I.D.E.A. Summit

On Tuesday, May 6, 2025, the Langley School District is excited to celebrate Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, and Altruism! The event will take place at the Langley Events Centre (Building B- Field House).

This is the 5th year of the I.D.E.A. Summit, and it is BIGGER and BETTER than before!  The Summit is a Celebration of Learning and is designed much like a Fair; each booth is run by an individual or team of students showcasing a passion project, business plan (and product), or innovative idea on making a POSITIVE change in this world! The students hosting these booths range from grades 4-12.

It will be an exciting day providing an opportunity to learn, participate, and be inspired by the hard work of these students.  For students, it is a PROUD moment where they get to share their project’s journey and achievements.

IDEA Summit Vision

Check out the videos below to learn more about the I.D.E.A. Summit:

The first video is from the 2024 I.D.E.A. Summit and is broken into 3 distinct sections showing students the different roles that a student can participate in during the I.D.E.A. Summit – Student Showcaser; Student Visitor; and Student Volunteer.  This is a great video to help students understand what each of these roles looks like on I.D.E.A. Summit Day!

This second video is from the 2023 I.D.E.A. Summit and gives a great overview of the event and all of the excitement and energy that makes up the annual I.D.E.A. Summit.


Information for Teachers:

There are two ways students can engage in the 2025 IDEA Summit:
As a student showcasing products:
  • Individual students would be nominated by their school & district staff to sell their products in the Market Showcase.
As a student visitor:
  • Classroom teachers can bring their class to visit the IDEA Summit Market Showcase to purchase products, or do a variety of ADST design challenges.
  • Prior to arriving, classroom teachers can give the Curiosity Quest (Scavenger Hunt) to students so they can search and find answers to clues at the Market Showcase. Students who complete the quest will be eligible for a prize.

More Information Coming Soon!

Information for Parents:

Schools have all been invited to nominate students to Showcase their learning.  In addition, schools have been invited to bring students in grades 1-8 to visit the IDEA Summit.  If your child has been selected to Showcase at the Summit, please ensure their registration form is completed and submitted with your email address.  Information will come out via email.

Schedule of events

On Tuesday, May 6th the Langley School District is excited to celebrate Innovation, Design, Entrepreneurship, and Altruism! The event will take place at the Langley Events Centre (Building B- Fieldhouse).

There are four components to the day:


Thinkology & Design Challenges
Showcase Pitches & Results Ceremony:
9:15 am – 1:00 pm
9:15 am – 1:00 pm
8:30 am – 1:20 pm
1:30 pm- 3:00 pm
Students showcase and sell their products in a marketplace environment.
Interested K-12 student visitors can engage in a variety of design challenges.
Five students will be chosen from the Showcase to provide their best pitch for a product/service.
Final ceremony for Pitches and Awards.
Please note –  The venue will be closed for lunch 11:20-12:00


The Langley School District is extremely thankful to the Langley School District Foundation for their ongoing support of the I.D.E.A. Summit!  As well, we are also thankful to all of our other external partners through the Foundation, who without their support, the I.D.E.A. Summit would not be possible.



Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891