Review and Assessment

A comprehensive and deliberate review of vocabulary, key content-area concepts, and clear language standards will enable ELL students to demonstrate mastery. Expecting students with a limited vocabulary to perform well without intentional support or “sheltered instruction” will undoubtedly guarantee frustration and failure.

  • Provide comprehensive review of key vocabulary
    • teach, review, assess, teach….; use word study books, content word walls, etc.
  • Supply comprehensive review of key content concepts
    • review content directly related to objectives throughout lesson; use graphic organizers as a review
  • Regularly give feedback to students on their output
    • clarify, discuss, correct responses
  • Conduct assessment of student comprehension and learning
    • use a variety of quick/mini-reviews: thumbs-up/down, numbered wheels, small dry-erase boards, 5-finger show, include self-assessment
  • Activities

    • Check My Work – the teacher writes a list of review statements or facts on a transparency. The sentences include incorrect information much like a mad lib. For example, “Sponge Bob was the first president of the United States, and was elected in 1997.” Students point out the mistakes and say fill in the correct information for the class.
    • Concept Puzzle—Great activity for vocabulary and definitions. Write a vocabulary word on a card and then the definition on another card. Divide students into groups and give each group a set of the cards. Have them match the cards together. Call a time and have 1 person run to other groups to “spy” on other tables. That person goes to other tables to look over their answers and then comes back to report to his/her group. Each group can share and report out to the whole group
    • Find a Person Who Knows – students are given review sheets with as many questions as there are students in the class. Students move around the room finding someone who knows an answer. Students can receive only one answer from each person.
    • Pyramid Game – Major facts and concepts from a unit are written on 6 papers which are taped to the wall in a pyramid shape face down. First students form pairs to play the first round of pyramid. One student (Clue Giver) is given a review sheet and one minute to see how many of the vocabulary terms or concept the Clue Receiver can accurately name. Play continues with the Giver and Receiver changing roles and passing the review sheet. After several rounds, the two players with the highest scores move to the final round. The Clue Caller faces the wall with the pyramid-shaped pages on it. The Clue Receiver faces the classroom. The teacher begins play by turning over the bottom left-hand card. The Caller gives clues and the Receiver guesses. After a correct answer, the teacher turns over the next page and play continues until all pages have been revealed or time runs out.
    • Round Robin White Board – Have students sit in small groups. Give each group a whiteboard (or sheet of chart paper.) Each student will write down one thing that was learned from the lesson. They pass the whiteboard around and each person continues to write. The group shares out with the class.
    • Simultaneous Roundtable – students help each other review by writing their team number on a paper that is passed from one student to the next. Each student adds a fact about a given concept then passes it on to the next writer. Teams are given a short time frame to complete the task i.e. 2 minutes.
    • Table Discussion Groups – students discuss the answer to questions similar to those that will be on the assessment.
    • Word Chain – This is an activity for summarizing. Write one word that was used in that day’s lesson, then pass it to your neighbour and they will write another word- –however their word has to start with the last letter of your word. Ex. SIOP, Procedures, Schema

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