In the Loop – September 8, 2022

September 8, 2022


To see our full calendar of offerings, visit

Read. Speak. Champion. Author Speaker Series (virtual) (Registration details coming soon)
Join us as we learn from these diverse Canadian authors! These will be the middle and secondary authors we will be hosting virtually.  Click here to view recorded author sessions from prior years.
Liselle Sambury | 9am-10am | Nov 29th, 2022
Leslie Gentile | 10:40am-11:40am | Feb 28th, 2023
Isabella Wang | 9-10am | Apr 4th, 2023
Jeff Chiba Sterns | 9-10am | May 2nd, 2023

Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series – Gutter Child
with Jael Richardson
[On-Demand Learning Feature]
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students.
To do so, it’s integral that we first listen to and learn from those voices ourselves.
Join Jael Richardson as she talks and reads from her book Gutter Child, a dystopian novel that portrays a frighteningly realistic world where those from the Gutter trade their lives for a societal debt forced onto them by the privileged Mainland.

New! Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series – Leonarda Carranza
October 4 [Register]
As contemporary educators, we have a responsibility to share diverse stories and varied perspectives with our students. The Read. Speak. Champion Virtual Author Series is dedicated to spotlighting Canada’s BIPOC and LGBTQ2IAS+ authors.
Join Leonarda Carranza as she talks about and reads from her book Abuelita and Me, her picture book debut that explores a child navigating racism amid daily errands with her beloved abuelita’s support. Born in El Salvador and currently living in Brampton, Ontario, part of the Treaty Lands and Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Leonarda Carranza has a PhD in Social Justice Education from the University of Toronto and has won multiple writing awards, including Room’s 2018 short forms contest for her piece, “White Spaces Brown Bodies”.

New! Exploring Indigenous Worldviews & Perspectives Through Graphic Novels
September 21 [Register]
This virtual session will introduce the 6 Graphic Novels that have been shared with all Secondary English Departments. These classroom resources have been curated with the new Indigenous Graduation Requirement in mind. Classroom activities, resources, and ideas on how to use the graphic novels will be shared. Teachers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the graphic texts prior to the session, but this is not a requirement to attend.

New! Indigenous Course Learning Community
October 12, November 30, January 18 & March 1 [Register]
This is the second year of this Professional Learning Community, and we are excited to invite returning teachers back, while also extending the invite to any high school teachers interested in being part of this community! This learning group strives to explore curriculum, content and teaching strategies that pertain to Indigenous Studies courses- specifically EFP 10-12, BCFP12 and CIS12. This teacher space will identify needs and specific areas of focus and then meet through the school year to learn with and from one another. Teachers are encouraged to commit to all four sessions. The meetings will occur at REMSS in the Library from 3:30 to 6:00pm. Dinner will be provided; gluten free and vegan options will be available.

NEW! Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten October 21 [Register]
Connecting the Pieces: Pre-K and Kindergarten Conference is our annual conference dedicated to professional development for kindergarten teachers and early childhood educators. Our workshop line-up includes local and internationally recognized experts selected to share their innovative and practical ideas for working with young learners.

 New! Katie White: Standards-Based Assessment Practices October 21 [Register]
In an educational world that is brimming with uncertainty and change, it is hard to know where to focus our attention. We feel pulled in many directions and sorting through the noise sometimes feels impossible. When we think about assessment, it is hard to imagine a paradigm where it could actually be at center of the clarity we are searching for…but it can! Join Katie White and the SD35 Secondary Instructional Services Team as we explore ways individuals can investigate the connection between assessment, curricular competencies, and the decisions we make every day in our classrooms.

Provincial Pro-D Day | Friday, October 21


Embracing Success – Educating Students with Down Syndrome – October 21, 2022 (Register)
The Greater Victoria Down Syndrome Society (GVDSS) is hosting a conference for teachers, education assistants, special education assistants, and other education support staff, providing valuable seminars on a wide range of topics in the area of special education. Location: Sidney, BC Cost: $150

City University Stand Alone Level B Assessment Course (more info)
As of this October, we will be offering this certification program with 4 graduate level quarter credits (TQS approved), which means that if a student is not currently a Cat.6, they could apply the credits toward their PB. The course is on Saturdays and all sessions are synchronous online through Zoom, 9-4pm (breaks and everything of course).


Fraser River Discovery Centre (FRDC)
The FRDC is an interpretive centre located on the New Westminster Quay that presents the stories of the living, working Fraser River and its history. School programs are offered at the centre, online, at your school, or in a kit!

2022 Field to Fork Challenge (more info)
BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation is calling all young cooks! Grade 4-12 BC youth are invited to submit BC grown recipes and cooking videos for the 2022 Field to Fork Challenge now!
Entries close November 9, 2022.

The Sky’s No Limit – Girls Fly Too! Volunteers needed! (more info)
We need your help to inspire female future leaders in STEM, from shop floor to top floor.
Many volunteers are needed for pre-event setup (Sep 26 – 30), main event (Oct 1-2) and post-event teardown/clean-up (Oct 3-7). LOCATION: Abbotsford International Airport

Museum of Anthropology (more info)
The Museum offers engaging in-person and digital school programs for elementary and secondary students to learn about world cultures and encounter new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. During MOA’s school programs, students are introduced to the histories and cultures of Northwest Coast First Peoples in BC through cultural belongings, media, and group-based activities.

The Triumph of Democracy Literary Contest by BC Veterans Commemorative Association – Grades 7-12 (more info)
Students are invited to submit essays (up to 1600 words) on democracy, freedom and remembrance (there are 4 specific writing prompts provided). Two $1000 prizes available. Submission Deadline: Nov 11th, 2022

STOP!  Collaborate and Listen!  “Save – The Other – Plastics” baby!
Did you know… that you can recycle shiny wrappers like granola bar wrappers, fruit snacks, chip bags and even ziplock bags?
The bad news is that they cannot yet be placed into our regular recycling at this time, so most of these types of plastics end up in the garbage and in landfills.
The good news is that YOU (and your class) can do something about this! To learn more, please email Karyn Howieson at: There will be a Teams meeting on Monday Sept. 19th at 3:30pm to explain the details of the program if you’re interested in beginning this initiative in your classroom or at your school.

Fostering Science Mentorship Program (more info)
Youth in/from care or from refugee families in grades 8-12 interested in exploring science. Application Deadline Sep 30, 2022.

International Coastal Cleanup Day 2022 (more info)
International Coastal Cleanup Day is happening Saturday, September 17, and we are inviting people from across the country to help recover litter from shorelines, parks, and all natural places in their communities.


Power Smart for Schools (more info)
Teachers and students love our free educational resources. Carefully aligned with the B.C. curriculum, many include worksheets or videos to engage your whole class.

Curio – (teacher resource) CBC and Radio Canada curated videos and resources for educators! Click here to get started.
Recommended: Curated multimedia materials around themes such as “Freedom of the Press,” “Indigenous Governance,” “Artificial Intelligence” and “Active & Healthy Living for Youth.” Please note that teachers are responsible for evaluating any learning resources they use for their specific contexts and learning goals (click here for learning resource evaluation support).

Campus NFL (National Film Board) – (teacher resource) A portal to expanded NFB educational films, interactive productions and teaching tools. Click here to get started.
Recommended: Educational playlists with curated selections of films on themes such as Diversity & Inclusion, Indigenous Voices & Reconciliation, and Mental Health & Well Being. Many playlists include study guides. Please note that teachers are responsible for evaluating any learning resources they use for their specific contexts and learning goals (click here for learning resource evaluation support).



Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891