents, staff and students of the importance of sun safety and best measures to take for preventing skin cancer. Register your schoold to be a SunSense school today and your school will have access to free tools and resources to complete the SunSense Actions! Each cmpleted action earns your school points towards becoming a SunSense Certified school.

CyberStart Canada – Free Cybersecurity Learning Opportunity for Youth (more info)
CyberStart Canada is Rogers Cybersecure Catalyst’s new (and free!) youth-focused learning experience that seeks to increase cyber knowledge and safety among high school girls and close the gender gap in cybersecurity. On September 6, 2022, registration opened to Canada’s first offering of CyberStart game to girls and non-binary students aged 13-18 in Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario.
Students can start playing at ANY TIME! Clubs are not required, supervisors are not required. Students can sign up on their own and start learning TODAY!  Educators and community organizers can sign up as well and check out the CyberStart platform, and solve 200+ cybersecurity puzzles and challenges alongside their students.


Fall & Winter Webinar Offerings: (more info)
With each webinar you attend, you’ll expand your myBlueprint knowledge, and leave with actionable next steps and resources to support your students.

  • All About Me Webinar Topics: (to register)
    Your First Class with All About Me
    Harnessing the Power of School-Wide Implementation
  • Education Planner Webinar Topics: (to register)
    Your First Class with Education Planner
    Harnessing the Power of School-Wide Implementation
    Discovering Future Pathway Possibilities
    Implementing Subject-Specific Portfolios
    Goal Setting for Student Success
    Supporting Middle Years Learners with Education Planner
    Preparing for Course Selection
    Completing Course Selection

3 easy ways to get started with myBlueprint this school year: (more info)

Did you know that Parents can create their own MyBlueprint account to access their child’s account?
Check out the Langley School District Educational Technology Support page to learn how –

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4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891