Edition 2020/06/19 In the Loop

June 19, 2020

Free Message Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on ...Today is our final “In the Loop” for the school year.

A SPECIAL Video MESSAGE TO ALL LANGLEY EDUCATORS from Dawne Tomlinson, Director of Instruction.



In honor of Pride Month, click here for some great recommendations for books with LGBTQ content, written for children and teens.

Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Their program emphasizes social justice and anti-bias.

How the Youth-Serving Sector is Coping with the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 crisis is disproportionately affecting people that are precariously housed, homeless, and/or lack access to hygiene and space for physical distancing. For young people, access to stable housing and supports to cope during and after the crisis are essential. Meeting basic needs, navigating the housing and income support systems, staying connected to education/training, and receiving mental health supports are ongoing priorities for youth that are made all the more vital and difficult during this national state of emergency in Canada. Click here for more information.

Tamarack Instituteran a photo contest aimed at engaging Canadian youthunder the age of 30. They asked for photo submissions that answered the question what will your community look like in 10 years? See the submissions here. 

The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) is Canada’s public film producer and distributor. It’s a source of social-issue documentaries, animation, and digital content from a unique Canadian perspective. Until the end of June, NFB is offering free online learning resources for parents and teachers.

Kids in Control
We’re excited to share another video in our Kids in Control ‘Caring For You’ video series: What is Mental Illness? – In this video, we answer some of the common questions we get asked about mental illness in our Kids in Control groups. When you understand more about something, then it doesn’t seem so scary or confusing.

These videos are designed to help children learn strategies to take care of themselves, covering topics from our Kids in Control groups. They are intended for children ages 8 to 12 who have a family member with mental illness, but they are helpful for other children as well.

Promoting Equity, Inclusion, and Respect
Resources to support our learning and understanding of systemic racism in Canadian schools.

With recent events in the U.S., the EdCan Network expresses our solidarity with the Black community and racialized individuals and acknowledges the damaging impacts of systemic racism and violence. As a national not-for-profit education organization, our mission is to ensure that each and every student thrives in our schools based on the values of equity, inclusion, and respect. As such, we remain committed to learning, listening, and knowledge sharing in support of the well-being of staff and students in our schools and education workplaces.

See below for articles you can read to learn about systemic racism and its impact on black students and educators.



POPEY’s Home & School Learning Menu #11with its special focus on the Thinking Core Competency – is now available on our website. We have also created additional resources for use at home or at school: student self-assessment resources for the Thinking Core Competency.



Summer Bootcamp: Power Up the Possibilities
Save the date: September 1-3, 2020

Do you have a workshop idea that you’d like to host online? We can support you with registration for your digital event! Send us a workshop proposal at thinklangley.com or email us at thinklangley@sd35.bc.ca for more information.



Creating the Future 2021
Please join the highly anticipated 2021 Summer Institute from August 23rd to 25th at the beautiful University of British Columbia. Come together to hear and learn from people who have extensive experience in Inclusive Learning and who are champions in diverse and innovative approaches to facilitating inclusive school environments. Register by April 30th, 2021 to receive $50 off.

Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Sessions
August 25 & 26

These free sessions are for school and district teams interested in starting PBIS and those already implementing PBIS in their district or school. To find out more and to register, please click here.

Bursaries Still Available for BC Teachers: Practice your French this Summer through our UBC Online Summer Intensives in French – All levels welcome
There are still bursaries available for certified BC teachers to attend our Online Summer Intensives in French at UBC Extended Learning. Bursaries cover full cost of the program. Get a taste of France and Quebec from home this summer!

Learn in a virtual classroom with our encouraging and experienced instructors. In the mornings, focus on practical, true-to-life conversation practice in lively real-time classes that blend instruction, feedback, small group and pair work in a positive, energizing atmosphere. On select afternoons, enjoy workshops with special French-speaking guests who bring their unique Francophone cultures and perspectives to class. Choose from Beginner 1 to Intermediate/Advanced levels.

One-week Summer Intensive in French, July 6-10, Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm, Tu/Thu, 1pm-3pm

Two-week Summer Intensive in French, July 6-17, Mon-Fri, 9am-12pm, Tu/Thu, 1pm-3pm

Find out more about our courses, then apply for a bursary. Bursaries are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t delay.



Many of you may know Dr. Ken Pudlas or may have had him as your professor. If you would like an opportunity to send your well wishes or receive an invitation for his end of summer celebration, please click here for more information.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891