Edition 2019/09/06 In The Loop

September 6, 2019

Click HERE for more information on Exploring the Core Competencies.


New to Teaching Primary in Langley?
Click HERE for a new resource to help you with your planning! The resource contains clickable links to resources and other valuable information about how we approach primary teaching in Langley.

Books to Support Outdoor Learning & Inquiry:
Outdoor Learning Resources

New Indigenous Education Resources
New Indigenous Education Resources from the Ministry of Education 

Kindergarten Digital Learning 
Stacey Bernier is a Digital Literacy Coach for the Langley School District. His job is to help teachers use digital tools. His work this year is in the ACSS Family of Schools. His go-to app is Explain Everything, used for assignments across different age groups all the way through middle school (K-8). To learn more about his resources, please click here.

Attn: Science Teachers
The District Learning Commons (DLC) has DVDs (many with teacher guides included) just waiting for you to borrow. Click here for a list of titles and a summary of their contents. You can also borrow Eco-Kits (click here for list) and a human skeleton from the Langley Environmental Partners Society.

DLC items can be booked online and will be sent directly to your school through district mail! Please ask your Teacher Librarian for help with bookings, or email mspreitzer@sd35.bc.ca for assistance.


Building STEAM: Exploring Science, Math, and ADST Connections with Science World
November 5 and 19 [Register]
Explore how design thinking and inquiry-based learning can be used to interconnect Science, Math and ADST. Working in teams, teachers will be paired with Science World educators and members of Langley’s Instructional Services team as they work to co-construct interactive learning experiences for immediate use in the classroom.

MyEDBC | Creating Progress Reports and Quick Reports
Wednesday, November 6 [Register]
Wednesday, November 13 [
During the session, learn how to activate the IEPs, create the Progress Report Template and develop a quick one page report of the IEP goals and objectives for staff members working with the student to refer to.

Online Sexual Health Resource Workshop
November 7, November 20, February 20, or January 20 [Register]
Are you looking for a one-stop shop for guidelines, curriculum links, scope and sequence, multiple resources easily accessed by grade or topic, community clinics, supports for indigenous students, newcomer students, students with differing abilities…… and much, much more? Langley School District’s online Sexual Health Resource Binder provides access to these and many other resources.

Report Card Writing 101
Monday, November 18 [
The time to prepare first term report cards is approaching quickly. At this session we will work together on preparing a template, collecting data, determining descriptors and letter grades, and writing effective report card comments.

Running Record Analysis
Monday, November 18 [Register]
Join us for a more in-depth session on how to analyze a running record using the MSVs (meaning, structure, and visual information) in order to direct your teaching for each student or for a group of students.

November 20, January 15, April 1, May 13 [Register]
Join an innovative learning community of teachers committed to playing with the potential of the redesigned curriculum and exploring different strategies for all learners! In our inquiry teams and as a collective, we will explore the questions: What’s going on for our learners? How do we know? Why does this matter?

Box- Cars and One-Eyed Jacks are coming to Langley! Jan. 7, 2020
Are you looking for engaging and effective ways to help your students gain confidence and competence with key math concepts? Instructional Services is pleased to announce that Box-Cars and One-Eyed Jacks will be presenting K-3 and grades 4-8 math workshops for our district. Come prepared to play math games that incorporate the use of cards, dice, multi-sided dice and new math shakers. Throughout the workshop participants will have the opportunity to play each game, learn how to differentiate the activities and find ways to integrate problem solving strategies and assessment opportunities. For a $20 fee, participants will receive a kit of manipulatives (dice etc.) to take back to their classrooms. Registration and further details will be available on Thinklangley beginning Monday Nov. 4.

See our full calendar of upcoming events and find your fit at thinklangley.com


Engaging All Learners In The Middle Years
This three-part webinar series will be hosted by Dr. Leyton Schnellert with a guest appearance by Shelley Moore, and visual representation by Kristen Weins. For more information, please click here.

Creative Design Contest for Youth!
This exciting contest targets Langley youth, aged 24 and under, and focuses on the impact of substance use and overdose awarenessThis opportunity is a collaborative project between the Langley Child & Youth Mental Health & Substance Use Local Action Team and the Langley Community Overdose Response Community Action Table.  This project will open effective October 15, 2019, and will close on December 6, 2019. During this time, youth are invited to consider the above mentioned topic, and create a project of their choosing which depicts the impact that substance use and the overdose crisis has had on them as individuals, to someone they know, or on society as a whole. Youth are invited to choose any type of creative media they prefer, including poster design (pencil, felt, paint, graphic design, etc.), photography, videography, music, or written (poem, song, short story, etc.).   Please click here for more details. Please click here for Design Contest Toolkit.

2020 Youth Innovation Showcase
Attention, young innovators! The Science Fair Foundation BC is looking
to help you showcase your innovative solutions to industry, academia
and investors at the 2020 Youth Innovation Showcase! If you’re a young
innovator who resides in the province of BC or the Yukon and are
between the ages of 12 to 24, we want to hear from you! Click here for more information.

The National Ballet of Canada – YOU Dance Live Stream
The National Ballet of Canada’s YOU dance introduces students in grades four to six to the world of dance through free workshops and performances.To find out more, click here.

Book a Hero In You Presentation
The BC Sports Hall of Fame’s FREE Hero In You youth education program is designed to inspire your students. Have a BC Sports Hall of Fame Inductee share their story at your school or community center and see rare artifacts, hear real life examples of determination and be inspired! To book a presentation, please click here.

Indoor Wildlife Workshops
With six program topics to choose from, these highly interactive hour-long sessions are a wonderful way to learn about the incredible biodiversity we are blessed with in British Columbia. Program topics include Bats, Bears, Wildlife of BC, Endangered Species, Urban Wildlife, and Salmon of the Pacific. For more workshop information or to book a workshop, please click here.

Instructional Services | #Think35

4875 222 Street, Langley
BC, V3A 3Z7
Phone: 6045347891