In the Loop – September 7, 2023

September 7, 2023



Indigenous Learning Opportunities 

The Outdoor Learning Store is offering a number of Indigenous Learning Opportunities for educators this fall:

  • 4 Seasons of Indigenous Learning – October 2023 to June 2024
    • This is a ten-month, ten-part personal learning journey toward Truth and Reconciliation open to all educators that includes individual learning modules as well as an opportunity for participants to hear from an incredible group of Indigenous leaders, educators and elders.  See the link below for more details and to register:

To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Balanced Literacy Guide Overview with Shelley Hegedus & Jiwan Malcolm | On-Demand Learning Feature
This video is an introduction to the Balanced Literacy Guide. The session describes the components of a balanced literacy framework for teaching and suggests ways to explore the guide once it arrives in schools in October.

myBlueprint: Making the Transition from All About Me to Spaces EDU | Sept 16 & Sept 26 |  Register
With All About Me being decommissioned as of September 2023, K to grade 7 teachers are invited to come and learn about how to use the new myBlueprint platform: Spaces EDU. Participants will learn how to create individual spaces, document student learning, label artifacts with curriculum tags and how to easily meet the new Ministry reporting order in Core Competency Reflections and Goal Setting. Participants should bring a charged laptop. Both dates will have the same session content. Only sign up for one.


Outdoor Learning Virtual Workshop Series | More info
The Outdoor Learning Store is offering a series of free, virtual Workshops throughout the fall to share ideas and inspiration for how to incorporate outdoor learning opportunities for students into your classroom. Workshops start at 4 pm and are 60 minutes long but will also be recorded and available for viewing later for those who sign up but cannot attend the session live. To sign up, go to

Virtual Historical Thinking Institute – Online Professional Development for Teachers | More info | Register
Teaching History or Social Studies this year?  Connect with educators from throughout Canada for an engaging professional development series that will:
– Deepen your understanding of historical thinking
– Provide you with new ideas and inspiration for designing effective lessons, activities, or resources
– Help you incorporate more inquiry-based learning into your work
– Provide you with confidence to take your teaching to the next level!
This 7 session series is being offered for $175 plus GST. The first session starts September 20th.


Fraser River Discovery Centre | Grade 3-12 | More info | Flyer
The Fraser River Discovery Centre’s River Champions outreach program is available to book for the 2023/2024 school year! River Champions seeks to help students understand how climate change affects flooding along the Fraser River basin. FRDC educators will travel to your school to help students understand how climate change affects the Fraser River basin. The cost for this program is $100.00 + GST, regardless of how many days an educator wishes to book.
This program gives students the chance to explore the basics of river processes and flood causes. Students will have the chance to test out infrastructure planning skills by exploring the effectiveness of various flood protection methods on an Emriver Em2 stream table model. Students will also work together to design a map of a community that lives along a floodplain.

Museum of Vancouver In-Person School Brochures 2023/2024 | Ideal for K-7 | In Person | Virtual
As a learning resource for our community, the Museum of Vancouver (MOV) offers a range of enriching educational experiences connected to the BC provincial curriculum. Students of all needs and ages have a chance to engage through hands-on programming and inquiry-based learning.
In the heading there are links to the English brochures, in-person and online. All of the programs are also available in French. (For those requiring/interested in the French brochures, please email Jelena Beokovic at

Museum of Anthropology at UBC | Brochure | More info
The Museum of Anthropology offers unique school programs, which support and enhance BC curriculum objectives, for elementary and secondary students to learn about world cultures and become exposed to new ideas, new cultures and new experiences. For more information please see the links to the brochure and website to the Live Digital program offerings and Teaching kits for the 2023/2024 school year.

BC Hydro Power Smart website | Create an account | Contact:
As of August 21, 2023 BC Hydro Power Smart for Schools has made a change in that educators will need an account to access all activities and lessons. Creating an account only takes a minute, and will provide unlimited access to free, B.C. curriculum-aligned resources and a personalized experience which allows educators to save favourite activities and lessons.

Big Brothers Big Sisters Langley 50th Anniversary | Email | RSVP
Join us for an afternoon of reflection as Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley enters our 50th year serving the Langley community! Snacks and refreshments will be provided while we hear stories from past and present board members, volunteers, and staff.
When: Saturday, September 9th, 2023 | 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Where: George Preston Recreation Center 20699 42 Ave, Langley Twp, BC

MineralsEd Connections Fall 2023 | More info
As we embrace the fall season, MineralsEd is thrilled to unveil our latest offerings for the 2023- 2024 academic year.
Exciting news! MineralsEd is venturing north to Smithers, BC for the October Provincial Pro-D Day! We’re pleased to bring back the ever-popular Natural Resources Harbour Cruise and introduce the all-new field trip to the Bear Mountain Gold Mine near Harrison Hot Springs. Our commitment to supporting your classroom continues with an array of resources, including virtual and in-class student workshops, field trip subsidies, and free online materials. Throughout the year, we’re here to bolster your Earth Science, mineral resources, and mining units.


New Memory Project video: Chinese Canadians in WWII | Video
On August 15, 1945, Imperial Japan surrendered, bringing WWII to an end; Victory over Japan (V-J) Day, was declared. This year, in honour of the end of the war, the Memory Project presents a new video, which looks at the role of Chinese Canadians in both the Pacific and European theatres of war. This project uses real testimonies from Chinese Canadian veterans describing their experiences and the special importance of their service fighting the Axis during the bloodiest war in human history.
The Memory Project Speaker Bureau volunteer veteran and Canadian Armed Forces members speakers have served during times of war and peace and their stories help bring history to life. Book a speaker here. Deadline to book a speaker for Remembrance Day is Oct 3, 2023.

Media Literacy Week – October 23-27, 2023 | More info
Media Smarts, Canada’s Centre for Digital Media Literacy, has released a series of new resources for teachers for Media Literacy Week, October 23-27, 2023.
Two new printable activity sheets:
1. A Princess Story (ages 7-12): This activity helps kids recognize and ask questions about gender stereotypes.
2. Just a Joke? (ages 8-13): In this activity, kids learn how emojis can be used to show people how they feel when communicating online.
A new plug and play video lesson:
1.Thinking About Hate (grades 8-10): In this brand new plug and play video lesson, led by Matthew Johnson, MediaSmarts’ Director of Education, students learn to recognize various types of bad faith arguments, including those that are used to spread misinformation and fuel hatred and intolerance.
Visit the Teachers’ Hub for more lessons, games and activities to use for each day of Media Literacy Week from K-12.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891