Outdoor Learning – Connecting to Place

Exploring Outdoor Learning Opportunities @LangleySchools

The health and learning benefits of outdoor learning are being realized in BC schools via a variety of options:  outdoor schools, outdoor programs within schools, specific projects and/or courses. However, what does outdoor learning look like for K to 12 classroom teachers within traditional schools and structures? 

In addition to our District’s Outdoor Learning Launch featuring keynote speaker, Angela Hanscom (author of “Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children”) on October 25th at  BSS, Langley has created an online OneNote support document called CONNECTED TO PLACE: EXPLORING OUTDOOR LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES intended to support mainstream classroom teachers in effectively incorporating outdoor learning opportunities for their students by: 

  • outlining a continuum of ‘nature pedagogy’; 
  • providing curated professional learning resources relevant to outdoor learning; 
  • and offering lesson ideas for a variety of contexts. 


Continuum of ‘Nature Pedagogy’

Moving Learning OutsideEnvironment as Teacher Environmental Stewardship 
Identify personal and community values and beliefs systems with respect to the environment;

Develop an environmental ethic by assessing and aligning values and actions.

Students’ learning is moved from inside to outside to access the psychological and physical benefits of natural spaces.


Students develop an appreciation for the natural world by reflecting on the impact of being in natural spaces.

Students purposefully interact with environment to develop curricular and core competencies.


Students consider the complexity and interrelatedness of natural and human systems.

Students assess the environmental impact of their decisions and actions.


Students act as environmental stewards, accepting responsibility for a sustainable lifestyle that respects the environment.

Outdoor learning integrates core competencies and indigenous principles of learning by emphasising connectedness and personal and social responsibility.



Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891