Guiding Questions for Planning with the BC Curriculum
There are several things to consider as you plan learning experiences based on the BC curriculum. You may find these questions help you to be more explicit about your thinking processes. Being explicit in your design thinking makes it easier for you to share your ideas with other teachers and with parents.
You don’t need to follow this structure in a linear way, pick any of these questions and let your creative juices flow! Your thinking will evolve as you map out your ideas and make explicit connections to the BC curriculum.
Subject/Course and Grade _________________________
Rationale and Instructional Approach
Write a short paragraph that provides a high-level description of what you want your students to learn.
- How will this learning experience support an inquiry, problem-solving, or project-based approach to learning?
- What will students know, do, and understand as a result of this learning experience?
Learning Standards (Curricular Competencies and Content)
Think about the knowledge, skills, and processes you want students to develop through this learning experience. Remember that the curricular competencies and content should be assessed throughout the lesson, so choose just 2-3 learning standards.
- Explain how the content and curricular competencies will be used as a vehicle for developing a deeper understanding of the Big Idea(s).
Core Competencies
Your learning experience provides opportunities for students to develop the core competencies of Communication, Thinking, and Personal and Social Awareness.
- Think about the nature of the activities that you’re planning and choose 1-2 core competency facets that you can assess.
First Peoples content, worldviews, and principles of learning
Learning experiences should promote knowledge and understanding of First Peoples’ content, principles, and worldviews.
- In what ways will this learning experience align with the First Peoples’ Principles of Learning?
Choice and Flexibility
When planning your lesson, provide some degree of choice for your students. Describe how the learning experience will:
- provide opportunities for multiple entry points for students?
- provide choice for teachers and students
- lend itself to differentiated learning?
- lend itself to multi-age learning environments?
- lend itself to adaptation for other grade levels?
Interdisciplinary Connections
The BC curriculum provides many opportunities for teachers to develop learning experiences that connect across different subject areas.
- How does the learning experience of content, concepts, and transferrable skills relate to other areas of learning and support inter-disciplinary connections?
Your learning experience should provide many opportunities to question and coach your students throughout the lesson.
- How will you use assessment throughout the lesson?
- What evidence of student learning will you gather?
- Describe how will you adjust your assessment methodologies for diverse learners?
Self-reflective practice is a critical component in teaching. Take the time to reflect on your successes and challenges.
- What parts of this learning experience were most successful and least successful, and why?
- What elements would be altered for next time, and how?
- What advice might be offered to teachers who would like to implement this learning experience?
Planning Templates
Inquiry Question Template